Covid daily count dropping: 352 new cases on Halloween


The number of people who tested positive for Covid-19 on Oct. 31 was 352. For the Oct. 29-31 weekend, the total was 1,547 for new cases in Alaska, including the 352 on Sunday. There has been a decrease of 8 percent in new cases from the previous week.

Currently, 190 Alaskans are hospitalized with Covid-19, making up 19.3 percent of all hospitalizations, a decrease from last week. Also a decrease are the number of hospitalized Covid patients on ventilators. Last month the number of patients on ventilators spiked to 38 at one point. That number is now 28.

96 of the 118 ICU beds in the state are occupied and 779 of 1,100 non-ICU beds are occupied. The number of beds relates to whether there is staffing to take care of patients, and the base number tends to change. These occupied beds are being used by Covid and non-Covid patients.

Three more Alaskans died over the weekend with the cause attributed to Covid, bringing the state total to 702 since the pandemic hit Alaska in March of 2020.

60.3% of Alaskans 12 and older have been vaccinated.

The vaccination rate by by region:

  • Juneau Region: 80.3%
  • YK-Delta Region: 77.3%
  • Other Southeast Region – Northern: 76.2%
  • Southwest Region: 70.5%
  • Other Southeast Region – Southern: 68.1%
  • Anchorage Region: 64.1%
  • Northwest Region: 62.7%
  • Other Interior Region: 60.5%
  • Fairbanks North Star Borough: 52.9%
  • Kenai Peninsula Region: 50.5%
  • Matanuska-Susitna Region: 43.7%


  1. At this rate, the Marxist Nine on the Anchorage assembly will be willing to rescind their mask mandate (based on the threshold of less than 50 cases per week) some time in the middle of the 23rd century.

  2. The enhanced reimbursements paid to hospitals for placing patients on ventilators instead of early home treatment and bonuses paid for prescribing remdesivir for the only “authorized” treatment of
    SARS-CoV-2 need to be published and disseminated publicly.
    Large numbers of the most experienced and productive medical staff who worked through this nightmare from day 1, who went to work everyday with no knowledge how to deal with it once infected, or how simple it can be avoided where kicked to the curb over the toxic jabs.
    All the while the mercenary and corrupt hospital administrators were raking in Covid grants, enhanced treatment payments and bonuses to enrich themselves on the misery and death of the public. Patients died alone, unable to be near their loved ones.
    Now we will see these so called medical professionals pressuring parents to have their children jabbed and compromise an unknown number for life.
    The industry still will not provide accurate testing or consistently enter critical and accurate VAERS information.

  3. The public is truly unwelcome at meetings. Their input always rejected. Meetings are communist ramrods. I do not consent. Communist and foreign (CA, China etc) servants should resign immediately. STOP marginalizing your employer, the residents of Anchorage. I know you felt as snug as a bug in your idyll, and your catered food last year. That was bad. You need counseling to detach from that addiction to tyranny. Done with your brand of communism or whatever it is.

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