Democrats’ palace coup: Reactions from Alaska political leaders on Biden being bumped


Democrats staged their palace coup this weekend, forcing President Biden to sign a letter saying he will not accept the nomination of the Democrats, and that he endorses Vice President Kamala Harris. This, just three and a half years after Biden won more votes than any president in American history, making him arguably the most popular president in history, if the 2020 election was accurate.

Alaska U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan said that Democrats in general have such bad policies that it doesn’t matter who heads the presidential ticket for them — Alaska would lose if Joe Biden, Kamala Harris — or any Democrat — became president in November.

“Regardless of who is on the top of the ticket, the National Democrats and the failed Biden-Harris agenda will still be on the ballot this November,” Sullivan said. “If they win, Alaskans and the rest of America will continue to suffer from their far-left policies that caused crushing inflation, high energy prices, weak national security, open borders with fentanyl flooding into Alaska, and Biden’s unprecedented war on Alaska—with 68 executive orders and actions specifically targeting our state and our working families.”

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who has had a close personal friendship with Biden over decades, was more terse: “I respect President Biden’s decision to act in the best interest of the country by stepping aside in the 2024 presidential election,” was her complete statement.

Rep. Mary Peltola, a Democrat who has tied her apron strings to Biden with glowing endorsements and past testimonials about his “sharpest” mental acuity, offered no statement about Biden dropping or Kamala Harris getting Biden’s endorsement. Peltola will be one of the Alaska delegates to vote during the Democratic National Convention that begins in Chicago on Aug. 19, and she will have to vote as the party tells her.

Kelly Tshibaka, chair of the Trump campaign in Alaska, offered this: “Democrats eliminated Biden not to try and win the Presidential race but to redirect all their donors and campaign efforts to Senate and House races. Biden would have surely cost the Democrats both majorities. Now they have a fighting chance.”

Sen. Mike Lee of Utah noted that Vice President Harris “didn’t accomplish this alone, by any means. She had help from the mainstream news media. She had help from people close to President Biden, including the White House staff.”

Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee said, “Finally, Joe Biden has realized what the rest of the American people and even his own party already knew—he is not only the wrong leader for America, but is wholly incapable of doing the job of President of the United States. But he didn’t go far enough. If Joe Biden is too weak to stay in the race for the presidency, he should RESIGN as our Commander-in-Chief immediately.”

Former Hawaii Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard said, “Biden’s out, Kamala is in. Don’t be fooled: policies won’t change. Just like Biden wasn’t the one calling the shots, Kamala Harris won’t be either. She is the new figurehead for the deep state and the maidservant of Hillary Clinton, queen of the cabal of warmongers. They will continue their efforts to engulf the world in war and taking away our liberty.”

Alaska Democrats simply posted Biden’s letter declaring he is not going to be able to accept the party’s nomination on the party’s social media account, without comment. Two days earlier, the party had said it is backing Biden. The bumping of Biden will send delegates to the national convention scrambling, if other candidates jump in. Alaska Democratic Party is operated by the more Bernie Sanders end of the political scale.

Alaska Republican Party Chairwoman Carmela Warfield, published a statement:


  1. Small-dollar donors raise over $27.5 million on ActBlue in the first 5 hours of Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign. From the posts on Truth Social it seems Trump is terrified of upcoming matchups. Thank God the Dem’s have such a deep bench. At least 10 of them would make great opponents against the old man.

  2. Most votes ever, what a batch of horse crap, the 2020 was a fraud, theft out and out,I will never be convinced otherwise. As for my contempt for Fat Franks brat their is not enough room in this forum.

  3. Is Biden even aware of today’s written statement?
    Did he write that statement or, the “Deep State?”
    Is Biden even alive, has anyone seen him post statement?

    I believe the Dems have ‘known’ they have had a really big problem for a long while with the integrity – durability – functionality – competency with Joe, and no longer keep it secret from the US Citizens. Given the surge in Patriotism, gravitating ‘bigly’ to Team Trump-Vance, the Dems acted on the opportunity, forging today’s written statement, offering Joe-Jill-Hunter and the rest of Crime Family absolution. Remember, the Elites have mounds of circumstantial evidence that would completely bury the Biden’s.

    As for AK907 “Team Traitors” … both Mary and Lisa need to go away before some creative individual can create and supplant circumstantial evidence that could potentially bury either of them. Surely, there some dirt somewhere that can be leveraged?


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