Democrat State Senate Education chair says regulation protecting girls in school sports is ‘terrorism’


Sen. Loki Tobin of Anchorage is leading the charge against gender-specific bathrooms in the schools in Alaska.

In response to the Alaska State Board of Education voting to address through regulation the leftist push for transgenders taking over girls’ high school sports, Tobin, a Democrat, likened it to terrorism.

“The way this kind of terrorism works is that it not only punishes expression, condemns identities…it’s like burning a cross on someone’s lawn: It’s an attempt to frighten people into compliance and submission,” she wrote.

The board is setting a 30-day public comment period for a proposed regulation that would preserve girls’ teams in high schools across the state from being taken over by boys who describe themselves as transgender girls.

Twenty-one states across the nation have passed laws that are similar to the one being proposed by the Alaska State Board of Education and Early Development. Bills in the Alaska House and Senate have failed to move forward in the Legislature, as they are being blocked by Democrat members like Sen. Tobin, and some Republicans who see themselves as champions against what Tobin calls terrorism.


  1. Imagining how proud the voters that sent this Tobin person to Juneau must be. Was “she?” the only one on the ballot in “her?” district or did “she?” actually beat someone?

    • Are you that out of touch? She was Tom Begich’s legislative aide. He kept his intentions of not running for reelection hidden until the very last moment, allowing her to file instead of either Zack Fields or Harriet Drummond, who were forced to run against each other for reelection to the House following redistricting. Yes, she did have an opponent on the ballot, but it’s questionable whether you could call her reasonable opposition.

  2. When Loki Tobin says “try ignorance” she means it.

    It takes years of college education to become this ignorant.

  3. He’s obviously one of those people who is trying to weaken our country so we’ll be easy pickin’s for China/Russia to take over.

  4. Her statement reads like introductory level projection. She is doing EXACTLY what she is accusing others of…

    Burning a figurative cross on every figurative lawn that doesn’t share her immoderate ideology.

  5. Wow, she is a idiot. She should have nothing to do with education and children. Obviously she has mental problems.

  6. Need to NOT let the narrative be controlled again and again and again. Not an easy task when most mainstream super spreaders are all on the same socialist team.
    Drive home the left’s intent on limiting mental healthcare for those who need it.

  7. How rich is this ⁉️ A democrat trying to reverse history of exactly who was burning crosses on people’s lawns.

    Loki needs to go back to school and only this time don’t spend her/its school days listening from inside the closet. The KKK was all Democrats and the first suppressor of that terrorist group was President Ulysses Grant. The General that led the Union Army to victory which freed the slaves.

    I could care less who’s gay, just quit with the over the top agenda for transvestites.

  8. How do these loons become state senators? Transgenderism is nothing more than complete mental illness and psychotic depression, although, I could see Scott Kawasaki competing in tiddly winks and dominos with girls.

  9. What a lunatic. Psychological projection – the pot calling kettle black. It is the invasion of biological males into women’s sports, ruining opportunities for all women to excel and prosper in their chosen sport, that is terrorism, by the standards put forth by Senator Tobin. She is deluded at best, and maybe worse.

  10. People who throw around hyperbole likening protecting women as terrorism and silence is violence have probably never experienced terrorism or seen actual violence. Those who have know differently

  11. I used to disagree with Dems. Now they disgust me. And I wouldn’t want my children or anyone’s children around them. Not safe.

  12. As I read her written statement …. “The way this kind of terrorism works is that it not only punishes expression, condemns identities…it’s like burning a cross on someone’s lawn: It’s an attempt to frighten people into compliance and submission,”
    I’m not at all confused about “whom” the real terrorist is!!! Definitely take note of who supports her and her position, and you will have identified the real “Clear & Present Danger” in our State.

  13. More bulls**t politicians labeling parents speaking out in an effort to protecting their children terrorists. Where do these fools find people stupid enough to vote for them? Certainly none who are concerned about their childrens safety in public schools.

  14. I’ll have to do some research to find out what schools and colleges produced a complete idiot like this one.

  15. Terrorism is using the full weight and power of the government to make and pass laws that make it legal for biological males to walk into a women’s restroom when there are little girls in there, and illegal for those little girl’s parents to protest that male showing his junk to the little girls.

    We all have a moral duty to stop the Democrat’s in their tracks as they wage sexual terrorism against the children by passing laws protecting and encouraging MAPs.
    This must be stopped.

  16. No these democrats are the terrorists. They are terrorizing people by forcing ideas on them and threatening people with jail and fines if they don’t comply. That sounds like terrorism to me.

