Alaska and America face an unprecedented period of conflict between ideologies, which is polarizing our national politics.
Challenges to our Second Amendment rights; excessive limitations on our freedom of speech by both social media and government; concerns about election integrity; the rapid push to pass the Equality Act which will nullify a generations long fight for women’s rights; the voracious thirst for more and more tax dollars to fund a bloated and inefficient government; and an unbridled drive to expand the control of government over our personal lives are leaving conservatives rightfully concerned that we are fast becoming a nation without a moral compass, one dependent on a big federal government to manage our very existence.
With a Democrat executive branch, a Democrat House of Representatives, and a Democrat-controlled Senate, conservatives have a right to be alarmed.
It’s not much better in Alaska where a state House, with a numerical Republican majority, is now under the control of the minority Democrats, thanks to a few Republicans who would rather achieve personal gain than represent the constituents who elected them to office.
All is not lost. The political pendulum swings both ways and a resurgence in conservatism is bound to occur. Just give these liberals a little more rope to hang themselves by destroying America with taxes, the Green New Deal, wild social programs, and a foreign policy of appeasement, and we will see a swing back to reality. America is not the socialist, teetering toward communist, nation that the liberal elites are attempting to create.

As the pendulum swings back to the right, we are very fortunate to have Dan Sullivan representing Alaska in the United States Senate. I have known and worked with Dan for over fifteen years.
As Alaska’s Attorney General, he worked to protect individual rights. He resolved a long-standing voters rights dispute concerning disenfranchisement of voters due to language barriers.
As the Alaska Department of Natural Resources commissioner, he was instrumental in pursuing natural resource development in our state, which is financially highly dependent on productive natural resource development.
Elected to the United States Senate in 2014, Sullivan has been a workaholic for Alaska. Really, his staff will tell you that Sen. Sullivan is like the energizer bunny, always actively working on behalf of our great state.
Sen. Sullivan faced a highly charged re-election in 2020. Liberal outside interests flooded our state with money against Dan, in a focused effort to oust our conservative senator and create a solid Democrat-controlled US Senate.
The re-election of Dan Sullivan was the single most important vote to block Democrat domination of the federal bureaucracy and for that, Alaskans and all Americans, should be thankful he was victorious.
This past year has been challenging. Violent riots in cities across our great nation; an Antifa-driven hyper-charged occupation of the U.S. Capitol; two politically driven “impeachment charges” against President Donald J. Trump; and mainstream media blatantly distorting news coverage toward a liberal perspective on a daily basis — all this has made America frustrated with the constant drumbeat of the progressive Left and tone-deaf politicians.
Alaska is lucky we have a US senator who has not been sucked into this vortex of political destruction and has not lost touch with his constituents.
Dan Sullivan’s actions as senator reflect the values he brings to Washington, the values that most of us in Alaska share. He has a strong moral compass. While he can effectively work both sides of the political isle in DC, he does not compromise his principles simply to gain votes or leverage his reputation for political gain. He is a conservative Republican who respects the party platform and stays focused on advancing traditional constitutional governance.
His unwavering votes for Supreme Court nominees Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett demonstrates his fundamental understanding and commitment to a conventional rule of law.
Tirelessly working to improve our state’s economy by opening ANWR, increasing oil and gas production, securing a strong national defense with additional military capabilities in Alaska, protecting our oceans and bolstering our fisheries, and opening the Tongass to more logging opportunities are just a few examples of his determination to provide for our state’s prosperity.
As we look to the future, it is reassuring to know Alaska has Sen. Sullivan defending our state interests in DC. From the politically motivated impeachment proceedings against President Trump, for which Senator Sullivan saw through the political shenanigans being orchestrated by the Democrats and voted to acquit, to the current assault on Alaska by both a Democrat-controlled congress and executive branch, Sen. Sullivan is a stalwart against partisan and toxic federalism and he is a resilient defender of our personal liberties.
I, for one, want to thank Sen. Sullivan for his hard work on behalf of our state and for his dedication to preserving the foundation of our Constitutional Republic. Keep holding the torch of liberty high as you continue representing the freedom loving citizens of the Last Frontier.
Craig E. Campbell served on the Anchorage Assembly between 1986 and 1995 and later as Alaska’s Tenth Lieutenant Governor. He was the previous Chief Executive Officer and President for Alaska Aerospace Corporation. He retired from the Alaska National Guard as Lieutenant General (AKNG) and holds the concurrent retired Federal rank of Major General (USAF).
Excellent read Mr. Campbell, couldn’t agree more. But now what do we do with our other Senate seat?
