Democrats open their trapping season on Begich, who spent countless hours with Alaskans this week


If it’s a Democrat town hall set up for a Republican this year, it’s definitely a trap. And the mainstream media will be playing along as if everything’s normal.

While Congressman Nick Begich and Sen. Dan Sullivan have crisscrossed the state, meeting with thousands of Alaskans this past week of time in their home state, the Democrat-aligned 907 Initiative, an Anchorage Daily News alumnus, and Democratic Party operatives from out of state are crafting a narrative of absence.

The Democrats have been setting up fake town hall meetings on their own without consulting the lawmakers, and using those town halls as attack-and-video events. No lawmaker in their right mind would show up at such a staged action, designed to capture video for future attack ads.

In general, Alaska Democrats are Big Mad that Begich and Sullivan aren’t walking into their partisan quicksand. They’re pulling in reporters to tell their side of the story.

Across the country this is being repeated. The Democratic Party and its dark-money lookalikes have been setting these traps as part of the party’s national strategy to use the time members are spending in their districts to set up Republicans and Republicans only. (Note: They have not used the same tactic on Sen. Lisa Murkowski, a Republican who is elected with the help of Democrat voters and who has gotten a pass from the Democrats.)

“Yesterday, more than 600 Alaskans flooded the Wilda Marston Theater at the Loussac Library in Anchorage to call out Sen. Dan
Sullivan and Rep. Nick Begich for hiding from their constituents in the face of devistating [sic] cuts to federal services,” the 907 Initiative reported in its press release from Democrat operative Aubrey Wieber, formerly a reporter with the Anchorage Daily News.

Begich spent the past two congressional recesses on the ground across Alaska, from Fairbanks to Juneau, meeting with countless Alaskans, local leaders, and community organizations.

His week this time began at the March Madness Alaska basketball tournament at University of Alaska, where he connected with families, student athletes, and fans celebrating high school basketball.

Throughout the week, Congressman Begich held meeting after meeting to hear about key issues with leaders across numerous sectors, including energy, healthcare, youth development, Alaska Native leadership, and economic growth.

Begich’s schedule included:

  • A sit-down with the Japanese Consulate in Anchorage (Consular Office of Japan in Anchorage | Facebook)
  • Meeting with Doyon Limited
  • Meeting with TOTE Alaska
  • Meeting with Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center
  • Meeting with Providence Alaska Medical Center
  • Engagements with multiple Alaska Native organizations including AFN, ARA, ANVCA, and VOICE of the Arctic Inupiat
    Begich spoke at events hosted by Commonwealth North, Americans for Prosperity, and the Meet Alaska Conference, where he delivered keynote remarks.
  • Begich toured the UAA campus, the Don Young Palmer Job Corps Center, and Alaska Military Youth Academy, emphasizing his commitment to education, job readiness, and military youth support.

He attended several March Madness Alaska tournaments to meet Alaskans face-to-face and cheer on student athletes. It was a whirlwind week of meeting face to face with Alaskans.

What he didn’t do is walk into the jaws of partisan groups that have already identified him as their top target for the 2026 election cycle.

The House Democrats’ super PAC, House Majority Forward, bought a $10 million ad series in January hitting GOP incumbents like Begich. Although they have yet not found a good candidate to challenge him, the Democrats are already trying to lower his favorability rating so they can take him out in 2026.

The fake town halls, the 907 Initiative dark-money operatives, the ad buys, and using the media are all part of the plan. It will only intensify as the year progresses.


  1. I wondered who the old, grey haired, boomers were coming out of Loussac last night.
    Turns out they were hippies still at it, all these years later.
    Who knew?
    Thanks for the info SD ….. our local “news” did not cover this (yet)

  2. What could possibly go wrong? There’s no way in he// those dems would provide appropriate security for such an event at a venue they control. A mob of 600 could get out of hand quickly. We’ve seen it elsewhere and these lowlifers are no better … and probably worse. This is exactly the playbook that Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries have egged on.

  3. If something goes south at one of these fake meetings it isn’t going to turn out good for the hosts. I’m happy to attend. By the day my opinion of democrats goes down.


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