D is for demoralized Democrats

Donkey face

The Democratic Party is suffering from depression and malaise. Its latest email fundraising query bordered on the pathetic. It touted no accomplishments or goals. It simply begged.

Democrats — 

We are writing to ask if there’s anything we can say to convince you to make a contribution to the Democratic National Committee today.

Please give us a chance to try:

What if we told you that Republicans’ National Convention is underway and they’re in the middle of spreading their message for four straight nights on national television?

And what if we told you that shortly after it ends, we are legally required to file an FEC fundraising report showing how much money we’ve raised during the month of July?

And what if we told you Republicans will be filing one as well and everyone in the media will be watching and using our filings to impact coverage of the presidential race and everything else down the ballot?

$7. That’s the ask. We know it may not seem like an election-winning amount, but when Democrats everywhere chip in, it adds up fast. What do you say?

The Democrats steered clear of saying words like “Hitler,” “fascist” or “dictator.” It didn’t even mention Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or abortion, and seem to be resigned to the vague “our team is better than their team” argument in fundraising.

GOP pollster Frank Luntz said the attempted assassination of Donald Trump has taken the wind out of the sails of the Democrats.

Luntz said the shooting will guarantee that every Trump supporter will vote in November. The lackluster interest in Biden is bound to suppress turnout among Democrats, he said.

“Trump’s voters are energized, Biden’s voters are demoralized,” Luntz wrote on X/Twitter. “In recent months, President Trump has benefited from more passionate and engaged followers than the Biden campaign, but the shooting will turn that intensity gap into a chasm.”

That could be worth worth at least 1%-2%, Luntz said, which can add up, especially in swing states.

“It’s hard to imagine either Biden or any of the potential Democratic candidates delivering full-throated crowd-pleasing attacks on the former President now, taking away most of their ability to play the Trump card by labeling him a ‘threat to democracy’ when he just survived a real threat to democracy,” Luntz wrote. “The 2024 presidential election is now Trump’s to lose.”


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