Democrat nominee Schrage funded by liberal Assembly, favors new state income tax



Like a dozen other “pretend independent” candidates running this year in Alaska House and Senate districts, Calvin Schrage is funded by Democrats, plans to caucus with Democrats, and is trying to convince voters that he is, implausibly, independent.

With frat-boy good looks and a tutoring career, he is going up against a legendary Alaska hunting guide — Rep. Mel Gillis, who was appointed by Gov. Mike Dunleavy to fill the House District 25 seat, when Josh Revak moved to the Senate. Gillis is a moderate Republican who moved to the state right after the Great Earthquake of 1964, and has worked as an oil platform roughneck, a construction worker, and a guide.

Schrage says he is a liberal. He calls himself a progressive who favors a state income tax. And he says he’s part of a new generation of leadership. He is a tutor who helps high school students pass their SAT exams.

The last time an income tax was seriously proposed was in 2017, when Gov. Bill Walker and House Democrats proposed a personal income tax of between 2.5 percent for those making over $20,600 and 7% for those making over $250,000.

If that tax had passed the Senate, the cost to an average Alaskans was going to be $900 a year, the fiscal note said. In other words, most of your Permanent Fund dividend. That was another aspect of HB 115 — the State could conveniently just deduct the state income tax from your dividend.

Schrage has the support of the Anchorage Assembly’s hard-left liberals, with donations from Assembly members Felix Rivera, John Weddleton, Austin Quinn-Davidson, Chris Constant, and Suzanne LaFrance.

These are the Assembly members who locked the public out of Assembly meetings all summer, while they passed major ordinances that impact the lives of people across Anchorage.

There is a move afoot to recall several assembly members for offenses ranging from violating the Alaska Open Meetings Act to laundering the CARES Act monies to pay for a suite of services for Anchorage’s vagrant community.

Schrage is the executive director of Frontier Tutoring LLC. He has been associated with the company since 2014, before he graduated from college.

Schrage said in a meeting with the Democratic Bartlett Club this year that he is not door-knocking in the district because it is too COVID-dangerous, but observers say his mother has been spotted in the district door-knocking on her son’s behalf and looking for yard sign locations.

Schrage lists his supporters, and 90 percent of them are Democrats:

  • Alaska AFL-CIO
  • IBEW Local 1547
  • Anchorage Education Association
  • Anchorage Firefighters, Local 1264
  • Anchorage Police Department Employees
  • Anchorage Central Labor Council
  • Alaska Public Employees Association
  • Alaska State Employee Association
  • International Operating Engineers, Local 302
  • Painters and Allied Trades, Local 1959
  • Teamsters Local 959
  • Alaskans Together for Equality
  • The Alaska Center
  • Adam Wool, Democrat
  • Amber Lee, Democrat
  • Andy Josephson, Democrat
  • Austin Quinn-Davidson, Democrat
  • Berta Gardner, Democrat
  • Bill Walker, nondeclared
  • Bill Wielechowski, Democrat
  • Bryce Edgmon, Democrat
  • Charisse Millett, Republican
  • Chris Tuck, Democrat
  • Dan Ortiz, caucuses with Democrats
  • Deena Mitchell, non declared
  • Elvi Gray-Jackson, Democrat
  • Eric Croft, Democrat
  • Geran Tarr, Democrat
  • Harriet Drummond, Democrat
  • Harry Crawford, Democrat
  • Ivy Spohnholz, Democrat
  • Jesse Kiehl, Democrat
  • John Weddleton, nonpartisan
  • Johny Ellis, Democrat
  • Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins, Democrat
  • Katherine Pfieffer
  • Les Gara, Democrat
  • Mark Begich, Democrat
  • Matt Claman, Democrat
  • Mike Coumbe, Democrat
  • Paul Seaton, nonpartisan
  • Pat Higgins, Democrat
  • Patti Higgins, Democrat
  • Sara Hannan, Democrat
  • Scott Kawasaki, Democrat
  • Susan Soule, , Democrat
  • Suzanne LaFrance, nonpartisan
  • Tom Begich, Democrat


  1. Little Tooter Boy’s mommy campaigns door-to-door for him? Hard to believe that District 25 would elect a sissy to the House. But I hope he comes knocking at my door.

    • Seems to be a theme this year for young Democrats running for office. They need their mommy’s help on the campaign trail. Are these the same 20’s and 30’s Democrats that live in their parent’s basement?

  2. Income tax..? Sure! Right after the state employee union is disbanded and no longer allowed to function inside state government, all social and giveaway programs are self funded without state money or taxpayer money; along with the legislature moved to Anchorage so we as taxpayers (their employers) have better access to them.

    No income tax. This state brings in billions from it’s resources and squanders billions like it will never run out. I get a kick out of legislators telling us “you peasants don’t understand”. BS. We understand clearly. Careful of what you do, someone else said “let them eat cake”. Look how that ended.

