Sen. Lisa Murkowski is being targeted by Democrats. Alaska Democrats and voters who fit the liberal modeling are getting text messages urging them to call Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s office and pressure her to vote against the nomination of Kash Patel as the next director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
The text message comes from a burn phone that is not traceable. It tells the recipient that Patel will “focus on partisan politics and let Fentanyl traffickers run wild.”
The group has been identified by Must Read Alaska sleuths as “Building America,” a Democrat political action committee of out Los Angeles, Calif. that supported Kamala Harris for president and is part of a network of dark money organizations.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski is considered a hold-out vote in the Senate Republican majority, and she has not indicated her decision on most of the nominees that require confirmation by the Senate. But she’s likely to be a no vote on Patel, and that’s what the Democrats want to make sure happens, with the help of public pressure. These kinds of text campaigns from Democrats usually revolve around abortion issues, not presidential appointments and certainly it’s new for Democrats to be concerned about fentanyl.
Patel has received a warm response from conservative Republicans, including Sen. Dan Sullivan, who said he had a good introductory meeting with him, as Patel makes the rounds to meet the senators who will vote on him.
Patel “understands the importance of restoring public trust at the FBI. After our conversation today, it’s clear to me that his experience at the NSC, the DNI, and the Pentagon, and as a public defender and DOJ prosecutor make him more than qualified to lead this critically important law enforcement agency. I look forward to working with Kash and the rest of the Trump administration to ensure we rein in violent crime, including in Alaska where the drug cartel presence, fentanyl, and domestic violence remain serious issues,” Sullivan said after meeting with Patel.
The nominee can only afford to lose three votes and it’s unclear if Murkowski and Maine Sen. Susan Collins will be two of them. Murkowski and Collins anchor the far left of the Republican caucus of the Senate.
Well, I don’t have a hold out vote for Lisa. I’m definitely not voting for her again.
Hopefully, we can get together and get rid of this cancer from Alaska.
The murkowski name is nothing that you want to be happy about
AMEN, to that!
Agreed. She is FIRED
Inter web tough guy. Lol.
well said keyboard warrior!
We are all just visitors in gregs world!
Mark, it doesn’t matter if you don’t vote for her again. She’s had 22-yrs in office to do damage and she has until 2028 to do a lot more.
Wayne I think the vaccine is kicking in on her soooo. Who knows.
Uh, no. Wayne is correct.
I’m not worried. Kash will be nominated and he will order that all investigations of Gaetz will be dropped and Gaetz will become AG. What a team: a sensible and servile FBI director will forget about a few drug-induced predilections with underaged girls in the AG’s past and we will finally get the govt we deserve.
Think about maybe this: The nomination of Gaetz was only to get him out of the House, so he couldn’t continue the chaos. A small pr sacrifice.
A vote against Patel is a vote against the voters in Alaska. But she has always votered against what the voters anyway. She is a tumor that needs to be cut out. Please someone start a recall period. I can get 100 signatures in one day. Dennis. Anchorage
That will not happen. You are just another never Trumper get over it.
She’s sort of cheated her way into keeping her seat, via losing the primary and winning by a shady write in campaign and then by pushing dark money into foisting the Ranked Choice Voting b.s. on us. She needs to be exposed and pushed out.
That message is exactly what the FBI has been doing the last 4 years. Are they saying Patel will be status quo? I don’t think so. Still, Murkowski will do as told.
Four years?
Rest in peace Senator Ted Stevens.
What is the reward for being a contrarian on virtually every issue that comes before her for a vote? The FBI is a partisan mess. The outgoing administration has punished Alaska for four years. I think we would be better served if our small congressional delegation pulled together and supported the incoming administration on appointments and relatively minor issues so that when there are major issues impacting Alaska, all three members will have the President’s ear.
Sullivan sounds clueless as usual, the FBI hasn’t been focused on crime for years, since they have been redirected to focus on targeting and suppressing political opponents of the permanent government.
It will be interesting to see if the individuals comprising Trumps’ administration will root out the corruption, get rid of any number of useless federal agencies and bring to justice those in power who abused their authority in dismantling the lawful governance of the country.
Princess Lisa is very aware of the potential threat to her and her puppet masters if Patel is installed as Director and is serious to root out corruption. Unless she is assured it will be business as usual in DC, assume she is a solid no.
