COVID-19 update: 2 cases


The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services on Monday announced two new case of COVID-19 in Alaska. The two cases were in Anchorage.

This brings the total case count in Alaska to 370. In Anchorage, a total of 189 cases have been diagnosed, less than half a percent of the Anchorage population, since the first Anchorage case on March 2.

Anchorage has averaged three cases per day since the outbreak first arrived in Alaska’s largest city.

Recovered cases in Alaska now total 263, which leaves 107 active cases. Some 21,723 tests have been conducted, or about 345 tests a day since testing began on March 2.

This reflects data from 12 a.m. until 11:59 p.m. on May 3 that posted on the DHSS Coronavirus Response AK COVID-19 Cases and Testing Dashboard.

One additional hospitalization has been reported, but no new deaths. The last death in Alaska attributed to COVID-19 was on April 11, and brought the total who died inside the state to 7, while two other Alaskans died while out of state.

There have been a total of 37 hospitalizations and nine deaths among Alaskans who have been infected with the Wuhan coronavirus. Currently 12 Alaskans are hospitalized with the illness.

The death rate in Alaska from COVID-19 stands at 2.44 percent. As for hospitalizations, nearly 10 percent of those who have gotten the virus have had to be hospitalized at some point.


  1. On 4/20 we opened up some businesses and services, then again on 4/24, then again 4/27, and now again 5/4… and so now it’s been 2 weeks since the first relaxation of mandates and lockdowns- and it appears cases are trending down.. each week from here on in will tell us a lot..but it certainly appears like we can continue to march back to normalcy, and God willing, save our economy and all the many lives that entails..

    • If your recovery plan involves divine intervention you planned poorly.

      Thus ends the stupidest self inflicted cratering of the economy, ever. For future politicians; note that if your coworker breaks their arm not everyone needs to get a cast. Trashing an economy in support of those that likely don’t participate in the economy at all has been a foolish choice. Sequester those that are at risk and let the rest of the population go on with their lives.

      This has been complete idiocy led by a man that thinks a foreign military war machine would bother to invent a cold. Same guy supposedly jokingly suggests windex or some other nonsense could be injested as a cure. Idiots.

      • If you don’t think closing flights within their own country, but allowing people from Wuhan to fly all over the world, wasn’t that foreign war machine weaponizing their “accident” then you’ve interpreted events poorly.

        • Giving others a cold that kills off the already compromised and frail is the opposite of how a “foreign war machine”ought to work. You know that, right?

          Ever since the Plague of the 1347 and likely prior there have been a long string of viral scourges coming out of Asia. To assume that this comparative weakling of a virus is some kind of bioweapon is as childish as the weapon is ineffective. The problem wasn’t the virus; the problem was the absolutely insane response to it. Politicians over reacting and hiring medico nutbars w/ big bills and political aspirations to validate a paid perspective.

          This has been a complete clown car from the time this flu bug was fresh all the way through to when it was expected to land on US soil and the government unnecessarily opens the door multiple times on a flight that only needed the door opened once it reached its final destination… and then sent in unqualified people with no PPE and no clue. Then the government wrings its hands over whether or not face masks should be considered a good idea while demonstrating a complete inability to learn from the experiences of those that deal with such problems at ground zero in recent centuries. From the original artifice to the response fiasco this has been a complete disaster.

          For another flu bug.

          • 1,248,849 cases so far and we’re not anywhere near the end.

            American dead, mostly due to denial and incompetence:


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