COVID-19 update: Five cases Saturday, five more Sunday


Between Friday and Sunday, 10 new cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed in Alaska.

The total number of cases has risen to 319, with 153 of those recovered, and 166 known to be actively fighting off the virus.

There were no new deaths reported. Nine Alaskans have lost their lives to complications resulting from the Wuhan coronavirus, although just seven of those who died passed away in Alaska. The death rate is 2.82 per 100 cases, including the two out-of-state deaths.

Today’s cases include what was reported from 12 a.m. until 11:59 p.m. on April 18, and show cases that developed in three Alaska communities – Anchorage (3), Palmer (1), and Petersburg (1).

The five from Saturday’s report had cases in four Alaska communities – Anchorage (1), Soldotna (2), Palmer (1) and Wasilla. (1). 

Total cases of COVID-19 that have been diagnosed in Alaska, (including recovered and deaths):

  • Anchorage: 154
  • Kenai Peninsula: 19
  • Fairbanks/North Star Borough: 79
  • Southeast Fairbanks Census Area: 1
  • Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area: 1
  • Kodiak: 1
  • Mat-Su Borough: 17
  • Nome Area 1
  • Juneau: 24
  • Ketchikan: 15
  • Petersburg: 3
  • Craig: 2
  • Bethel: 1

By Saturday noon, 9,895 COVID-19 swab tests had been conducted in Alaska. Approximately 3.22 percent of those who have been tested have yielded a positive lab result.


  1. Alaska will always have new cases of COVID-19 (even if there is a vaccine). Just like Swine flu H1N1, there will always be new cases of COVID-19, even though there is a vaccine.
    The question for Gov. Dunleavy, will he open the state up (without restrictions), if a few new cases of COVID-19 continue to pop up?
    I think not! Gov. Dunleavy is on a power grab.
    I hope I am proven wrong.

    • Phil, disagree about Mike being on a power grab. Look at what Cathy and Bryce have done in letters to Treasury, etc.
      I shudder what would have happened if Walker was still in power along with the likes of Cathy and Bryce, THAT would have been the power grab attempt of the century!

  2. Suzanne, did you notice that the recovered figures are now as high as 48% of all known cases?
    I wrote to [email protected] to find out what the treatment of those recovered was, supportive and/or anti-viral. The Gov and Dr Zink need to talk about treatment. Been mentioned several times but we have no idea what treatment we can look forward to.
    South Dakota Gov got 100,000 doses of hydroxychloroquine from FEMA. Waiting on an answer if Alaska has asked for and getting/gotten. Last I heard from a Pharmacy, they would have to order out and compete with Lower 48 and other patient uses.

  3. While the Governor was killing the economy, the oil price just put the final nail in Alaska’s hopes at $5/barrel. Last one out turn the lights off.

  4. The Governor is not the problem! Are there some things I would like to see done different? Yes. I have told him so as well, I am working with his administration on those issue. Am I there yet where I’d like to be? No, but time will tell.
    This is way bigger than Alaska.

    • Mike, the bottom line is, Gov. Dunleavy has NOT opened the Alaska economy.
      He can if he wants to, by the stroke of a pen, and it would be a done deal, but I don’t see any action that he is committed to opening the “entire” economy.
      I hope I’m wrong,
      He is what he is!

    • Yes, the governor *is* the problem. Yes, it *is* a power-grab, and as big as any Democrat governor in the US has made.
      From the AK State Constitution: “this constitution is dedicated to the principles that all persons have a natural right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the enjoyment of the rewards of their own industry.”
      For real leadership see what Gov. Kristi Noem has to say (and note that South Dakota has 150K more people in a far smaller geographic range than AK, and still has fewer deaths than AK):
      “The people themselves are primarily responsible for their safety,” Noem said. “They are the ones that are entrusted with expansive freedoms. They’re free to exercise their rights to work, to worship, and to play. Or to even stay at home, or to conduct social distancing.”
      Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – Ben Franklin

  5. Phil, you are wrong. He is working a plan that is reasonable and safe. I’d still like to hear more on treatment and prophylactic meds, which I am writing him about.

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