Daily Covid case count: 300 new cases


The number of new cases of Covid-19 in Alaska continues to fall, with 300 new diagnoses on Sunday, Nov. 7. Of all tests administered, the rate of positive tests is now at 7.6 percent. When Anchorage was closed down in May of 2020 under Mayor Ethan Berkowitz, the positivity rate in the state was 8.5 percent.

Week over week, cases have dropped by 10 percent. The number of Alaskans in the hospital with Covid-19 has also dropped to 139, with just 18 on ventilators. For comparison, on Oct. 24, there were 244 Covid hospitalizations.

While in October the percentage of patients hospitalized with Covid went as high as 22 percent of all hospitalizations, the current percentage is down to 13.6 percent.

A total of 138,161 Alaskans have been diagnosed with Covid since March of 2020.

As for hospital capacity, most hospitals in the urban centers of Alaska now have beds available in their ICU units and non-ICU units, as seen in the chart above. There are 354 non-ICU beds available and 28 ICU beds available in Alaska.

According to Becker’s Hospital Review, Alaska ranks about in the middle of positivity rates among the states, with Florida at the bottom at about 2.9 percent, Alaska ranks with the third highest rate of testing per capita among the states.

Idaho: 53.5%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 77.5

Iowa: 47.4%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 47.6

Oklahoma: 34.8%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 44.2

Kansas: 33%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 84.3

New Jersey: 18.1%
New Daily Cases: 926
Tests per 100k: 76

Utah: 15.5%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 319.1

Maine: 15%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 250.6

North Dakota: 14.7%
New Daily Cases: 196
Tests per 100k: 441.3

Minnesota: 14.4%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 490

Ohio: 13.7%
New Daily Cases: 4363
Tests per 100k: 240.7

Michigan: 12.8%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 386.7

Wyoming: 12.8%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 458.8

South Dakota: 12.7%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 144.5

Montana: 10.8%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 578

Pennsylvania: 10.2%
New Daily Cases: 3385
Tests per 100k: 315.7

Wisconsin: 9.9%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 426.8

Arizona: 9.5%
New Daily Cases: 3231
Tests per 100k: 445

New Hampshire: 9.5%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 766

Kentucky: 9.3%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 270

Arkansas: 9.2%
New Daily Cases: 266
Tests per 100k: 157.1

Missouri: 8.5%
New Daily Cases: 742
Tests per 100k: 209.8

New Mexico: 8.5%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 602.2

Colorado: 8.4%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 608

Mississippi: 8.4%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 127.7

Nevada: 8.1%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 347.6

Tennessee: 8.1%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 170.4

West Virginia: 7.7%
New Daily Cases: 1038
Tests per 100k: 576.8

Virginia: 7.6%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 194

Alaska: 7.5%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 1091.4

Nebraska: 7.3%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 464.3

Alabama: 7%
New Daily Cases: 292
Tests per 100k: 166.6

Indiana: 5.8%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 427.3

Texas: 5.6%
New Daily Cases: 789
Tests per 100k: 200.5

North Carolina: 5.5%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 306

Oregon: 5.4%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 454.3

Delaware: 5%
New Daily Cases: 291
Tests per 100k: 510.3

Georgia: 4.1%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 233.1

South Carolina: 3.6%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 410.3

Vermont: 3.6%
New Daily Cases: 405
Tests per 100k: 1712.8

Louisiana: 2.8%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 370.9

Florida: 2.4%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 301.8

Rhode Island: 2.2%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 1037.2

Connecticut: 2.1%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 459

Illinois: 2.1%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 918.4

Maryland: 2.1%
New Daily Cases: 727
Tests per 100k: 545.4

California: 1.8%
New Daily Cases: 1149
Tests per 100k: 801.9

Massachusetts: 1.8%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 1122.5

Hawaii: 1.4%
New Daily Cases: 134
Tests per 100k: 528.9

District of Columbia: 1.3%
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 921.8

New York: N/A
New Daily Cases: 3932
Tests per 100k: 1097.7

Washington: N/A
New Daily Cases: 0
Tests per 100k: 0


  1. Why do people in Alaska go and get a Chinese flu test every time they get a cough or a cold?
    Knock it off!
    You are driving the mass hysteria.
    Stop being Sheeple!

    • Now now, those people have a right to get tested if they want to remember my body my choice my test my choice? It just might happen that they get one of them bad covid bugs and that initial therapy where they get the two shots in the love handles would do them some good. Stop criticizing everybody and just live your life.

      • Greg, that’s just it…we do just want to live our lives, but the Branch Covidians ruin it for us. Masks…shots…lock-down more masks, more shots. If that works for them fine, but why do they have to drag us into it. BTW never heard of shots in your “love handles”. Since they are mostly adipose tissue, absorption would be terrible and defeat the purpose.

    • Sweeney, thank you for the note. The death reports are turning out to be difficult to report since they trace back to weeks and months and do not relate to current data accurately. I’ll get a story up about that soon. – sd

  2. Excellent article, thank you SD. We can always generate more “cases” by simply performing more tests. Alaska shows only 7.5 percent of people tested are positive, even at high cycle thresholds. We know for a fact that over 90 percent of those are false positives, leaving the number of true positives at less than one percent of people tested.

  3. 138,161 diagnosed cases of Covid.
    388,189 people fully vaccinated.

    I wonder if there’s a way to check on overlapping diagnoses and fully vaxxed.

    I’m just trying to see how close we might be to the magical “herd immunity.”

    Just trying to follow the science…despite the fact that the PCR tests are a joke.

    What a ridiculous game we’re playing. There is no end in sight but godless, global Communist rule.

    Welcome to the new normal. It’s a veritable $#*+ show!

  4. What’s interesting is the number of states with zero. It’s as if they aren’t playing along with the Federal government anymore. There will be state with 3k + and right next to them zero. Show me a virus that works that selectively and I will show you a manipulated PCR test to up the numbers for scare value.

  5. I don’t think testing is safe. There are nano filaments I want less of not more of near my brain on the tufts of the sticks. Some filaments of nano are no doubt left behind. Why is it a benign, good deal to have them accrete in the nasal cavity or just move along to God knows where else within one’s head or elsewhere based upon a whimsical command of a total stranger who has no contracted relationship to jam the stick up one’s nasal cavit? Only uncaring authoritative types who enjoy forcing unwanted, never free, medical procedures on others because some indoctrinated Karen said so.

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