I received that same text message this morning, and wondered what nefarious group was behind it. It’s odd that the message came to me, because my political philosophy is in the same mold at Pat Buchanan’s.
In this case, I will not be phoning the honorable Senator Murkowski’s office. She marches to the beat of her own tin drum. And she has not yet followed my recent advice to her by letter, which is to resign from the Senate forthwith.
I got that text yesterday.. Apparently they spam text conservatives as well, what a bunch of dum dums. And then there’s she who shall not be named, God himself would have to intervene for her vote for Kash. How o’l lurki is still a senator here in AK is so crazy it’s almost unbelievable!
Dems are pressuring Lisa because they know she’s their girl. No one really believes that she’ll be able to get over her TDS long enough to vote for any of Trump’s cabinet choices, do they? Lisa need to be gone two election cycles ago. She needs to be Cheneyed. The sooner the better.
That’s funny that Democraps think we give a rats hinny about Murkowski
It would be a colossal political mistake if Lisa votes against Trump’s nominees. Clearly, she’s not the brightest – sharpest tool but I bet she’s leveraging her vote in-favor for something she wants personally, something that benefits her and/or family, something that would feed her narcissism.
I initially was skeptical of this appointment. Research a bit, I learned that Mr. Patel is a former defense attorney and prosecutor. He is most certainly not a careerist Washington, DC bureaucrat. The FBI is very deeply politicized and run by Deep State operatives that constantly advance and cover for one another. The agency does not currently serve Americans. Rather, it exists to serve the interests of the Deep State actors that run it. Mr. Patel has seen a bunch of this behavior and is the right person to clean things up. He should be confirmed. Those that oppose his confirmation are trying to shield the careerists and Deep State reptiles from accountability.
Of course she’ll vote no. Was it ever in doubt?
It’s very much a democrat thing for the privileged white nepo baby to vote against the minority man.
Tale as old as liberal time.
Well said.
Alaska is stuck in a loop. Not ready for prime time. Merry Christmas.
If the democrats don’t want it, IT must be the right thing to do!
I bet “greg” does not want Patel to be confirmed!
I don’t know him. I don’t judge a book by its cover.
Except Matt Gaetz, right Greg?
I read his book.
read? naw that is not something you democrats do. read, comprehend, make an unbiased assumption of the facts!
you folks just go on feelings & purple hair opinions!
I am offended, racist rants, cry, cry, cry!
We are all just visitors in gregs world!
Hilarious, isn’t it? Frightened politicians desperately trying to manipulate low information constituents into pressuring a low IQ senator into voting against a nominee most of them never heard of until now. If a senator is swayed by the uninformed or, rather, misinformed opinions of our average public school educated citizen then that senator completely misunderstands how representative government works. Governance by public outcry isn’t how it works.
PJ, you understand very well. Those you speak of do not. Consequently, the situation you discuss will have a poor outcome.
Not to worry, Murkowski will need no encouragement to vote no on Patel …
Yep. Any pick of Trump should raise a red flag. All but Rubio.
Red flag to who? The swamp dwellers who only care about power? Certainly not to anyone who might actually care about the socialist direction the left has taken us.
Start sharing links to “Government Gangsters” if you want to know more about Kash…movie and the book
I say pivot to Ramaswamy’s Plan B. We only need one federal law enforcement agency. Dismantle and eliminate the FBI entirely. Roll it’s good employees into the US Marshal Service. Senate confirmation is unnecessary for an FBI director that doesn’t exist. Then, just do what the Dems do; make Patel a Whitehouse advisor in constant review of the US Marshal Service.
W Coogan, Or if Kash Patel does not get confirmed, then place him in a FBI position in which he does not have to be confirmed but becomes the Director. Do just like the Deep State did with Biden–made him president even though he was not the real president. There was an oligarchy of sorts operating as the presidency.
Adding the Fraudulent Bullies of Intimidation to the Marshals service is like dumping raw sewage into your fresh water supply
Nancy and I have already invited Kash to our Wrangell home for a short vacation. He will make a fantastic FBI Director. And we want him to investigate why Lisa keeps borrowing money from us and never pays us back. We didn’t think Lisa would turn out to be such a rotten Democrat. Even a normal Democrat has some scruples.