  3. Just another liberal leftist, Hiding out in the Democrat Witness Protection Program, living under an assumed affiliation…… Some will fall for it, but most will not, considering the volume of them running this campaign cycle….. Now we have a Democrat DC ad agency imitating Darth Vader in an ad against his opponent. More proof of this guy’s true affiliation. Don’t fall for it District 25!

  4. An income tax in Alaska would simply take even more money from the private sector in order to continue increasing the size and scope of government. Only private sector earners pay an income tax on a net basis; if we wanted to tax public employees it would be more efficient from every standpoint to merely cut public sector wages. Piggy-backed on to the federal income tax the high standard deduction and limits on state and local tax deductibility would mean no credit for municipal sales and property taxes (in contrast to the state income tax we once had). An income tax would benefit the City of Juneau economy (because of adding a new and large tax division) to the serious and overall detriment of the state economy. Even during the era of Walker proposing an income tax year after year the Department of Revenue quietly said it would add 400 new state employees; so Alaska would have 60 to 100 people handing out the PFD, and 400 people taking in money at the same time. The PFD would be taxable under any state income tax of course. In general, a government should tax what it wants reduced, in this case private sector work, and reward what it wants to increase.

  5. Representative Gillis is a very welcome addition to the House of Representatives. Sitting on committees with girly-boys like Fields and JKT he saw right through the theater that sometimes interrupted the work that needed to be done, and he asks very polite but cutting questions that bring everyone back to reality. He is always prepared for hearings and floor sessions, and no one would say that about many legislators. Having a hunting guide in the House brings a down-to-earth perspective that Alaskans deserve and need – always in short supply in Juneau. It looks like the Democrats want to add even more girly-boys to the crowd they send to Juneau! What a travesty that would be.

    • You underscore one of the many structural inconsistencies Alaska government has. I pay a municipal sales tax and a municipal property tax (paid about $5,600 to this city about 10 days ago for a medium-sized house on a postage stamp of a city lot, over $15 per day) to pay for local schools, law enforcement, road maintenance, etc. Separately I pay about $100 per month to the same city for sewer and water, and about $50 per month to a private firm for garbage collection. But villages like Gustavus, Craig, Tenakee, etc. pay no property tax, and the state provides the schools and law enforcement. Gustavus has state road maintenance, and so does Craig. And residents of those places receive PCE. Now Democrats want me to pay an income tax so that Gustavus, Craig and Tenakee don’t have to pay a property tax for their own local services. When pigs fly.

  6. So is this is the modern leftist version of a profiles in courage? It’s too Covid-dangerous to leave mom’s basement but you go for it, mom. This is our “new generation of leadership”? Thanks, but no thanks. Maybe mom thinks it’s worth the risk because she’s hoping that, if elected, he’ll pack up the AOC posters and finally move out.
    The supporter list is frightening, but at least I now have a membership roster of the local chapter of the swamp. It’s a fascinating list that Lenin would be proud of.
    By the way, about those “frat boy” good looks, to my eye he looks more like the strange uncle that you would never leave your kids with.
    If elections weren’t so serious this would be comical.

  7. You think it’s bad now with all of the BLM and ANTIFA “peaceful” protestors? Wait till the common-sense folk get off their collective couches and finally yell, “ENOUGH is ENOUGH!”
    There’ll be many more peaceful protests that make the current protests wane in comparison. Get your pitchforks sharpened and torches fueled up, people! It’s our state, let them know who they work for!

  8. Question for Mr. Schrage:

    When was the last time you voted for a Republican, and who was it?

    No problem if you cannot answer. We always knew you were a Democrat.

  9. RE: Walker’s Tax

    Schrage should try living in Anchorage on $20,600 a year MINUS 2.5% State TAX, MINUS Social Security TAXES, Minus Federal TAXES, and MINUS Property TAXES. Bet Mom will have to feed, clothe, and house him……….

  10. I will not vote for a candidate with “frat-boy good looks.” I support candidates who are overweight and unattractive. Being obese and ugly is a an indication that the person can relate to me. At the federal level I look for a candidate who has a comb over. This is why I vote the republican ticket. Mothers and family members should not be involved in campaigns unless they are Don Jr. and Kimberly, Eric and his wife, Ivanka, Tiffiny and all others who support our strong and beautiful president.

  11. I would opine that Calvin has good intentions, but unfortunately, I believe that: a) he believes it’s appropriate to use the power of government to impose his worldview on the district and on the State; and b) the public fisc is the right source of any funding needed to support that world view.

    The first is simply not right and the second is not only not right but unsustainable and unrealistic, probably reflecting his very limited experiences and family background

  12. I would like to see him and all the names supporting him voluntarily start paying taxes say 50% to start. They have no guts they just want other peoples money to spend.

  13. Suzanne, Why would you list the frauds: John Weddleton, Suzanne LaFrance , and Paul Seaton as “non partisan”? they too have caucused with and vote like Democrats.

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