With President Joe Biden having formally dropped from his race for reelection on Sunday afternoon, the words of Republican Sen. J.D. Vance, now vice presidential nominee, have even more meaning:
“If Joe Biden doesn’t have the cognitive function to run for re-election, then he certainly doesn’t have the cognitive function to remain as Commander-In-Chief. How can any Dem pushing him to drop out of the presidential race, argue in good faith that he should stay on as POTUS?” Vance asked last week.
Today, Vance wrote: “If Joe Biden ends his reelection campaign, how can he justify remaining President? Not running for reelection would be a clear admission that President Trump was right all along about Biden not being mentally fit enough to serve as Commander-in-Chief. There is no middle ground.”
Operatives at the highest levels of the Democratic Party have been conducting a backroom coup to erode the ground under President Biden, who is sequestered due to having contracted Covid last week. By Sunday, the tide had tuned and the rumored “withdrawal” letter that had been drafted for him to sign turned out to be one rumor of many that ended up being accurate, in a month of many rumors and speculations following Biden’s disastrous performance in the debate against Donald Tump on June 27.
In his letter, Biden said it was in the best interest of the “party” for him to drop out. But Biden’s leaving the race is his admission that he has already lost to Trump. Polls for both Democrats and Republicans show it, and Biden’s campaign has also access to polling done on his behalf but not revealed to the public. The down-ballot impact of him remaining on the ballot was serious for the Democrats, who could have faced a wipe-out in the Senate and House races in November, if he had stayed.
The person Biden has designated to replace him on the ballot is a person who could not win even one delegate when she ran for president in 2020: Kamala Harris. Harris may face challengers who have been warming up in the bullpen for weeks: Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, former Sen. Hillary Clinton, and California Gov. Gavin Newsom are no doubt having war room meetings on Sunday to determine if there is a path forward against the war chest that Harris inherits from Biden.
Biden’s campaign had $91.6 million on hand by the end of May, according to its most recent report to the Federal Election Commission. By early July, the Biden campaign had $240 million, which included new funds from the Democratic National Committee. Presumably, the majority of that will go to Harris’ campaign.
She will have to pick a vice presidential nominee before the Democratic National Convention. Harris may choose someone like Gov. Shapiro, to help lock up the Pennsylvania swing-state vote and attract the Jewish vote. The same holds true for Gov. Whitmer, who also leads the swing state of Michigan.
But then there’s Team Barack Obama, who is highly influential behind the scenes. Obama may throw his weight behind Hillary Clinton, who in 2016 won the national vote when she ran against Trump. She lost the electoral vote and claimed the election was stolen. Although Hillary won 2.9 million more votes than Trump, he worked the map, and ended up with 304 electoral votes, more than the minimum 270 electoral votes needed. Clinton won 227 electoral votes that year, in spite of all her baggage. She is a nationally known candidate and could make the case to Democrats that, as a person who took on Trump directly, she’s the stronger candidate to win this time.
While the Democrats spin, Biden is lounging at his beach house at Rehoboth Beach, Del. He has nothing on his public schedule on Sunday, which is true to his usual schedule. He is set to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday, a day before Netanyahu is due to address a joint session of Congress. The White House has not yet announced if it has canceled the meeting.
Biden’s physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, released a health report on Sunday: “President Biden completed his eighth dose of PAXLOVID this morning. His symptoms [which were not disclosed by O’Connor] have improved significantly. His pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate and temperature remain absolutely normal. His oxygen saturation continues to be excellent on room air. His lungs remain clear.”
There was no report about whether Biden was alert or how his cognitive functions are.
Matt Walsh, podcaster and political writer, observed, “Every Republican needs to go on the record right now calling for Biden to be immediately removed from office. If he is not competent to run for re-election then he is not competent to remain in the White House.”
Vivek Ramaswamy, in a post on X/Twitter, reminded people that he had predicted this exact scenario 18 months ago:
On Truth Social, Donald Trump wrote his reaction to the news: “Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve — And never was! We will suffer greatly because of his presidency, but we will remedy the damage he has done very quickly. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”
Kelly Tshibaka, chair of the Trump campaign for Alaska, said, “No new information has arisen about President Biden. Predictably, Democrat elites forced him out, despite his unanimous selection through a democratic, primary process. Biden’s withdrawal from the race shows either that Democrat Party leaders are willing to reject the will of their own voters because they know their candidate can’t win, or it proves they have known President Biden has not been fit to fulfill the duties of his office. Either way, this decision reflects the anti-democratic impulses that have corrupted the party’s leadership ranks. And, make no mistake, Kamala Harris has been part of this anti-democratic cover-up to subvert democracy and the will of primary voters. Et tu, Kamala?”
Although neither the Alaska Democrats or Rep. Mary Peltola issued no statement about the news, the Alaska Republican Party did:

Grab your popcorn. This is gonna be good.
