D is for demoralized Democrats

Donkey face

The Democratic Party is suffering from depression and malaise. Its latest email fundraising query bordered on the pathetic. It touted no accomplishments or goals. It simply begged.

Democrats — 

We are writing to ask if there’s anything we can say to convince you to make a contribution to the Democratic National Committee today.

Please give us a chance to try:

What if we told you that Republicans’ National Convention is underway and they’re in the middle of spreading their message for four straight nights on national television?

And what if we told you that shortly after it ends, we are legally required to file an FEC fundraising report showing how much money we’ve raised during the month of July?

And what if we told you Republicans will be filing one as well and everyone in the media will be watching and using our filings to impact coverage of the presidential race and everything else down the ballot?

$7. That’s the ask. We know it may not seem like an election-winning amount, but when Democrats everywhere chip in, it adds up fast. What do you say?

The Democrats steered clear of saying words like “Hitler,” “fascist” or “dictator.” It didn’t even mention Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or abortion, and seem to be resigned to the vague “our team is better than their team” argument in fundraising.

GOP pollster Frank Luntz said the attempted assassination of Donald Trump has taken the wind out of the sails of the Democrats.

Luntz said the shooting will guarantee that every Trump supporter will vote in November. The lackluster interest in Biden is bound to suppress turnout among Democrats, he said.

“Trump’s voters are energized, Biden’s voters are demoralized,” Luntz wrote on X/Twitter. “In recent months, President Trump has benefited from more passionate and engaged followers than the Biden campaign, but the shooting will turn that intensity gap into a chasm.”

That could be worth worth at least 1%-2%, Luntz said, which can add up, especially in swing states.

“It’s hard to imagine either Biden or any of the potential Democratic candidates delivering full-throated crowd-pleasing attacks on the former President now, taking away most of their ability to play the Trump card by labeling him a ‘threat to democracy’ when he just survived a real threat to democracy,” Luntz wrote. “The 2024 presidential election is now Trump’s to lose.”


  1. Remember the Democrats “stole” the last election. I will not breathe until Trump is back in the White House.

  2. Don’t think this is over. It’s a long way to November! Please vote even if you think your candidate is winning now!

  3. Drugs, sex, n’rock n roll, baby. Electric cars, man-made global warming. Lots of marijuana and dead babies. Lawfare. Left-wing judges. Big Government. Communism. And weaponize the feds.
    The creed of Democrats. Haters No wonder they are going down.

  4. No worries, Here in Alaska they have the votes from 85% of the Anchorage Assembly (plus all the union drones that buff their thrones and bow to them).
    95% of ASD administration as well as all UAA administration and staff.
    At least 80% of the legislative branch in Juneau if you include all the elected RINO’s.
    A large percentage of support in Fairbanks plus every single Bush community thats been baited with tons of cash for free internet and a long list of subsidies being paid out through the village and regional corps to pay for housing utilities fuel eroding beach properties etc….the list is long thanks to the Salmon Sisters (Lisa and Mary)
    It should no doubt be a landslide victory for the Big Guy.

  5. If all the above votes fail to tip the scales thanks to the Big Guy we now have millions of “newcomers” from all over the world cashing in on benefits Joe is doling out as a welcoming gift (plush hotel rooms cell phones debit cards).
    Shouldn’t be too difficult to get some extra ballots printed out and in the drop boxes the night of the election deadline. They make it very easy on them to slip through TSA without ID and board flights to the destinations of choice without batting an eye so it should be easy enough to get a ballot stuffed in a box at 3AM.

  6. While most folks on the left support green energy and fighting climate change, there are not enough that support destroying the economy and driving prices up in order to do so. Lost votes, discouraged voters.
    Most folks on the left support LGBTQWERTY+ rights and causes. But, when it is crammed down their throats, and their children end up being used a Guinea pigs, and groomers are allowed to prowl schools, you turn voters away from your party platform.
    Plenty of folks on the left side of the political aisle are not happy with some recent SCOTUS rulings, but when the party throws a tantrum and calls for impeaching (or worse) the justices, and stuffing the court is called for, and a sitting Senator says a whirlwind will get unleashed, a lot of liberals realize their party has gone too far.
    Allowing immigrants to enter the country so they can pursue a better life sounds good to liberals, until their cities are overwhelmed by them, and services they are paying for are delayed (or outright cancelled) in order to provide handouts to people who have no desire to fit in, you lose votes.
    If the democrats are demoralized, it is their own doing.
    But… I have to say, “Fantastic, and about time!”
    Leftists/liberals will never realize the folly of their ways until they have to suffer the consequences of their decisions. The consequences are showing up and the democrats will suffer, for a short while at least.

  7. “D” may well mean deranged, desperate, dangerous Democrats.
    Be very careful about handling a species known for eating its own and attempting murder when cornered.

  8. My perception is that abortion is the only issue upon which the Dems could get traction with a majority of voters. All the other issues on the landscape are bad for the Dems and overshadowing everything is the image of an eighty-one year old man standing motionless and looking completely lost. Lots of things can happen in the next one hundred days but it looks like a wipeout for the Left. I can’t wait to see the video of the smug laid low.

    Suggestion to the Dems: Go for the Hail Mary: Showcase Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DeAngelo on TV. Let’s see how that works.

  9. What Luntz fails to mention is that a fellow named RFK jr is also in this race, he will certainly drain a portion of Biden’s vote. Many D’s can’t vote for the embarrassing, corrupt and increasingly senile biden gong show. More enlightened Democrats will find Bobby’s name on the ballot. I’ll bet Bobby will drain off far more than 1 to 2 % of China Joe’s vote total, especially in places like Michigan and Wisconsin.

    Now if somebody can just keep T from writing his nasty Tweets…

  10. Comparatively, the Republicans offer meaningful ‘solutions-based’ approach that produce desired results. The Democrats(???) … are clearly ‘out-of-touch’ and are only in it to line their pockets and feed their insatiable narcissism. Best example of this locally in Alaska, is none other than Lisa & Mary.

  11. They have earned everything they are going through- and more.

    Pray that God brings them completely to the end of themselves- as we pray this for all of His creation. May He be glorified.

  12. Don’t let the media fool you. The DNC has a HUGE built in ballot advantage. They don’t even need people to vote.

  13. When this article was written, we had 111-days (about 16 weeks) to the election. Its a fact that Trump is prone to speaking in a manner that damages himself. He has plenty of opportunity to do so. I would not count chickens before all the eggs have hatched on Nov-06.

  14. Biden says he’ll drop out for a medical condition.
    Dacovid says “Game on, hold my beer!”

    • Just announced – Biden has daCovid. He might survive this illness, but there’s no hope for recovery from the condition of aged decrepitude.

      • Has Alaska, how is it that Biden has Covid? Didn’t he already have Covid? I seem to recall that he championed everyone getting the clot shot, in fact Joe got the jab and multiple boosters.
        And yet he has covid?
        Huh, meanwhile those of us that refused the jab and got the dreaded Covid have NEVER had a relapse.

  15. Seems a fitting way for old joe to retire

    With Covid after all the boosters and telling us all “ our patience is wearing out you you knuckle draggers not getting the clot shots “

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