COVID-19 update: One new case, and one new death


One more case of COVID-19 coronavirus was diagnosed during the most recent 24-hour snapshot by the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. The new case is in the Southeast Fairbanks Census Area — the Interior.

The total case count in Alaska is 372. Recovered cases in Alaska now total 284.

Some 23,655 swab tests have been conducted in Alaska, or about 364 tests a day since testing began on March 2. No new hospitalizations were reported; the total cumulative hospitalizations to 38. Currently 8 Alaskans are hospitalized with the illness.

One new death due to COVID-19 was reported, which is the first death since April 11. This brings the total to 10 Alaskans who have died from the coronavirus since it arrived in the state in early March.

This reflects data from 12 a.m. until 11:59 p.m. on May 5 that posted on the DHSS Coronavirus Response AK COVID-19 Cases and Testing Dashboard.


    • We were never promised that there would be no more deaths after we flattened the curve. Flattening the curve was only to spread out the deaths so the medical system was not overwhelmed. The curve is flat. As we reopen Alaska we should start comparing the increases in deaths due to OD’s, Heart Disease, Alcoholism, Suicide, Cancer and other medical conditions that went untreated while we were flattening the curve.

    • We are never guaranteed safety from disease. I would rather take my chances with a virus than with a country without social and economic infrastructure. Anyone who does not want to be part of society can always stay home. At least we should have the choice.

  1. I’m almost 75. I would rather die before I become bed-ridden, s****ing on myself. My Indian grand-ma went that way. It was horrible to even think about.

    • Your president wants you all to be sacrificial warriors for his economy.

      Or is it his re-election he wants you to die for?

      We have our first seafood worker tested positive and another Anchorage case in the school system

      Hey, let’s open up some more, it’s not like we’re in the middle of a global pandemic or anything.

      It’s just the flu, right?. No big deal.

  2. Bill Tobin, perhaps rational thought and critical thinking properly applied might help you understand that this ridiculous shunting of liberties isn’t about your political parties aspirations only. It is about the lives of 700 thousand Alaskans. It is about their freedom and pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness. Sorry Bill , Stalinist 5 year plans and extended Quarantines are anathema to Alaskans. Perhaps California might be a better fit for you?

    • OTA,

      That’s the problem with political hacks who walk the party line, rational thought and critical thinking are not required to spout their preapproved talking points.

    • Shunting your liberty? Your pursuit of a cone at Dairy Queen? Now you speak for all Alaskans? Washington D. C. may be a better fit for you?

      • Berv2, yes I do speak for Alaskans who have the ability to discern between a real Public Emergency and what some might call ” Ignorance in Action”. Since these lockdowns began we have emptied our Hospital’s, ostensibly getting prepared for an onslaught. It didn’t happen. Let’s recognize the obvious and move forward.

  3. It would be enlightening if comorbidities were released with infection/death numbers.

  4. Protect the elderly, sick and immuno-compromised. Let everyone who wants to stay in, stay in.

    Leave the rest of us the hell alone, and let us live our life, go to work, and pull this country back from the madness of fear and hysteria that has almost driven us all over the edge.

  5. My wife and I went to I Hop In Muldoon yesterday. It was an amazing experience on service. The employees were trilled to have sit-down customers. From talking with them it was easy to discern the agony and uncertainty they were experiencing.
    Simple meal, nothing fancy, but every bite was special, for it was our first meal out in a long while.
    Alaskans it is time to break out of our lock down and start spreading some money around.

  6. It’s a big deal in New York and New Jersey and some other densely populated blue state areas. US death rate: a little over 2 per million–(.0218%, mainly elderly with pre-existing conditions such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes, etc. The US economy is what’s really dying. TRUMP 2020 YOU WON’T DIE from Wuhan virus. Fear not libtards! The first fatality by a lightning strike this year just happened the other day in South Carolina. Good idea to self quarantine in a thunderstorm wouldn’t you say?

  7. Lightning strike fatalities average 2 a year.

    It’s a myth that Covid-19 only affects elderly with complications, the Texas state health department studied nearly 11,500 of the roughly 34,000 cases of COVID-19 in Texas and found that people between age 20 and 60 were more likely to test positive for the virus than young or older Texans.

    Additionally, CDC data shows that up to one-fifth of infected people ages 20-44 have been hospitalized, including 2%-4% who required treatment in an intensive care unit.

    Of the cases in people 85 and older, 31% to 71% were hospitalized and 6.3% to 29% needed intensive care. The death rate in that age group was 10% to 27%.

    In contrast, among people 20 to 44, 14% to 21% of 705 cases were admitted to hospitals and 2% to 4% to ICUs; 0.1% to 0.2% died.

    The rates for middle-aged people fell between these extremes, while 29% to 44% of patients 65 to 74 were hospitalized and 8% to 19% needed intensive care; 2.7% to 4.9% in this age group died.

    There are now 1,343,134 cases of cover-19 in America and 79,940 deaths so far, not to mention we’re only about 4 months in.

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