Cook Political Report lists Begich as likely win for reelection in 2026

Congressman Nick Begich greets supporters in his office in D.C.

It seems like just the other day that Congressman Nick Begich was being sworn into office. But that was Jan. 3. One month later, the U.S. House Democrats’ political action committee is spending lavishly in Alaska’s media market to try to damage the Republican incumbent, who has been in office for five weeks.

But it might just be a waste of money.

According to the nonpartisan Cook Political Report, Congressman Begich’s hard work in Washington, D.C. is paying off. He is one of 12 representatives who is considered a “likely win” for 2026, in the election analyst company’s strongest category.

Cook Political Report says 39 Democrats are in seats that are considered competitive vs. 29 for Republicans for 2026.

Although math is better for Republicans, it must be pointed out that at this time in the election cycle in 2023, Cook Political Report listed the Alaska seat as “Leans Democrat” for reelection in 2024. Congressman Begich flipped that seat to Republican, even though his Democrat opponent incumbent spent more than $13.4 million to retain her seat in Congress, vs. Begich’s $2.8 million campaign account.


  1. NB3 might make a great replacement to Daddy’s Little Princess. Just look at how hard he’s working for the USA, Alaska & Alaskans. Also, brining about … Common Sense, Logic, Reason, Courage, Foresight, Will Power, Integrity, Transperancy; something sorely missing // lacking from our Senor Senator!

  2. Nick is a MUST win for 2026. We don’t need a democrat controlled House. They will spend their time ginning up more impeachment drama. Nick will be a terrific Representative. It will be a ‘no brained’ to those who have one that he must be reelected!

  3. Well, The Nickster, is 100% more effective that what’s-her-name that he replaced. And he’s completely engaged and working for all Alasakans. So he’s got that going for him.

  4. He’s been in office how long now?
    How about letting the man have a year to do (or not do) the job?

    This 24/7/365 election crap is bad for society.

    • I agree. I am glad that he got the seat and not Peltola. But, this silent molding of one’s thoughts before the next campaign needs to stop – especially, since he jut got into office.

  5. Mid term elections could be brutal now that we all know Trump has no idea how to bring down grocery prices and is wasting time fantasizing over taking over foreign lands whether that’s Canada, Greenland, or the Gaza Strip. America first my…

  6. He may be favored now, but wait until Vote Alaska before Party and the 907 initiative start up.
    Unfortunately, advertising and marketing work, and the Republicans are lousy at it.

  7. Don’t become complacent! Probably “lean” at best and maybe “toss up”. Nick narrowly pulled out the win this past election (50.03% final vote share) with the surge of a presidential race and a popular candidate behind him. Mid-terms don’t turn out as many voters and that usually means trouble for conservatives in Alaska although a governor’s race might help limit the damage somewhat. The liberals take all elections more seriously than we do. The Ds will run the same candidate right back at him (unless she’s running for governor), and she’s about as strong a candidate as they can put forward. Also, we don’t know if other Republicans running in the primary will drop out for the general and rally behind him like they did this past cycle. For our part, we’ve got to stay focused and not consider this thing in the bag before it’s a done deal. For the AK GOP part, they’ve got to stay united. And for Nick’s part, he needs to do something that will impel voters on the margins to rally around him. My suggestion? Become a voice to replace federal taxes (income, investment, etc) with a national consumption tax. He ought to become a lead sponsor for The Fair Tax in the House. Nothing would sell like “You don’t have to file taxes because of my legislation”!

  8. Becoming a co-sponsor of the FairTax ( is an outstanding suggestion. The federal income tax is the most complex, burdensome, corrupt and inefficient agency in the federal government. The codes are filled with legislatively contributed special interest. A National TaxPayers Union Foundation study found that Americans would spend 6.5 billion hours collectively preparing and filing their 2024 taxes.

  9. If The Nickster is now being considered by the unwashed masses (that’s us) as a potential replacement for Lisa, then they better get their *sses in gear and start working NOW on his replacement to run for the House. (D)ems love a vacuum and will have several people ready. The ad campaigns are already written with conservative-sounding words and turns of phrase. Republicans have demonstrated that they don’t play long ball and can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. But they must if we’re to hold onto rational, conservative Alaskans in Washington.

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