Funny how the party out to save democracy just disenfranchised everybody who voted in the primaries.
Some folks choose to view the current situation that way, as a certain segment of the population. Considering that President Biden on a Presidential ticket that won the popular vote more three times in his career, and trumph never won, but resoundingly lost the popular vote twice, it might seem a distinct possibility trumph loses the popular vote, yet again as a populist that lost the popular vote. On the other point, if there were only two ways to look at the primaries, it might seem that the less popular candidate did not want to ‘save’ democracy. Surely, for those wishing not to ‘save democracy’ there’s more than a vested interest in preserving the tenets on which our country was founded?
Still haven’t learned to use paragraphs, I see.
Still not making much sense either…..
“Surely, for those wishing not to ‘save democracy’ there’s more than a vested interest in preserving the tenets on which our country was founded?” HUH???
To get a sense of what a disaster Harris is, look at her dismal performance in Iowa. She went all in there for the 2020 election. Here’s how USA today reported:
“Her decision to drop out comes about 10 weeks after Harris launched an “all in on Iowa” strategy at the end of September, saying she wanted a top-three finish in the first-in-the-nation caucuses. She increased the number of paid staffers here from 65 to 131.
She visited the state almost every week for the past two months, with 38 public events in Iowa from late September through Sunday, according to the Des Moines Register’s Candidate Tracker. Since October 2018, she held 87 campaign event in the state.”
When the people of Iowa got to know Harris, they knew they didn’t want her.
The same problem applies to Harris today. Americans have watched her dismal VP performance, and she continues to poll poorly.
Finally, Harris has never been a good manager. Her staffers have been at war with each other and many have resigned. You simply can not run a good campaign for president if you have terrible organization skills- as we saw in Iowa five years ago.
The Democrats kept the demented Biden in protective custody. If they’d had debates voters would have figured out Biden was demented long ago- and the Democrat party would not be in massive disarray now.
Biden had a premature ejaculation? Last one reported by Jill was in 1975. And zero performance since 1999. This is bottom of the barrel politics. Kamala Harris is like a laughing hyena. Her knee replacement surgery is going to be fast-tracked now, after a lawsuit against Willie Brown. Meanwhile, Hillary is trying to weasel back in. Trying to channel Crooks for one more shot? God, please let the Democrats keep on going for the sake of our country. We all need a good hysterical laugh now and then. And we ARE getting it good from Democrats.
Well, at least Kamala Harris accomplished something in her term as vice president. The border. She failed to even go there.
Harris was afraid if she crossed over, the Border Patrol wouldn’t let her back into USA.
Maybe JD Vance wasn’t the best choice now that women’s rights will be the number one election theme. Nikki Haley could have brought some new Trump voters instead of the locked in base voters that JD represents. Time to review that acceptance speech of Trumps the other night and look to the issues that he focuses on. “Hannibal Lector?”
As James Carville noted, “It’s the economy, stupid”
Women’s rights? Kamala Harris spent her first 20 years “servicing” men. Democrat men. Put that in her campaign speeches.
Most of Kamala’s service was in the back of the bus.
Eight or nine Covid shots later and Joe got Covid again? What’s up with that? RFK2 is probably correct. Long Covid is real, though. Democrat’s brains turn to mush. Longitudinal studies not needed. America and the world is seeing it happen in real time.
“Eight or nine Covid shots later and Joe got Covid again? What’s up with that?………”
Covid is a convenient way to keep his public mouth shut.
If Lisa endorses Kamala Harris, we are going into hiding. Wrangell is becoming too much like a metropolis now, with Republicans closing in. We may have to move to Gustavus, although Nancy will complain about skimpy ferry service.
At least Gustavus is close to Tenakee hot springs, where we can soak away our sins and sorrow, Frankie.
Nancy, you and Frankie might have to buy a new boat. Ferry service to Tenakee is pretty sketchy. But the soaking is great and both of you can round around the island without clothes. It’s the closet thing to a nudist resort in Alaska. Welcome to a new adventure.
Is there an Alzheimer’s unit in Wrangell?
MRAK’s ping pong journalism has gained the Trump base zero additions, while the Harris nomination will bring in voters that Biden could not
A Harris nomination, remember she hasn’t been nominated yet, would bring in some voters that Biden could not. It will also lose voters that Biden had or that were own the fence.
Oh “Frank”…
Sure, FrankRast. Kamala will bring in all the perverts who want to know how she sexually accommodated so many men in her long climb up the ladder. Should be plenty of 3X porn explanations of Harris’ great work with men.
Did Kamala work with Stormy?
Who, exactly are these voters you speak of? Did they somehow refuse to support the Biden/Harris ticket? But, now they will support the Harris/someone ticket?
Please explain.
Yes Frank. Just like how Krispy Kreme brought in all the fatties with free donuts to get the injection.
