Craig Fleener lands role as chief of staff to Alaska Aerospace Defense brass


 Former Walker Administration policy adviser Craig Fleener, who once ran for lieutenant governor as the running mate of Gov. Bill Walker, has been named chief of staff for Lt. Gen. David A. Krumm.

Krumm took the reins of Alaskan North American Aerospace Defense Command Region, Alaskan Command, and Eleventh Air Force in April in a quiet, no-fanfare ceremony due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fleener started his military service as a U.S. Marine and worked his way through the officer ranks of the Alaska Air National Guard. He worked for the Department of Fish and Game under Gov. Sean Parnell.

Fleener had been chosen by Walker to run as his running mate in 2014 as independents. When it appeared that they would not succeed against incumbent Gov. Sean Parnell, Byron Mallott made a deal with Bill Walker — Mallott would run as Walker’s lieutenant governor and Fleener was offered a full four-year post in the Walker Administration in exchange for withdrawing from the ticket. The “Unity Ticket,” as it was called, went on to win over Parnell in the General Election.

For the Walker Administration, Fleener was the Arctic policy advisor and also became director of state and federal relations.

The Alaskan NORAD Region directs bilateral air operations with Canada within Alaska to ensure defense against hostile airborne threats. Alaskan Command integrates activities of more than 21,000 active duty, Guard and Reserve members from all military services in Alaska as a sub-unified command of U.S. Northern Command. Eleventh Air Force oversees the training and readiness of five Air Force wings and Air Force installations located in Alaska, Hawaii, and Guam.


  1. When is this Political Payoff to end — reading the stuff that Walker, Mallott, and Craig Fleener pulled to screw up the State of Alaska and in the end is also responsible for the PFD theft?

  2. The take-away is that Lt. Gen. David A. Krumm, newly appointed commander of the Alaskan North American Aerospace Defense Command Region, Alaskan Command, and Eleventh Air Force
    …chose for his gatekeeper a –senior Walker alumnus– whose only claim to fame seems to be his ability to grab a full four-year post for himself in the Walker Administration in exchange for withdrawing from Walker’s “Unity” ticket,
    …the same Walker administration memorialized for its secret deals to appropriate Alaska’s natural gas for communist China, the sworn enemy of America.
    ***From “USA Today”, “Alaska signs gas pipeline project deal with China” (
    “The state of Alaska took a major step toward realizing a long-sought pipeline to move natural gas from the North Slope to Asia, siding with interests from China after major oil companies stepped back from the project.
    The agreement Alaska Gov. Bill Walker signed Thursday in Beijing with Sinopec, China Investment Corp. and the Bank of China does not guarantee a pipeline will be built, but it gives the lingering liquefied natural gas project a jolt of life.
    “This is the market responding, and we’re very, very pleased with that,” Walker told reporters in a teleconference from Beijing.
    The agreement was signed as both U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping watched. No financial terms were released, but it’s been estimated that the project could cost $43 billion.”
    ***From “Governor details China-Alaska LNG deal, but skeptics still have questions” (
    “Meyer, president of Alaska Gasline Development Corp., said Tuesday the delay occurred because extra time was needed to notify the Chinese parties before the agreement’s release.
    The document says Sinopec could help design and build the project, while 75 percent of the gas could be sold in China. Alaska would retain and sell the other 25 percent, Meyer said.
    The $800 billion China Investment Corp. could be an investor and the Bank of China could be a lender, as part of the deal.
    In questions from Alaska reporters Tuesday, Walker addressed criticism that he had not brought enough
    Walker said the agreement is significant in part because of the high-level political interest from Trump and Xi. Also, the Chinese-owned companies are among the world’s largest firms and have a strong interest in Alaska’s gas, he said.
    The names of the Chinese business officials were blacked out “for privacy,” the agreement said.
    Walker stressed that ongoing negotiations — between AGDC and the (communist) Chinese companies — must be confidential because they involve sensitive details that might be sought by project competitors.”
    General Krumm, where are we going with this? Your gatekeeper, presumably granted a top-secret security clearance, apparently owes his political ascendancy to an administration hell bent on ceding Alaska’s infrastrusture and resources to a communist regime hell bent on defeating America.
    Our purpose is not to impugn Mr. Fleener.
    Our purpose is to ask why the commander of the Alaskan North American Aerospace Defense Command Region, Alaskan Command, and Eleventh Air Force selected his chief of staff, his filter for all things affecting America’s defense from the communist Chinese,
    …from the very administration making secret deals with the communist Chinese?
    General, let’s read it in plain English, something even Deplorables can understand. What the hell is going on here?

    • Any businessman who has done business with China understands that contracts can be broken without consequences. Repudiation of contracts is built into Chinese contract law. Stealing and lying is also part of playing the business game with the Chinese. The trick is not to let them bully you and always get cash up front. They enjoy screwing you. It’s built into their business culture. Walker was no China hand. He was derelict in his negotiations and looked desperate to get a financing agreement with the Chinese. A big no-no. Bill Walker’s attempt to get the Chinese to finance an Alaska gasline was a fool’s game. Of course, so was keeping Byron Mallott around with him on the Third Floor.

  3. Moral of story:
    Stick with what you have at the beginning.
    Walker blinked and switched to an alleged child molestor, who was a Lefty Democrat. That little gamble paid off ……….. In broken spades.
    Walker’s legacy is a failed, broken governor.

  4. Craig is a darn nice fellow. But his career has been one of being a PM (politically incorrect term) and therefore appointing him to any government post is an insult to taxpayers. That isn’t unique to Craig of course but Alaska already has too few people who work at private sector jobs, pay their taxes, and get by as best they can despite machinations of municipal, state and federal government. This appointment doesn’t help but instead continues to destroy confidence in government. Sorry, but that is how it is. Talk with Craig a few minutes if you are skeptical.

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