A day off update for Must Read Alaska readers


Looking for your Monday morning Must Read Alaska newsletter in your inbox? Ah, shucks: It’s a day off and we’re with family, but your newsletter will arrive on Tuesday this week and you won’t be disappointed.

If you’re not receiving the newsletter, sign up at the right side of the page. More than 10,000 Alaskans read it every Monday morning (except holiday Mondays). It’s a bit different from this news site, but Alaskans like it that way — personal, folksy, and not politically correct. We also do books and poetry at the newsletter, and a bit of sass.

An update on this news site:

  • August set a new record for Must Read Alaska, with more than 112,000 views.
  • We’ve had more than one million views since MRAK’s launch in May of 2016. Thank you for reading!
  • 65 percent of our readers are men, 35 percent women.
  • 70 percent of Must Read Alaska readers are between the ages of 35 and 65.
  • Most readers are in Alaska (no surprise there) according to Google analytics.

If you care to support the mission of Must Read Alaska, which is to provide a conservative view of current events, you can chip in on the right side of this page. Whatever amount is right for you.

You can also buy an ad. Contact [email protected] for details. That’s also the place to send tips and private comments and critiques.

Thank you for helping us keep the lights on — and shine the light on the news!