Former Clinton Administration Labor Secretary Robert Reich has called for the arrest of the man who owns the majority shares of X/Twitter. Elon Musk must be stopped from providing free speech, he said..
Reich wrote Musk is “out of control,” in the Guardian newspaper.
“He may be the richest man in the world. He may own one of the world’s most influential social media platforms. But that doesn’t mean we’re powerless to stop him,” Reich wrote. Threatening him was arrest is just one of the things that the United States government can do to stop Musk from providing a free speech platform, he said.
The main offense by Musk is that he supports Donald Trump for president. Musk, a former Democrat who once supported Barack Obama, has since seen how Democrats in power suppressed free speech, especially evident during the 2020 presidential cycle, when the Democrats controlled Twitter.
“Elon Musk is rapidly transforming his enormous wealth – he’s the richest person in the world – into a huge source of unaccountable political power that’s now backing Trump and other authoritarians around the world,” Reich wrote.
“Musk owns X, formerly known as Twitter. He publicly endorsed Donald Trump last month. Before that, Musk helped form a pro-Trump super political action committee. Meanwhile, the former US president has revived his presence on the X platform,” Reich wrote.
Then, Reich stated something shocking to him, a Democrat: “Musk just hired a Republican operative with expertise in field organizing to help with get-out-the-vote efforts on behalf of Trump.” And even more shocking, Trump may work with Musk, if elected, to stand up a government efficiency commission.
“Trump and Musk have both floated the idea of governing together if Trump wins a second term. ‘I think it would be great to just have a government efficiency commission,’ Musk said in a conversation with Trump earlier this month streamed on X. ‘And I’d be happy to help out on such a commission.'”
Musk’s crime? Supporting a candidate for president. In the world of Democrats, this is a crime punishable by arrest and possible imprisonment, not unlike what the Democrats have already done to Trump himself, with multiple charges and court cases intended to prevent him from effectively running for president.
In France, authorities last week arrested the developer of another social media site, Telegram. In Brazil, authorities have said anyone caught using X/Twitter could face a daily fine of nearly $9,000 for every day that a citizen has been using X/Twitter. In Brazil, there are an estimated 22 million X users.
“Regulators around the world should threaten Musk with arrest if he doesn’t stop disseminating lies and hate on X,” Reich stated. He also called for a global boycott of Tesla and that advertisers pull their support of X.
“Global regulators may be on the way to doing this, as evidenced by the 24 August arrest in France of Pavel Durov, who founded the online communications tool Telegram, which French authorities have found complicit in hate crimes and disinformation. Like Musk, Durov has styled himself as a free speech absolutist,” Reich said.
Read Reich’s point of view at this link.
Reich is an old man (yelling at the sky) and due to the normal human life span will be dead soon.
He will not be missed.
Micah, no one would be foolish enough to say what you have unless they were going to live forever. Are you going to share with us where your fountain of youth is?
Demographics are foolish?
Nearly all of us will be forgotten with enough time. But Jesus does not forget us.
The same demographics apply to you and me. Like the old man said, “we all got it comin kid.”
Amen to that
Well, he is a 1st class nut-job!
Agreed. This is about as important as if he had stood on his porch and hollered out that he was rockin’ a cheese sandwich. His need for attention is not newsworthy and in the fullness of time it will become even less so.
He’s my new, adopted twin. We even look alike.
Dad, is that you?
Thanks Dermutt,…….I think.
Just another Dimwitt.
Simple, transparent elections. Honest truth. Actual free, unrestricted speech. Why are the leftists so desperate to stop these things?
That’s who they are, M. John, it’s what they do. The conflation of Conservative thought, the Right, with authoritarianism, fascism, totalitarianism, etc. is one of the big victories of the Left. National Socialists, Nazis; Left. Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mussolini, Idi Amine, Castro, Rakosi; all evil murderous men of the Left. That some would promote the ideals that empower these sorts of people is unfathomable to me. The devil’s greatest lie? “ I do not exist”. Don’t be duped
Reich suffers from Little Man Complex.
Robert (3rd) Reich is showing the Democrat parties true colors. Total control of information.
Good God, where are these Looney toons coming from???
This wing nut needs to climb back under his rock!
No surprise. IMHO he’s always been a communist
His comments should demonstrate the dangers of Democratic policy in a free Nation. He apparently does not recognize the free speech clause in the U.S. Bill of Rights and Constitution. He admits to to Socialist policy of controlling free speech with examples of arrests for free speech by other Socialist governments. We have allowed the camels nose in the tent by criminalizing “Hate Speech” and controlling those that disagree with the government and socialist organizations in the U.S. The last 10 years or more has demonstrated the dangers of controlling free speech. It is time that stop this attack on Democracy and a free society. If we don’t it will continue to point of absolute control of thoughts, ideas, the ability to address government peacefully and free voting. In Russia and other social governments they arrest, imprison or kill those the speak up in opposition to what the government dictates. They control all aspects of television, radio, the press and social media. Is this what we want in our country and a supposed free democracy. Hasn’t the years of lies and the governments actions taught you that government control of thoughts and free speech, most recently demonstrated by the governments actions during COVID, proof that we must oppose programs of Disinformation and all efforts to control free speech. Our country under the democratic administrations has turned into a third world of lies and government control. We must stop it and restore freedom and democracy.
