Cops say man, under house arrest, rapes ninth victim



Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable. If you think there is nothing wrong with Alaska’s judicial system, consider this:

A man accused of sexually assaulting eight women is charged with sexually assaulting a ninth in Anchorage – while out on bail.

Kayshawn Dyett, 23, was supposed to be at home under house arrest, pretrial supervision and wearing an electronic ankle monitor when the ninth victim was raped and strangled, authorities say.   

KTVA reports that last year, when there were eight possible victims, prosecutors asked that Dyett’s bail be increased to more than $100,000 cash, but Anchorage Superior Court Judge Kevin Saxby set it at $10,000 – and allowed Dyett to remain under house arrest for two weeks to give him time to come up with the additional money.

Judge Patrick McKay yesterday granted the state’s request to set a cash bail of more than $500,000 at his arraignment on the new charges.

In the bail memo, Assistant District Attorney Betsy Bull wrote Dyett is an “unmitigated, proven risk of committing further sexual assaults….”

It is no wonder so many Alaskans have real concerns about the state’s justice system. How could this have happened? With eight women accusing him of strangulation and rape, Dyett should not have been out on bail. Period. That is simple common sense. The ninth victim appears to have paid a very high price for the justice system’s failure.

Earlier, after eight women had accused Dyett, we wrote:

“It is no wonder women sometimes are furious with the justice system. They should be.”

Indeed, we all should be.


  1. Just curious, where did the crime occur? At the place of House Arrest? If so, what woman goes to his place of house incarceration?
    I am not defending this animal’s actions only merely pointing out the need for individuals to be cautious.

  2. Some judges who seem to be at odds with particular laws appear to exercise activist passive resistance. They throw the laws in our faces as a way to discredit them in the public eye, thereby hopefully effecting a change.

  3. A large part of Dyett’s criminal career was most likely established when SB-91 was in effect. Leniency in heinous criminal behavior only promotes more, especially in this instance, if reports are accurate. The ‘judge’ must have came about his “judgeship” under “less than optimal” gov’t ‘non-biased’ qualification requirements (i.e., leftist gov’t requirements). Now that the infamous SB-91 has been negated by the Dunleavy administration, the judge possibly would have been of the correct non-political, non-bias auspices of his authority and would likely have kept Dyett in jail as a flight risk, or worse, as it turned out, if one could move the clock back to the 20-20 position (hindsight). Of course, supposition can lead to it’s own problems. All those women deserve justice, not political judges and ankle bracelets for the perpetrators.

  4. The judicial system is so broken. The 2 through the 9 victim should be able to have the people involved removed from their jobs as failures. They are a real credit to the mess we have.

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