June 16, 2016
Former Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan withdrew his name from the US Senate race today by issuing the following statement:
“I was asked just one day before the filing deadline, by conservative leaders that I know and respect, to consider running in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate. I filed the following day to keep that option open as I vetted whether or not that would be the best path forward for my family and for Alaska.
“Over the past two weeks, I have had the opportunity to talk to hundreds of people both statewide and nationally about a potential campaign. It is clear that there is significant financial support available from individuals and organizations for conservative candidates like myself. Additionally, polling data shows that this primary could be extremely competitive.
“However, after evaluating that information and discussing options with friends and family, I have decided to withdraw from the August primary election. I believe I can best serve Alaska by staying in Alaska and working on local and statewide issues. Our recent success with the “Save the Tax Cap” initiative (Prop. 8) is an example of the type of issue on which I will continue to lead.
“I know this announcement will be disappointing to those who encouraged me to run and to those who expressed support after I filed. I can assure them that today’s announcement does not preclude my continued involvement in public affairs or from seeking another elected office in the future if I feel I can truly make a difference.
“Lynnette and I love Alaska and the amazing lifestyle and opportunity it provides us. We are truly blessed.”
Sullivan filed for US Senate on June 1 to challenge Lisa Murkowski, Alaska’s senior senator. His name has been mentioned in political circles as a strong possibility for governor, a race that will start in 2017 and could be a three-way contest with sitting Gov. Bill Walker, who is not affiliated with a party, and a Democrat such as Mark Begich.
When asked about his interest in the governor’s race, Sullivan said it was far too early to consider it.