Robert Reich, the little 5’2″ communist dictator at the US Department of Labor, who hates the United States of America. LOL…… Napoleon wannabee, but can’t ride a horse because he needs a step ladder to mount.
Go Elon!!! Talk this little pissant down.
Lots of free speech, baby.
The left hates free speech.
But they do love jailing opponents.
Yeah, threatening to arrest, lock up, and try those who speak against you is pretty popular these days. Gee, who started that trend again? Hmmm…
Bumbling old Joe Biden, and minions at the DOJ.
0bama, if I remember correctly.
Hmm, I seem to recall Bill & Hillary and the “Bimbo eruption”…there was definitely threatening going on!
That’s right. I was thinking political as in Dem versus Rep, not political as in don’t make my husband look bad, he’s the President.
Thanks for the reminder.
Doggie Boy, President Wilson… the first progressive President.
There, answered your inquiry. Now go back and take another puff on your high THC pot pipe.
Totalitarian Democrats calling free speech adherents “authoritarian” is the ultimate irony.
I’ve long said that in order for one to be a Democrat, you first must gather up every single shred of self awareness and burn it in a funeral pyre.
Now you are ready to be a Democrat, an authoritarian who is totally immune to the massive irony of your totalitarian thoughts and ideas…
In my youth, I was generally indifferent to Democrats, as I was to Republicans. However, I have learned to passionately hate what the Democratic Party has become. It has increasingly demonstrated that it is the party of economic slavery, racial discrimination, and totalitarianism. It brought us one civil war, and I fear it will bring us another.
Reich looks like a disheveled Biden in a beard. Yelling as usual.
Arrest someone because of who they wish to support in an election? This guy needs a ride to the booby hatch with a straight jacket!
He needs a ride to the train station.
I call for the arrest of Robert Reich.
I second that as he has sold this country down the road.
Every politician who has voted to destroy this country with bad ideas and stealing tax dollars for the rest of the world without addressing our own problems at home.
They are all tradiors who should be locked up or worse.
Reich had a notable connection to the NPR A commnist willing to bring down (your) freedom.
Dez Nutz
Night of the long knives footage plays in my head. Early Hitler gathering where he had his brown shirts going into the crowd, and one by one pluck individuals that were never to be seen.
It would be laughable if it wasn’t so true that everything the left accuses others of they have a media that will cover up that is exactly what they are doing.
Reich looks like he turned into the town drunk. Liberalism seems to do that to old Democrats. Pathetic.
Democrats age much quicker than Republicans. Their lifestyles do that to them, along with lots of marijuana and a lifetime of lying. They usually repent on their deathbeds, or in the nursing home, while getting their diapers changed.
It comes from a life of waking up, and searching for something to be offended by, instead of living your own life. Attempting to control others is stressful.
It is curious that Reich was not heard from during the lead up to the 2020 election when Mark Zuckerburg sprinkled around his “Zucker bucks” and helped the Democrats spin a tremendous amount of misinformation.
Thank you for bringing this up. Zuckerberg spent millions of his own money to tilt the election to the Left in 2020. In Wisconsin he probably single-handedly flipped the state to Biden. Just because he was forced to admit that Facebook did bad things in 2020 should not excuse his own conduct. As someone else has recently said: “His values haven’t changed.”. (What are “values” anyway?)
The Third Reich was bad enough. Now, a Fourth Reich?
The hypocrisy is not that hidden, except for the very one spouting off!
One by one, the democrats are exposing their true identity. They are part of the deep state and needed to be voted out of office.
I’m increasingly frightened at the Komrads in the Democratic Party howling about saving democracy while they seem to advocate the practices of Stalin. What the hell has come over these formerly intelligent people???
Yeah, threatening to arrest, lock up, and try those who speak against you is pretty popular these days. Gee, who started that trend again? Hmmm…
Joe Biden, a merciful Democrat. The Clintons just murdered their opposition.
From the Department of Redundancy Department
0bama and his henchman Holder were pretty active in shutting down dissenting voices.
I wouldn’t expect anything less from this communist Clinton retread.
Reich stands less than 4′ 11″ tall. He has Little Man Syndrome, defined as:
“Little man syndrome, also known as the Napoleon complex or short-man syndrome, is a term used to describe men who feel inadequate due to their height and compensate by behaving in an aggressive or domineering way.
Some behaviors associated with little man syndrome include: Overcompensating with aggressive behavior, Having grandiose plans and ambitions, Trying to achieve a dominating position…”
Just another mentally ill Democrat, like Walz.