We all see how Democrats use underhanded tactics to get the low consciousness individuals to vote for them. This should make it very apparent that you are being duped with illusion for your vote. Can’t you think for yourself?
Now Joe can come clean. Admit that all the corruption ( whispering) is in fact true…….
Get pardoned asap. Dr.Jill has protected the only thing she has really cared about anyway. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
? ???????
DNC = dumbsh*ts n’ charge.
If Biden resigns the presidency, and if Kamala is so foolish as to appoint Hillary as VP, her life will be in much more danger than Trumps.
Chicago had better start ordering lots of new riot gear.
This sets up a Democratic landslide. Americans detest and are appalled by Trump. The depth of the general distaste for him is about to become hugely evident . The first woman President isn’t going to sit well with the MRAK devotees!
Please go back to your basement with CNN. You obviously aren’t in the real world like the rest of US.
Exhibit A for one of the devotees.
TDS is strong with this one
Yes, Trump is hated by many, many dead voters, who vote SO hard that their ballots go through the cheating machines many, many times….
Sabastian, did you just wake up from a bad nightmare? What planet are you living on? Try a melatonin, you might just sleep better. To even think that Kamala is going to hit a home run and make to the white house is dreaming. Try a Relaxium. I recommend it.
Dennis, you seem to be well versed in sleep agents. Something bugging you or do you just like the suppository application? I predict a sweep – House, Senate, and presidency for Dem’s.
You know, I see that hatred every time Trump holds a rally, or appears in public anywhere. Tens of thousands of people turn out to show him how much they abhor and detest him, every time.
Whereas, when Biden, Harris, or most other highly placed Democrats have a campaign rally or appearance, the mob of hundreds is overwhelming.
Seriously, get real. You can fake headlines, you can fake votes, but you cannot fake support. And, when thousands are turned away from a Trump event, and have to watch it on the jumbotron in the parking lot because the arena is full, that is the opposite of detesting and abhoring.
To the editor:
Please, never again, use the term Biden prematurely ejects ever again.
You ruined my fish/chips with that turn of phrase.
Lay off the tartar sauce, then. – sd
Now, how do I slip that pardon in for Hunter, without anyone noticing……..
He should pardon the country’s most celebrated felon, Donald Trump
(No J D, it’s the 4 more years that was the problem…which Trump likely won’t be able to finish given his advanced age and signs of cognitive decline)
I watched a big strapping man who is 100% cognizant and has a huge presence. 93 minutes on stage and could have gone another hour, easily. And he looks better than most men 60 years old. I doubt you are any kind of physician, because your assessment is laughable. First year medical students usually give a pretty good clinical disclosure. Yours is a brainwashed view that Democrats use as a foil. Trump looks as good, if not better than in 2016. And this is a man who was almost killed by an assassin last week. His motivation and desire is what will put him back into the White House in November. Much to your warped consternation.
Biden should Pardon the ham sandwich his people convinced? That’s just another sign you and he cannot remember what he did yesterday. #sadyouareallsosad
Well, then. Cackles the clown it is. Bolsheviks pushing for yet another brilliant DEI hire.
Nancy, you and Frankie might have to buy a new boat. Ferry service to Tenakee is pretty sketchy. But the soaking is great and both of you can round around the island without clothes. It’s the closet thing to a nudist resort in Alaska. Welcome to a new adventure.
They have promised Joe that he can remain as commander in chief and bumble away freely and while finishing out his term. And, since he has shown such statesmanlike fervor in withdrawing from the ticket, the democrat blue-bloods will work ceaselessly to build on Joe’s sterling ‘legacy’. And meanwhile, Joe can arrange all the pardons required for his family members and cronies. And cash in on some last minute grift. Why not? Easy peasy. After all, isn’t this the way of ‘democracies’?
Most of Kamala’s service was in the back of the bus.
…. well, that’s where Willie Brown did his best business.
The letter has no official letterhead. I doubt he even wrote it or signed it. Funny how the ones “saving democracy” are ignoring the will of their party that nominated him as their candidate.
Also, the word democracy isn’t mentioned a single time in the Constitution. These people should learn what a Constitutional Republic is.
The letter wasn’t signed by the REAl president, Dr!!! jill nor was it counter signed by the Lightworker,Obama to decline going for his fourth term
George Orwell
“It was merely substituting one piece of nonsense for another.”
As a former Republican and a nonbeliever in MAGA of which have taken over the original Republican Party I find that Trump Lies to much, uses his office for personal gain, is a convicted felon, do not have a policy plan except for project 2025 which scares me, he loves Dictators, he attacks our allies, I believe he wants to be a Dictator, he has pending charges against him, he been to court many times with made up lies about the election being stolen from him out of all the cases he filed not one court agreed with him, the list goe on and on, I don’t know who I will vote for, but, I know I sure as hell won’t vote for Trump.
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