“Just days before her death, as her strength waned, Ginsburg dictated this statement to her granddaughter Clara Spera: ‘My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.'”
It was the dog whistle to the Left.
NPR, which got the copy of the statement from Spera, was quick on the draw to publish the last wish of the 87-year-old Supreme Court justice, who on her deathbed committed her final nakedly partisan act, throwing the replacement of her seat deep into the 2020 campaign cycle. Her politics was her final word: It’s her seat, and she wants a Democrat in it.
COVID-19 is so- last-week. National mask mandates are in the rearview mirror. And nobody is talking about Joe Biden’s dementia today.
Now, the presidential candidates and their surrogates will be fighting for the holy grail — that key seat on the Supreme Court.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and President Donald Trump have said, essentially, it’s full steam ahead for nomination and confirmation. But McConnell, while he said there will be a vote on the president’s nominee, has not said when that vote would come. The election looms bigly in both these leaders’ minds.
Any campaign polls that were published before Friday night can be thrown out the window. All bets are off. For many on the left, Bader-Ginsburg was a cult hero. Although her death could not have come as a total surprise, for the Left, this is like Mahatma Ghandi’s death was for India. Bader-Ginsburg is revered that much. They are weeping, wailing, and rending their yoga pants.
But the fact is that Ginsberg became enchanted with her own image. She could have retired during the Obama years and ensured that she had a liberal replacement. She was 81 and had a window to get her liberal, woke replacement. But she missed that window because of her own narcissistic tendencies. It was bad succession planning on her part.
The battle for the Supreme Court may reignite the Antifa-Black Lives Matter riots across America, and will certainly reshape the thinking of every federal campaign, from the President to the U.S. House, which has no role in the confirmation process, but will feel the heat of the argument nonetheless. Joe Biden has already said he will appoint a black woman to the Supreme Court, fueling the racist rage of the Left.
One reason the President wants his choice on the high court is that it’s expected by Republicans that Democrats will try to steal the election through unsecured mail-in ballots across several key states, such as Pennsylvania, where officials have already said that mail-in ballots need to be counted even if the signatures don’t match the voter. They describe it as the “red mirage,” where Trump wins on Election Day, but then loses as the mail-in ballots arrive.
Litigation this year is likely to drag on for weeks. The Supreme Court may be pulled into the political realm to decide the outcome of the presidential election, as it was in 2000, when Florida hung in the balance with its “hanging chads” from well-used voting machines.
If the Supreme Court has only eight justices and lacks a tie-breaking vote, the nation could face a constitutional crisis, with no resolution to the election, and no president sworn in. A 4-4 split on the Court is not a good thing for either party.
The rioting that will ensue before and after the elections is almost a given at this point, as evidenced by the raging of the Left in recent weeks. The riots of this summer were just spring training for the main game. Unreported by the mainstream media, nightly riots continue in Portland, and sporadically elsewhere.

Senate campaigns across the country are gearing up for the epic battle, which has become suddenly laser focused. Seats like Susan Collins in Maine, Corey Gardner in Colorado, and Martha McSally in Arizona will suck all the political oxygen out of the room, as Democrats fight to flip the Senate and put New York’s Chuck Schumer in charge.
Friday was a pivot in the campaign. Many a bottle of liquor was consumed by political operatives on the Left and the Right late into the night, as the consequence of Bader-Ginsberg’s death sunk in, and the demonstrations from the Left are beginning today here in Alaska and across the country.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski has already boxed herself in with her statement that she will not vote on a nominee until after Nov. 3. That gets the demonstrators out of her office and down the hall at Dan Sullivan’s.
And the Democrats activated immediately: Democratic donors shattered records last night on the ActBlue donor site, contributing $6.2 million in the 9 pm hour. A lot of that money will be spent to take out Republicans like Sen. Dan Sullivan, Gardner, Collins, and McSally. If they lose, it would leave Murkowski in the minority in November at a time when she would otherwise be in line to run the Appropriations Committee.
Batten down the hatches. It’s going to get ugly.
It’s already ugly Suzanne.
Ginsburg should have thought about her statement a little more before making it a mandate. She should have stated that she didn’t want to be replaced until after the election in November. If Trump wins did she want the court to be 8 until 2024? Just not looking forward to the canonization of Ginsburg.
“And nobody is talking about Joe Biden’s dementia today.”
On his worst day, Biden is a better man than morbidly obese, impeached, lumbering Trump is on his best.
At least Joe doesn’t drink his covfefe in Nambia while eating a hamberder near those strange noise cancer-causing windmills that can be cured by drinking a class of origin juice! Which he can’t buy unless he shows his ID at the grocery store after he sent the generators (ventilators) to the States! He has never visited an airfield from the American Revolutionary war or spoken with the President of the Virgin Isles! If you want clean coal, the moronic childish president washes it! Joe has never been on the Colorado/Mexico border or drunk bleach to cure a virus or requested the nuking of hurricanes that are over wet ocean water. The nukes will be dropped by dumb tubby’s invisible F-35s. Who are Generals McGarther and “You-release-us-from-a-grant?” And why did tubby salute those who ‘sacrifice’ for the ‘furniture’ of their children. Is Finland a country? Who are Americans of ‘all walks of lice’? He proclaimed that there would be ‘one million eight hundred and seventy thousand million tests’ for coronavirus and that the US would have ‘no cases’ of COVID-19 ‘if we didn’t do testing. WTF is “toe-tally-tario-tism?” Where is Thighland? Seriously, did he say the 1918 spanish Flu “probably ended” WWII which did not begin until 21 years after the pandemic! The latest COVIS statement was it is going away because Americans will develop a herd mentality.