Napoleon 5’2″.
Polpot 5’3″.
Michael Savage 5’3″.
Alexander the Great 5’4″.
Sylvester Stallone 5’6″.
Tom Cruise 5’7″ (in lifts).
Ivan the Terrible 6’7″.
Ghengus Khan 7′.
Women are safer with smaller men.
How do you figure that?
Napoleon laid waste to large swaths of Europe, estimates of the death toll run from 500,000 to 3 million.
Pol Pot and his henchmen killed or starved between 1.5-2 million people between 1975 and 1979.
You forgot Mao and Hitler, who were also not very tall, yet responsible for millions of deaths.
The only established womanizer on that list would be Mongol leader Genghis Khan, whose DNA can still be traced in a large numbers of the Asian population. However who really knows how tall the man was, because the bureau of vital statistics did not exist in 1162 near Lake Baikal, Mongolia or 1227 when he died.
NBA great Sean Kemp, 6’10”. Women loved him. 13 illigetimate (known) kids. (and $ millions in back child support).
Wow, with that much hate, someone should put him in a straight jacket before he harms himself.
The irony is deep. The real dictators are showing themselves. All of the Trump haters should take note: at the point they ever come to their senses and disagree with the Left on some issue, those on the Left will fire up their machines of destruction and attempt to silence them or detain them. Trump and conservatives have done no such thing to those who disagree with them.
Robert Reich and the Socialist Lefties want to turn the “justice” and prison systems into their very own concentration camps systems. To quote my very astute 8 year old: “I didn’t know people could be that dumb.” Of course, she was talking about the Anchorage Assembly and their downtown bike lanes and jaywalking laws when she made that comment.
The reason protecting free speech is the first amendment to the constitution is because we have nothing without it. Anyone who doesn’t think your freedom of speech is under threat isn’t paying attention.
Billionaires Hansjorg Wyss and G. Soros are bombing our country via New Venture fund, Arbella advisors etc. with their foreign cash to manipulate US elections and policy. So Musk providing a free speech platform and his views as an American is the problem?
Reich won’t sell me a time share in Yemen, not that he’s even qualified for that.
Robert Reich is showing his true corporate fascist, Democrat beliefs!
Sorry he is irrelevant.
Just another liberal lawyer, who went to ivy league schools, and worked in 3 or 4 presidential administrations who is trying to destroy our rights contained in the Constitution
Lol why do they all look like this?
The liberal wacko farm has one requirement. They must all look alike.
It’s called inbreeding. The Democrats do that through internet hookups and by lefty dogwhistles. All the Democrat guy has to say is, “I hate Trump, or, I love LGBTQ,” and Democrat women come flocking. Too easy.
Who cares what this washed out old fart says.
Reich would be perfectly at home in Nazi Germany. And I say that knowing I could be thrown in prison for it if his party wins the election. In fact, I’m surprised I haven’t already been arrested by the totalitarians controlling Anchorage.
Robert “Third’ Reich
22 million Brazilians are considered criminals because they use Twitter!
Freedom is not the rule in human history. It’s the exception. And it’s fragile. It can be taken away by tyrants like Reichhhhh.
What’s with everyone criticizing the guy’s physical stature and age? An intelligent debate adversary never needs to attack the man; its a logical fallacy (argumentum ad hominem). Are we unable to sufficiently articulate his ideological, political, and moral deficiencies?
Whatever it takes to communicate the notion that no one seems to take this petulant pygmy more seriously than it takes itself…
Ah vaccine booster anyone?? Wayne the guys brains have rotted. All these useless has bins feel the need to get their name back in lights. I wish Suzanne would not waste ink in these lunatics.
A professor and attorney. Well that about sums him up, next story. And in 20 years he will be 100.
The way to support Musk is to buy his products. For consumers this is currently Starlink, X (through a subscription), and Tesla. If a Tesla isn’t for you that’s cool, just stop hating on and coal rolling them — they are an Elon Musk product so hate from the right on them makes no sense.
When a toddler hears something they do not like, they cover their ears and yell “LALALALALALALALALA…” really loudly so they can no longer hear the offending noises/words. And, neither can anyone else.
Is this any different?
The really sad thing here is that people like Robert Reich are steadfast in their belief that the American people are stupid and therefor incapable of discerning facts from fiction. Like children we supposedly need to be protected and guided to the correct assumption.
Anytime someone tells me this is “misinformation” or “disinformation” the first thing I wonder is why they label it as such and why they assume that I can not figure out whether or not it is so for myself.
The whole notion of banning, suppressing or incarcerating certain individuals for their speech, is antithetical to our republic.
Political speech is protected by the First Amendment.
The disdain that oozes from Reich, Harris, Biden and many others should give us all pause.
Just a grumpy old communist like Bernie. I imagine his middle name is “Third.”
Barring a miracle there is only one cure for this country s divide. And it’s bloody. You can’t reason with unreasonable people.
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