Elect a Democrat, someone who might have a spine and do something for the state.
Just my opinion. I could be wrong.
Maybe elect an Independent?
Yeah right, look at what Mark Begich did, he followed dems down the drain and took AK with him. What a mistake that was. I still remember him saying he was an “independent” and an “Alaskan” while he walked lock step with the DEMS forgetting about what was important to Alaskans.
I’ll never agian vote another candidate who kills the babies at the planned murderhood altar of baal. Which it rules out Every Single Democrat and every Independent/non partisan- who doesn’t know who they are or where they stand.
Fair enough. Just don’t try to impose your highly personal view of this issue on everyone else.
I think Craig Campbell would be a great Senator for Alaska!
Well written piece and much deserved by the Senator…perhaps his most important asset is his strong moral compass and example he lives with his great family which underpins his love for freedom. it is very unfortunate our senior Senator does not seem to embrace or display either of these assets. and Thank you Craig for your years of past service to our State and Nation and for what I know will be year yet to come.
Although Senator Sullivan has done a lot of good for Alaska, You claim
“Senator Sullivan saw through the political shenanigans being orchestrated by the Democrats and voted to acquit, to the current assault on Alaska by both a Democrat-controlled congress and executive branch.”
Did he really “see through the political shenanigans being orchestrated” or did he turn into a typical cowardly politician? When asked about election results, he stated ” No, I never denied the results of the election.” Well, millions of Americans rejected the results and called it fraudulent. He later blamed Trump for inciting the Capital riot although he voted NOT to impeach. At that time I lost respect for Sullivan as he turned into a typical cowardly politician. I feel he should censured right along with the Dud Murkowski.
He saw right through the first impeachment effort, and saw right through the self-serving bluster of the President’s efforts to hold on to power no matter what in spite of an election that was exactly the obverse of what he had previously claimed four years before was a “landslide” in his favor.
Millions of Americans rejecting election results didn’t have any bearing on facts when Trump was elected over Clinton, nor did it when Biden was elected over Trump. I was consistently impressed with Sullivan’s ability this January to see through party politics and toe the line of constitutionalism step by step—insisting on every vote being counted and all credible allegations of fraud being investigated, but not calling foul before the facts were in to the point of forsaking his oath to uphold the constitution and refusing to certify lawful election results as some did. Of course, a lot of “conservatives” and Alaskans will throw away Sullivan over this because they don’t truly understand the principles of conservatism, just as many threw away Parnell because they also did not understand the laws of the state or the principle of a person who puts duty above political advantage.
It’s to the shame of many on the right that we are not able to recognize a good statesman when we have one.
I agree. Sullivan did what republicans do in any fight – NOTHING- spineless and Murkowski needs to go. She’s allowed anwr to be closed. Supports jo and ho. Just where do you deliberately sink your state
Unlike Don Young, he showed a lack of bravery to confidently assert his support for Pebble. Although he accepted their political campaign donations, when unpleasantly confronted with the undercover recorded truths in the leaked tapes, he cowered away from a project vital to our national security as a whole and the prosperity of the Pro-Pebble Iliamna tribe that lives closest to the project. He sided with extreme left interests saturated with Chinese influence. And while the obvious lack of a backbone was designed to win the election to keep the Senate, his victory didn’t even accomplish that. He prob could have won his seat taking the Don Young approach of standing for what is right in spite of popularity. Leaders must be above popularity contests. Two Republican US Senators opposed to an environmentally sound and prudent project. Unreal. Apparently Murkowski was converted to the NRDC dark side by a staff member that was evangelically anti-pebble, but Sullivan only has his lack of moral fiber to blame.
I, for one, disagree with Mr. Campbell. He seems to fall off on the side of oligarchy and anti-Constitutional Constitutionality at every opportunity, and the fantasy world he enlivens regarding Sen. Sullivan continues that track. F’rinstance,
“… he was instrumental in pursuing natural resource development in our state, which is financially highly dependent on productive natural resource development.” Natural resource development, oil excepted, has done nothing to repay the state for the environmental devastation it has wrought. Aside from oil, the state and its residents receive virtually nothing from mining and the harvesting of timber. We will, however, be left with the legacy of the poisonous aftermath that remains when the takers have taken what they can get and then walk away.
” Sen. Sullivan is like the energizer bunny, always actively working on behalf of our great state,” i.e., actively ignoring anything that doesn’t advance the GOP agenda, Constitution or not, while actively sleeping when it comes to advancing programs that help real world Alaskans. Where is Ted Stevens when we need him? Certainly not present in the persona of Sen. Sullivan.
