A new executive order signed on Valentine’s Day ended mandated Covid jabs for children in K-12 schools, as well as for university students.
The K-12 schools and universities either stop the mandated Covid jabs or they stand to lose millions of dollars in federal funding.
The executive order stated some universities and school districts continue to force children and young adults into getting the Covid jab and have made it a requirement for them to remain in school or get admitted to a university.
Parents should be able to make decisions for their children and young adults should be able to make their own decisions. Forcing these children and young adults to get a Covid jab is an infringement on their personal freedom and interferes with parents’ rights..
The EO went on to state that discretionary federal funds should not be used to directly or indirectly support or subsidize an educational service agency, State educational agency, local educational agency, elementary school, secondary school, or institution of higher education that requires students to have received a Covid-19 vaccination to attend any in-person education program.
The EO includes the following:
- “The Secretary of Education must issue guidelines to all educational entities as soon as possible regarding “those entities’ legal obligations with respect to parental authority, religious freedom, disability accommodations, and equal protection under law, as relevant to coercive COVID-19 school mandates.”
- “Within 90 days the Secretary of Education together with the Secretary of Health and Human Services “shall provide to the President, through the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, a plan to end coercive COVID-19 school mandates, consistent with applicable law, and including, as appropriate, any proposed legislation.” The plan will include:
- A list of discretionary Federal grants and contracts provided to these entities that are not in compliance with the guidelines issued.
- Each executive department or agency’s process for preventing Federal funds from being provided to, and rescinding Federal funds from these entities that are non-compliant with the issued guidelines, to the maximum extent consistent with applicable law.
This EO fulfills a promise President Trump made on the campaign trail that he would “not give one penny to any school that has a (Covid) vaccine mandate”
According to the CDC, Alaska had zero deaths from Covid in the age group 0-24 through October 2021. There were no Covid deaths in that age group for the following years as well.

Now the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development and the Department of Health must send guidance to all districts and schools to implement this EO once direction comes from the US Department of Education.
So, what would be the fiscal impact on Alaska if this EO is not followed?
In Fiscal Year 2023 Alaska received more than $138 million in federal funds, not including federal Impact Aid funds ($74 million) and E-Rate funding of $100 million.
Some of this $138 million comes for the school lunch program, Title I funding for low-income students, and funding for the disabled. How much of the funding will be impacted by President Trump’s EO will be determined by the USDOE.
The State Department of Education and Early Development must guarantee that the K-12 schools/districts do not have a Covid vaccine mandate in place. This needs to be a documented requirement before the schools/districts receive some of the millions of federal funding.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Will the K-12 schools and universities merely hide the Covid vaccine mandate?
Will parents and students be apprised of the EO and the rescinded Covid mandates? We await answers from the local districts and the Department of Education and Early Development.
David Boyle is the education writer at Must Read Alaska.
President Trump’s EO was a good start. Next up will be individual state legislatures stopping the experimental (NOT safe or effective) mRNA shots completely; hopefully followed up or preceded by RFKjr as newly confirmed Secretary of HHS. The Vigilant Fox on X has been covering state legislative happenings.
Not vaccinating your kids is child abuse. Simple as that.
Dog-Here’s a couple of sources for you to expand your perspective.
Actually, there is nothing simple about it at all. Each individual’s unique health circumstances is based on a very complex combination of genetics (different for every one except genetically identical twins) and the body’s ongoing interaction with environmental exposure by which we mean everything outside the body and everything put into the body (including any vaccines). Regarding the subject matter at hand, not all vaccines are for every child, and that occurs on a scale anywhere from zero to all based on what was described above and is up to health-decision making on the part of the child’s parents and their chosen health options (ie NOT YOU). Equating not vaccinating with child abuse (which conjures indescribable horrors inflicted upon children when the word is used) is disingenuous at best and an outright false dichotomy at worst. Here’s a turn-about false dichotomy for you: Dog is either monumentally ignorant on this subject (and most other topics it comments on) or intentionally comments in such a way as to disparage and vilify.
The clot and cancer shot has much science yet to be followed unfortunately. My cousin a week ago went to the ER near Seattle and was discovered to have a serious issue with clots. ER doctor told him it was caused by the covid shots. He had been following the science (fauci)
NO baby or child should receive a C19 Shot. They were not susceptable to a serious danger from covid. There are now 38,000 reports on VAERS of death from this Dept of Defense kill shot that is causing intentional harm and death. I hope that RFK, Jr cancels it completly.
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