This is your brain on drugs!
How many bottles of Jack Daniels did you consume before making this obnoxious post? What a great writing talent you have! This was an amazingly off the wall rant. I didn’t know crazy could sound so, well, crazy. I’ve also noticed you don’t use your whole name–afraid those who know you will realize they have nut job for a friend?
Writing the truth sardonically causes obsequious sycophants like you to become apoplectic.
Well put……
Huh. That rant sounds like a person who believes the mainstream media narrative. Surprising you would read something as honest as ‘Must Read Alaska’
Rob, get a TDD check-up. You’re leaking at the seams with Left-wing drivel. Not much intelligence from that. Just a lot of rage. You probably look 20 years older than your actual age.
It is refreshing to see that the “nut” population continues to grow. Welcome to the crazy ward Rob. You will fit right in!
Rob is “Triggered”, just like Don Jr wrote about. Rob’s arguments are shallow and untruthful. The Liberal/Marxist/Left is very entertaining to watch today! Will be leaving off the news for the next week, until RBG is buried. Then will be tuning in when Senate approves #AmyBarrettSCOTUS.
Biden said in a speech in June 1992 that then president George HW Bush should nominate a moderate SCOTUS nominee that both parties could agree with. Trump or Biden should contact each other (maybe Murkowski could try to ask Trump to do this?) to jointly make a SCOTUS nominee, someone more moderate, per the Biden Rule that Biden created. If they did this, hopefully the Senators from both parties vote for the person and move on before America becomes even more dystopian than we already are.
Hey, Sen. Murkowski, could you contact Trump and make this suggestion?
Beth, although your suggestion relying on Biden’s 1992 suggestion to President Bush, sounds great, it is no longer enforceable, due to Senator Mitch McConnel’s insane policy in 2016 that a Supreme Court nominee, who is nominated in a presidential election year should not be voted on, in order to give the newly elected president the right to submit a nominee.
Furthermore, why should we have to settle for a moderate Supreme Court Justice? Trump has replaced a Conservative justice, Scalia, with a conservative, and a Moderate with a Conservative. By all accounts, we need a liberal to replace a liberal.
Not going to happen no matter how hard you libs cry for one.
I understand what you’re saying Tom. I have no dog in this fight so am really not that considered about who SCOTUS will be because I prefer conservative judges on some issues and liberal judges for other issues. I’m just concerned the fact that regardless of who “wins” in November, there will be lawsuits, and not just for the president, either. A 4-4 SCOTUS could potentially be bad for America in that regard. That’s why I suggested Trump and Biden try and work together on filing the SCOTUS, even if they make this a one-year SCOTUS nomination. Too many people both part sides are calling for civil war and/or secession.
Excellent article, Suzanne. Ginsberg’s croak is what Trump needs to rally his troops through election day. The Left has tried EVERYTHING. Now, Trump has an issue, all his own, that can be carried straight through to election day. This is what he needed and Ginsberg delivered. God bless RBG. She finally gave to the Conservatives…….albeit in death. She saw the errors of her past ways.
That was awesome writing! My laugh for the day and I need all the laughter I can get right now. Thanks, ChrissyB, for making my day.
Leftists will make good their threats if they assume the other sane Americans will stand by and watch. Can’t let that happen. No more watching. Time for the dog to wag the tail again, not the tail to wag the dog. Open, murderous, seditious, treasonous and generally evil threats are boiling out of the leftist cauldron of hate to use against us if they don’t get their way. I read they even have a coven of witches or two, casting spells on us ‘deplorables’. The seditionists are breaking every rule in the book in their attempts to intimidate us. For me, every accelerated threat just strengthens my resolve to do whatever I can to block it. They want my freedom. Molon labe (come take it).
Evil succeeds because good people do nothing.
Voting is like Popeye eating spinach. Bluto (the left) loses.
Who really gives a rat’s #ss what Ginsburg’s most fervent wish was?
Best comment I’ve heard yet regarding Ginsberg.
Ginsburg not retiring is also a norm in other Political circles, look at are own Don Young. Always voted for Don, I think he will die at the wheel. So I am not so quick to judge.
That being said it is imperative that Ginsburg replacement be appointed ASAP. To much uncertainty today in our Polarized World.
Unfortunately Thomas Jefferson s dreaded prediction of an Unelected High Court with the Final Word, will be more important than any elected politician, has come to pass. It is truly a sad day for all of us.
Ginsburg not retiring is also a norm in other Political circles, look at are own Don Young. Always voted for Don, I think he will die at the wheel. So I am not so quick to judge.
That being said it is imperative that Ginsburg replacement be appointed ASAP. To much uncertainty today in our Polarized World.
Unfortunately Thomas Jefferson s dreaded prediction of an Unelected High Court with the Final Word, will be more important than any elected politician, has come to pass. It is truly a sad day for all of us.
Yes, the courts have become the 4th legislative branch of our country and often the final arbiter. The real problem is that the Democrats use the court system effectively to achieve legislation that would never make it through the congressional process.
“Just days before her death, as her strength waned, Ginsburg dictated this statement to her granddaughter Clara Spera: ‘My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.’
So, no one is concerned with the language? Since when are US Presidents installed? Are they not elected? Is Biden being installed?
Suzanne, I would not be surprised to see Lisa Murkowski switch parties and officially become a Democrat if they end up controlling the Senate after this election. We all know that she would be welcomed with open arms by Chuck Schumer.
That would be wonderful. Then we could elect a real Republican in 2022.
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