Sometimes Frankie mutters to himself that we spawned a mole for the Democrat Party.
A rat, Nancy. A big effing rat.
Lisa and I already discussed the Patel appointment as FBI Director. So long as Kash promises not to investigate Frankie’s past behavior in banking, and promises not to investigate Lisa’s intermeddling with Alaska’s RCV, Lisa will support Kash.
That’s Lisa position.
Senatorial extortion will get Lisa 10 years in federal joint.
The Murkowski family loves Cash. That’s why I went into banking and later into politics. That’s where the Cash is.
LOL. Can’t wait for the movie to come out about the Alaska Murkowskis. Isn’t there already a sequel on Dumb and Dumber?
Yes. Dumber and Dumbest. Life and times of the Murkowski Family.
Let’s make this latest play backfire and write to Murkowskis’ office urging her to vote for him. How ironic would that be?
Murkowski is a faux Republican and of course the democrats, ‘D’ for demonic, would pressure her, one of their own, to vote against Patel. I would suggest pelting her also with the opposite and sensible – a vote in support of Patel. Not that she will heed any conservative request as she is part and protector of the deep state, whom are worried about the risk to their deviousness that Patel will be.
Thanks for the heads up.I’ll be sure to give her office a call many many times. And when her term is up let’s be sure to organize and get that wench out of office.
Most comments and articles in press fail one fact , Kash Patel worked for the Obama administration for eight years. The man is square as a box of Cheerios.
Let the fireworks began !
Lisa used to despise the FIB for what they did to Ted. Now that they target Orange Hitler, she is good with them. Interesting growth in office. Cheers –
They criticize him what he wrote in his book Government Gangsters, and that he will go after the people that he names. You will notice that they never say that his analysis is wrong. If you haven’t read the book I encourage you to do so. I couldn’t find one thing false about the repeated application of the deep state to target people that aren’t part of their gang and those who think for themselves. Taking out our beloved Ted Stevens is a good example. Although he was later acquitted due to prosecutorial misconduct, the damage was done which was exactly what they wanted.
Robert Mueller lead that charge . Talk about corruption .
Imagine the urgent behind-the-scenes conversations.
Senator’s ideology seems more Democrat than GOP, risking annoyance of newly energized GOP voters.
Alaska’s election system was apparently corrupted beyond repair just to install the Senator.
Donors must get what they paid for.
Inrush of federal money must continue.
Proletarian rumblings about expelling the Senator from the GOP must be quieted.
Greenies, perverts, infanticidalists, mainstream media, lobbyists, Justice Department criminals, must be paid/bribed/kept happy/held accountable
…all of which could make Important People worry that voting against Patel’s appointment might bring enough bad press to dislodge the Senator’s fragile grip on credibility and, more importantly, interrupt the inrush of federal money which Alaska must have to survive.
Kash would be good for America and the people just spoke loudly for Trump.
I’m expecting Lisa to vote against all four, Kash, America, the people and Trump.
Well, of course democrats oppose Patel. They are terrified of losing their Staatssicherheit.
Well, of course they are pulling Murkowski’s strings to vote down the one individual that will investigate the rotten corruption of the Democrat Party and its traitorous allies like Lisa. Kash is the perfect pick because he knows what they have done and has seen the evidence already during Trump’s first term. They are petrified of this man because he will defend the Constitution and enforce the law using actual evidence, not producing cases on lies and made-up fairy tales like the J6 committee and both DOJ & FBI have been using for their lawfare against their political opposition. The TRUTH will come out and Justice will be done. I fully expect Murkowski will vote against him because he will expose her connections to dark money and how she has been blackmailed by the swamp.
And they’re claiming that Patel would “…let fentanyl traffickers run wild.” Really? What a lame message; hell, the traffickers are running wild NOW — and he’s not in office. But I guess the democrats figure that there are enough fools like themselves that would believe that.
Put pressure on Murkowski to vote to confirm Patel, Hegseth and Gabbard.
She’d better vote yes for every single appointment. I also want to see an investigation into her finances, campaign AND personal, and her associations. She’s crooked, I believe,
and needs to be exposed.
Democrats are sure scared of the FBI. Wonder why?
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