  17. I don’t consider myself being “out of touch” because I don’t memorize the ballot from every legislative race. I concentrate on what is happening in our little corner of the world. Maybe if we had consulted you Tuckerman would be in Juneau instead of just another Rino.

  18. What ever happened to the #MeToo movement? We had a bunch of them protesting here in Juneau for women’s causes. Guess they were disbanded after Kavanaugh was nominated.

  19. Loki Tobin would know about ignorance and expensive. Was Loki ignorant enough to pay for Loki’s college brainwashing, or did we pay for that?

  20. For those struggling to define … “What is a Woman” these questions may lead a potentially confused one to a clear and definitive conclusion:

    1. Are you always cold?
    2. Has a human ever popped out of you?
    3. Have you ever decorated a bed with six or more pillows?
    4. Can you tell the difference between cream white and rustic farmhouse white?
    5. Have you run into a curb in the past 24 hours? (Be honest, Nancy!!!)
    6. DO YOU BLEED? Like, for an extended period of time at regular intervals?
    7. Does it take you over three hours to decide what you want to eat?
    8. Are you currently a member of at least three pyramid schemes?
    9. Do you find simple movie plots hard to follow?
    10. Do you frequently describe your emotional state as “fine” when you are not in fact fine?
    11. Is your Starbucks drink order anything other than black coffee?
    12. Do you have two X chromosomes?

    Folks whom exude a high level of logic, reason, and common sense will most assuredly answer in the affirmative … “YES” and, these are the attributes that define what a woman is.

    • Oh, are we going to play a sexist game here? I’ll do that.

      1. Are you always cold? No. I work outside during winter.
      2. Has a human ever popped out of you? Yes, 4 of them.
      3. Have you ever decorated a bed with six or more pillows? No. I’m not very girly.
      4. Can you tell the difference between cream white and rustic farmhouse white? Never really cared to pay attention.
      5. Have you run into a curb in the past 24 hours? (Be honest, Nancy!!!) No, but I bet I could beat your ass at the race track.
      6. DO YOU BLEED? Like, for an extended period of time at regular intervals? Of course, I’m a woman. Apparently, just not YOUR idea of a woman.
      7. Does it take you over three hours to decide what you want to eat? Only when my cupboard is bare.
      8. Are you currently a member of at least three pyramid schemes? Nope. I do struggle to budget during today’s economic status, however.
      9. Do you find simple movie plots hard to follow? I tend to watch documentaries on archaeology & astronomy, but also really enjoy sci-fi, especially sci-fi that is scientifically realistic.
      10. Do you frequently describe your emotional state as “fine” when you are not in fact fine? Nope. I’m a pretty open person and have no qualms about being honest. Be careful asking “How are you?” to me. You might regret it — lol!
      11. Is your Starbucks drink order anything other than black coffee? I don’t do Starbucks and I can’t afford it. Every once in a blue moon, I might order a mocha at one of the local shops.
      12. Do you have two X chromosomes? Yup! But that doesn’t mean I’m not a good shot.

      What did I win?

  21. Well said, everyone! These democrats will not only ruin Alaska, they are already ruining the country. And yet, the so-called mainstream media refuses to inform anyone. We must all keep fighting.

  22. Her statement is a good example of education without context; it’s endemic with sheltered folk.

    Essentially it’s as if she is a Googlebot; she finds matching words in different statements by differing folks and she says “aha! It means the same! Villains!”

    I would call her well-indoctrinated not well educated. An educated person is necessarily not limited to being taught in a formal setting nor limits themself to groupthink.

  23. Anybody but me notice NONE of her SUPPORTERS have spoken up in her favor? If I were I would be so far down a rathole and NEVER vote again! Maybe her only supporter was Tom Begich and of course the guy giving her the finger! LOLOLOL

  24. The way this kind of terrorism works is that it not only punishes expression, condemns identities…it’s like burning a cross on someone’s lawn: It’s an attempt to frighten people into compliance and submission,” she wrote.
    What a load of Bravo Sierra! Just say Hell No!

  25. Who would have ever thought that women would be leading the misogynistic charge to destroy women’s sports and make a mockery of Title IX.

  26. Loki Tobin… Harriet Drummond… Zack Fields – all hardcore leftists – it would not have mattered who won between those three.
    The so-called Alaskans in their districts must have opted for ignorance… In their defense, the ignorance was probably carefully administered and absorbed over a period of years in the public education system. How do we expect teachers to provide instruction in mathematics when there are so many social justice lessons that MUST be delivered?

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