” Violent riots in cities across our great nation; an Antifa-driven hyper-charged occupation of the U.S. Capitol; two politically driven “impeachment charges” against President Donald J. Trump; and mainstream media blatantly distorting news coverage toward a liberal perspective on a daily basis…” This is just plain revisionist hyperbole. There were violent riots. There is no evidence that they were “antifa-driven.” This is a construct that is being floated to dismiss the blatant participation by Trump supporters (look at the videos and count the Trump flags) in an attempt to deflect the blame from where it belongs, with the white-supremacist supporters of a Trump entitled aristocracy. The impeachments were based on evidence (remember the “perfect” phone call, which was self indicting, and a butt osculating AG who said a sitting President can’t be convicted), as well as the active incitement to a riled-up crowd to “go up to the Capitol and take back your country,” a clear call to rally to the cause of the Commander in Chief. As far as the mainstream media distortions, if reality, based upon evidence, is a distortion, then Mr. Campbell is your guru. If Fox News and OAN are your sources of information, then a reality check is in order.
“His unwavering votes for Supreme Court nominees Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett demonstrates his fundamental understanding and commitment to a conventional rule of law. ” This may be in support of conventional laws, but it isn’t in support of the Constitution. It is in support of establishing a religious test of the rule of law, and it will be a Christian religious test only, and very likely a Roman Catholic Christian test. If you check your Constitution, you will find that this is not allowed.
The truth is that Dan Sullivan is masquerading as a Senator, much as Frank Murkowski did for about 22 years, while doing nothing to improve the lot of us ordinary Alaska residents. We receive about 4 buck of federal money for every buck we send to DC, and what do we get for it, plans to rape the Tongass to send saw logs to Asia and keep two or three mills operating at minimal levels, a solid military presence to protect us from the potential of an Arctic invasion, and a dwindling series of oil patches that systematically are being abandoned by the companies that sought them in the ’70s. Sullivan had six years as senator to make a difference, and things seem pretty much the way they were before he came along.
The GOP is living in a dream world where up is down and down is up, where everything is judged by malleable values where, if it works for them, it’s good, and, if it works for the other people, it’s bad, even if it is the same thing. Dan Sullivan is a disciple of this scheme and Mr. Campbell is his acolyte.
You sound like a bitter Gross supporter.
Craig Campbell for Senate 2022.
Hey Craig, Please run for Senate!
Have you looked how the Senator has voted since November, over rode veto to change 230 on big tech , voted to send MILLIONS and MILLIONS to foreign country’s do I need to go on Mr Campbell . By the way I am a republican.
Alaskans need to get ride of people that have never had a real job, meet a payroll, and we need to change the law to were elected to office no pension’s. Our government wasn’t supposed to be made up of people making a living off of US.
After these last four years, I believe the left and the right in power are all just actors in political theater. It doesn’t matter if Dan Sullivan or Lisa Murkowski or Don Young is in office, the same monies will, or will not, come to Alaska. How the hell did Prop. 2 pass? How is Murkowski still in office? Dan Sullivan did not stand up to defend Trump. I don’t call that leadership. I call that being a sheep running along with all the other congressional sheep, led by crazies like McConnell, Pelosi, and Schumer. I have lost all faith in the Republican Party. They can act like they are turning everything around at the CPAC convention today, but it is a big sham. I will never send another dime to the Republican Party. I am still a Conservative-Libertarian, but I will NOT participate in this joke of a government, both federal and state that we have. You people in power, or once-in-power, Mr. Campbell, are so out of touch with how enraged the general public is over these over-hyped, highly false positive COVID test results that shut down the country and has all the sheep in the general public scared witless, this non-stop attack on Trump for 4 damn years, and people like Dan Sullivan, who I don’t think could lead his way out of a paperbag, (although he does do a good innocuous, blathering, superfluous, meaningless townhall meeting well with Murkowski on a regular basis), it is not even funny. Public jokes, all of you.
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Hi – They go into a comment approval file, and then I look at them quickly and fix whatever I can and approve or trash, depending on how much work it takes to edit, whether they are civil, and whether they are in all caps, etc. – sd
General, I supported Sullivan wholeheartedly last fall, I might again if Sullivan has an opponent like Al, “Cajones” Gross, but I am not going to be an active supporter going forward. Dan is a decent man but he lost my support over the election results. Sorry General, your man in the bitter end is just another swamp rat, albeit a really nice one
Recall your oath regarding all enemies foreign and domestic….
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