Democrat candidate parrots ‘fair share’ taxes on oil


Democratic candidate Sue Levi, running for House District 24, is campaigning on a platform that says Alaska’s oil industry “has to pay its share.”

If it sounds familiar, it is. Her words parrot the Our Fair Share campaign, which is trying to jack up taxes on oil through a voter initiative, Ballot Measure One.

“To survive the current fiscal crisis everyone is going to have to sacrifice and work together for a stable economic future, Levi writes.

Levi has run for the seat before and was endorsed by the leftwing Alaska Center (for the Environment), which touted her commitment to “advocating for policies that would provide solutions to problems created by climate change.”

Problems facing Alaska this year are not so much related to climate change, which was the Left’s calling card in 2018, but to the fiscal viability of a state that has built its economy on energy development. This may mean Levi is out of touch with her district, where many voters are part of the oil industry in Alaska, and where Ballot Measure One is likely to lose by a landslide.

In contrast, Tom McKay, the Republican in District 24, will host a fundraiser on Thursday sponsored by some of the biggest name in the Alaska business community: Jim Jansen, Joe Marushack, Mayor Dan Sullivan, Rebecca Logan, and a couple dozen more. A retired petroleum engineer, McKay stands in sharp contrast to Levi, who is pushing the “tax them until they hurt” agenda.


  1. “Fair Share” is meaningless drivel. Left speak. It just means: more government, more bureacracy, more political correctness and more control.
    This candidate is an idiot. Vote against her. Joe Paskvan up in Fairbanks got his a$$ kicked in 2012 when he ran on an oil tax platform. Another idiot.

  2. What’s “fair”? Is it “fair” to push policies that spell doom for Alaska in the real world? It is always about finding new revenue sources on a never-ending expansion of the “good life” rather than living within one’s means saving some for hard times? Dreaming up new ways to tax this or that creates an unstable economic environment for planning business decisions. Alaska is not insulated from the world economics and turning Alaska into the newest hermit kingdom isn’t going to fare well. Going to the well one more time may wind up the last time.

  3. Ousted state senators Joe Thomas and Joe Paskvan up in Fairbanks both tried hitching their re-election campaigns to an identical strategy of further taxing the oil companies, using an ill-conceived Senate Bill as the vehicle. Both incumbants lost their races in humiliation. Levi will lose her race too.

    • Joe Paskvan still can’t get over his defeat. He claims he’s retired. BS. He got his butt kicked out of office by smart voters. He just never got over his broken ego. Ask his younger brother, Charlie Paskvan. Charlie is still working. Joe…….he’s still trying to get over his defeat from eight years ago.

      • Charlie, who’s a karate expert, needs to practice his chops on older brother Joe. But no head hits. Joe has already lost his marbles.

    • Yeah. Joe Thomas. Then I get stuck with Click, and no one runs against him. Don’t tell me I should; I’m “tainted.” Besides, the application requirements are incredibly invasive. I haven’t had any representation in Juneau since Ralph Seekins was my senator – and that includes Dave Talerico. Dave’s a nice guy…otherwise.

  4. The uncertainty over oil taxes is what drove BP out of Alaska. Anchorage lost millions in charitable giving. Yeah, let’s tax the crap out of what’s left…….I’m sure the others won’t be far behind. Maybe the Chi comms would be interested.

    • Don’t forget what O’Bama, Walker, the greens and North Slope natives did to Shell while they were drilling the Chukchi. Shell’s gone too. Cheers –

  5. Look up Flint, Michigan on Google Earth.

    Look at all the vast asphalt parking lots with trees and weeds taking over.
    Buick city, Fisher body plant are gone. Flint demanded their fair share too, In the 1970s.
    But like socialism…… I’m sure they’ll do different here.

  6. Giving the benefit of the doubt where it may be due, people that want to further burden the oil industry must simply have not known or possibly forgotten Alaska’s pre-1969 history: continual flirting with bankruptcy, in thrall to Seattle’s fishing tycoons, and a red-headed stepchild relationship with the federal government.

    Alternatively, of course, perhaps the backers of the “Fair Share” see an opportunity to siphon off some of that money or see an opportunity to represent more local governments against the industry or want to see a segment of the population without work….who knows?

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