COVID-19 update: 6 cases in three communities


The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services today announced six new cases of COVID-19 in three Alaska communities – Anchorage (4), Wasilla (1) and Juneau (1). This brings the total case count in Alaska to 335.

No new hospitalizations for deaths occurred from the illness in the 24-hour reporting period. There have been a total of 36 hospitalizations and nine deaths.

Recovered cases now total 196, including 28 new recovered cases recorded yesterday. That means there are 139 known cases of COVID-19 in Alaska.

The total case count, including both those recovered and those who died:

  • Anchorage: 164
  • Kenai Peninsula: 19
  • Fairbanks/North Star Borough: 79
  • Southeast Fairbanks Census Area: 1
  • Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area: 1
  • Kodiak: 1
  • Mat-Su Borough: 20
  • Nome Area 1
  • Juneau: 27
  • Ketchikan: 16
  • Petersburg: 3
  • Craig: 2
  • Bethel: 1


  1. Nine deaths total huh? In a state more than twice the size of Texas. Heck, don’t we kill that many in small aircraft in couple months of summer?

    So now we have extremely onerous restrictions placed on Alaskans to the point that we defacto remain closed. We are NOT opened. At the same time tens of thousands of people from all over the world are about to descend in mass on small native communities so a commercial fishery in Bristol Bay can take place. No reservations needed. The bunk houses and work stations are not restricted to 25%. Dining tables in the cafeteria far less than 10 feet apart. Hundreds sleeping in a bunk house. Three or more Fishers all living on a small boat unable to Maintain social distancing. This industry is “ open”. And I have not read how they are threatened with jail time But we Alaskans are! We are now threatened with prosecution and jail time if we don’t follow to the letter these new dictatorial edicts. Pardon me, I mean health “mandates”.

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