Democrats devolve into mayhem in U.S. House trying to block Speaker election, but they fail


House Democrats trying to force the House to allow non-voting members from the various U.S. territories to cast ballots on the election of the House Speaker, became unruly on Friday, interrupting the proceedings by standing and yelling, when they were told no by the acting House clerk.

If they had been allowed to vote, against the rules of the body, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries would have been elected House Speaker. The yelling went on for a half-minute and the clerk of the House banged his gavel to attempt to restore order.

After they finally settled down, the voting continued, with Speaker Mike Johnson, Republican from Louisiana, not getting the votes needed on the first round to remain as the Speaker of the House. Johnson was able to get the required 218 votes on the second round of voting, however.

Congressman Nick Begich III voted for Johnson for speaker, and Johnson has the support of President Donald Trump. It is likely that if Rep. Mary Peltola had been elected to represent Alaska, the vote for Johnson would have fallen one vote short, at 217; Peltola had voted 18 times in 2022 for Rep. Jeffries to be speaker. She would have voted for Jeffries again this time, at a time when Republicans have a very narrow majority.


      • Sentencing is necessary so that Trump can appeal. As I understand the NY judicial rules, no appeal possible until the trial court is finished. Fun part is that Merchan, Bragg and the greater state judiciary in NY is about to be in the crosshairs of a criminal RICO investigation once the Biden regime departs the fix. I think they are worried. They should be. Should be fun to watch. Bloody shame they will get to play by their new riles. Cheers –

      • Shame.
        It was so nice on MRAK without constant whining about how you abhor Trump.
        Besides, the sentence is expected to be unconditional discharge. Pretty sure that amounts to admission the entire case was bogus.

    • Fortunately Pants on fire Bowman was booted out by his district. Even AOC showing up dancing all over the stage and screaming at a small rally for Bowman did not help.? Not sure who replaced Bowman but figure it was another marxist Democrat just as bad or worse.

  1. (D)emocrats: if you can’t win, game the rules and cheat so you can win. If you don’t get away with cheating, throw a tantrum and feign outrage. It is all so predictable. I’m not happy with Johnson, but Jeffries as speaker of the house would be two steps beyond the insanity line.

  2. I believe that Speaker Johnson won the Speakership on the first ballot. Of the three initial holdouts, two changed their vote after the House membership
    was given the opportunity to change their votes.

  3. democrats are the party of chaos. They see no issue in breaking the House rules to enable ineligible people to be allowed to vote in order to get their way. Thank goodness Mary is history and Nick was able to vote against chaos.

    We need all hands on deck to save the REPUBLIC. You hear me Massie? You can pat yourself on the back for your ‘principled stand’ but you were really aiding and abetting the party of chaos who almost took control of the House. That would have torpedoed the Trump administration before it even started!

  4. Exhibit A.
    Democrats now trying to openly cheat their way into power. The 2020 election was totally rigged against Trump. Make no mistake.

  5. It’s pretty obvious why the Democrat Party funded Mary Mary’s campaign so heavily, if the Dems had control of the House they would immediately tinker with the 14th amendment and declare Trump to be guilty of the disqualification clause. The fact T won the electoral and popular vote has zero bearing to the Dem’s. They are the party of elite billionaires, remember that when next you vote.

    • Robert, just like in 6th grade, you don’t go far enough. Many people reading this eat dinner every day sitting across from someone who voted for Peltola. That is, those who voted to send our republic into a moral abyss live among us. They sleep with many of us. We must redouble our effort to respectfully guide these fellow citizens into the light of truth. Otherwise, we will assuredly swing the other direction again. Stay thirsty my friend.

  6. The first of many good things to come not having Peltola in there anymore. So fortunate to finally have Nick representing us.

  7. I was hoping for something better from Nick Begich, but it looks like he will toe the Uniparty line. Would have been nice to see him swing for the fences his first time up.

  8. Democrats are perfidious cheaters. Thank God Nick Begich won and Peltola lost. Now it’s onward and upward with President Trump. The smothering blanket of the Biden Administration is being removed. Shame on Rep. Massie. ???

  9. A big thanks going out today to my fellow Alaskans who voted with me to dump Peltola. We may be able to save this republic yet.

    • Interesting, Rick, that you would use a term that I first coined along with fellow psychiatrists:
      LTDS. Short version: Long Trump.
      It’s real.

  10. Let’s face it, The Dem’s are spoiled brats and refuse to understand us, people who are sick and tired of their games and the shanigans they have tried to pull every step of the way and are spoiled brats and with their games.

    • Ginny, for a good laugh watch the clip of Hakeem Jeffries saying they (the Dems) are “going to fart hard.”?

  11. Like the toddlers they are, leftists cannot accept loss. Their brains insist they are right and must be the winner at all times.

  12. Grim forecast with speaker Johnson. Republican representatives crafted a budget in 2023 to start cutting some of the BS. Last year Johnson threw it in a dumpster and went to work with Democrats to pass the first “continuing resolution” or scheming as usual plan. Last month he did it again, with the initial 1,500 page democrat plan, which was shortened in pages but not wasteful, insane, dollar destroying spending. When you believe males can breastfeed, mayorkas secured our borders, and Floyd George was a saint, then of course Thomas Massie and Rand Paul do not want to restore a lawful, legal budget.

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