Delta Junction man arrested for death threats against Murkowski, Sullivan


 A Delta Junction man was arrested Monday in Fairbanks for making threats of grave bodily harm against Alaska’s two U.S. senators.

The charging documents were filed on Oct. 1, 2021, and have now been unsealed, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Anchorage.

According to the affidavit filed, Jay Allen Johnson, 65, left a voicemail message on Sept. 2 at the Washington D.C. office of a U.S. Senator containing several threats, including a threat to “burn” the Senator’s properties.

The investigation revealed that the call originated in Delta Junction from a cellular telephone number linked to Johnson.

Johnson registered to vote in Alaska in 2019 and has voted in one election — the 2020 General Election.

On Sept. 29, Johnson left another voicemail threatening to hire an assassin to kill one of the senators. Johnson also left threatening voicemail messages for the other senator between April 2021 and September 2021.

Johnson is charged with threatening United States officials with intent to intimidate the officials while engaged in the performance of official duties; making interstate threats; and interstate threat to damage property by means of fire or an explosive.

Johnson was scheduled for an arraignment and detention hearing Wednesday before U.S. Magistrate Judge Scott Oravec of the U.S. District Court for Alaska.

If convicted, Johnson faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in federal prison for the most serious charges. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

Acting U.S. Attorney Bryan Wilson of the District of Alaska and Antony Jung, Special Agent-in-Charge of the Alaska Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation made the announcement.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the United States Capitol Police are investigating the case. Assistant U.S. Attorney Ryan Tansey is prosecuting the case.


    • I’ll get out in front of my skis here and suggest this yahoo is a Trumper. Also likely he’s with a below average IQ.
      What he is accused of is industrial strength stupid and fits right in with those Trumpers that showed up at the Jan 6 fiasco. But, who knows, maybe he had issues with our Senators getting vaccinations. Heheh!

      • You’re out in front of it, Bill. So complementary and open minded to discover the facts before opening your pie hole, or just use your hyperbole to foment more hysteria. Oh, never let a crisis go to waste. Ridicule your opponents at every opportunity just like Alinsky directs. No wonder our society descends into deeper incivility.

        • You certainly took that bait AKY.
          It was a jokingly reply to JOEL who asked the question that really hasn’t a thing to do with this perp’s situation.
          I will say that on this site, over the last while, you can find hundreds of posts calling each of our Senators RINOS and there is also recent Trump postings on media saying similar things about Lisa.
          Who knows what made this yahoo tick, or you for that matter?

          • No, Bill, your snarky sarcasm goes beyond satire or humor. You are certainly no Rodney Dangerfield. Ironically, I think that you are a lot like Trump: thin skinned and quick to lash out at those who displease you.

          • And so, Bill, you brag that you are nothing but a noxious troll; that you are not here to engage intelligent discourse, not here to have knowledgeable discussion, but only to make snarky comments in attempt to trigger others. What a pathetic existence. You’re right, your comments are a waste of pixels.

          • So all you got is name calling AKY?
            Pretty pitiful but, so I’m not a Rodney Dangerfield but for some reason you can’t just skip over them. Again, tough noogies to you.

        • A: BILL YANKEE is solid in his logic! You, however, didn’t read what was written. If, in 2020, White people voted OVERWHELMINGLY for Mango Mussolini 54% to 46% for Biden, then, logically it follows that our erstwhile assassin is more probable than not a white, middle-aged, psychopath who registered to vote for the sole purpose of casting his lot with MM.

          • Ha ha ha ha ha ha! You descend into the absurd once again. But I really expect nothing less of you, Sophie. Your statement is as ridiculous as the headline this morning ‘NPR accuses Dave Chappelle of using ‘white privilege’ (Dave Chappelle is a Black Muslim comedian who lives in a small, mostly white, community in Ohio). White people voted for Obama too. So by your logic racism is at an end (look up Clayton Bigsby). ‘I have a dream’ is clearly dead among progressives. ‘Scream racism’ is the last gasp of a losing argument.

      • There is no information about this guy at all but that’s your “Take Away” from this article? TDS much?

  1. Don’t be stupid Alaska. There are better ways to handle politicians than threatening their lives.
    And make no mistake. Just by talking stupid you could be committing a felony assault. If you make someone in fear for their life or property, then you are committing a felony.

  2. You want to know who the Fed informant is.? Yes the one saying”lets go burn or blow something up” Federal Bureau of Instigation.

  3. The FBI can threaten average citizens all day long. It lies to them as well.
    I don’t condone what this guy did- he was stupid- but we have an unequal justice system and the FBI hates right-leaning citizens. Look for them at a school board meeting near you soon.
    Anyway, Sullivan and Murky voted to approve Merrick Garland, rogue Attorney General. They are not for us a good deal of the time and need to be voted out, but definitely not burned out. Let’s send their arses packing out of DC and back to being sheister lawyers.

    • Angry with Merrick Garland because he led the prosecution and sentencing to death of Timothy McVeigh, are we? Angry with him because he is esteemed among ALL the currently sitting justices on the Supreme Court since he was Senior Judge at the second highest Court in the land for over two decades?
      Angry with him because he upholds the Rule of Law under the Constitution of the United States of America where NO MAN is ABOVE THE LAW?

      OR — Is it The Great Replacement?

      • I am angry at DOJ Garland because he has aligned himself with the teachers unions and weaponized the FBI against caring, involved parents. What would you say if Trump’s DOJ had done this? We need to be very scared of the federal govt weaponizing the various Departments, FBI, DOJ, IRS, Dept of ED, DHS, etc against ANY and ALL Americans.

  4. Once again the oracle, perhaps better known as “Billy of the Back loop” has chimed in above. Thanks Bill Yankee for making Suzanne’s comment section light up. Perhaps your best work yet. Which reminds me… Trump supporters are called lots of names and threats have been made to many of them and at least one was shot in the back and killed in Portland, OR at an ANTIFA rally. But then those ANTIFA people are really smart, right Billy? Look at your man Joe Biden! Words fail me in a description of such a towering intellect. Thankfully we have you appearing on MRAK to provide us with such erudite discussion.

    • That’s what you call lighting it up?? Two goofballs weigh in with some thin soup and your nonsense?
      And you said something like “words fail me.” Heheh!

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