ConocoPhillips’ Greater Mooses Tooth 2 produces first oil for TAPS


ConocoPhillips announced that the Greater Mooses Tooth 2 drill site in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska has achieved first oil production, coming in under budget and on schedule on Dec. 12.

Greater Mooses Tooth 2 is the second project in the Greater Mooses Tooth Unit, in the northeast NPRA on Alaska’s North Slope. It is located about eight miles southwest of Greater Mooses Tooth 1. GMT2 is a satellite development of the Alpine field and is connected to the existing Alpine production center in the Colville River Unit.

It’s been six years in the making. Permit applications for drilling at GMT2 were submitted to the Bureau of Land Management in August 2015. The BLM completed a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement with a Record of Decision issued on Oct. 16, 2018. The BLM, ASRC and Kuukpik Corporation share land and mineral rights for the project.

GMT2 has a 14-acre drilling pad, an 8-mile gravel road, and pipeline facilities connected to the existing Colville River Unit infrastructure. The pad is planned to have 36 wells initially, with capacity for up to 48 wells.

Peak production is estimated at approximately 30,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day and the project costs approximately $1.4 billion gross, including construction and drilling expenses.

At peak construction during the past three winter seasons, the project created about 700 jobs resulting in more than 600,000 direct construction manhours.

“The GMT2 team safely executed this project in an environmentally responsible manner marking another successful milestone for development in the NPR-A,” said Erec Isaacson, president of ConocoPhillips Alaska. “Projects like these continue to create hundreds of jobs in Alaska and contribute to a stable Alaska economy. We appreciate the collaboration with stakeholders from Kuukpik Corporation, the community of Nuiqsut, the North Slope Borough and ASRC that made it possible. Our continuous investment in projects on the North Slope benefits Alaska’s future.”

The Greater Mooses Tooth and Colville River Units are approximately 100 percent owned and operated by ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.

Throughput in the Trans Alaska Pipeline System was 497,019 barrels per day, so at peak production the project will boost the throughput by as much as 6 percent.


  1. And that whole drill pad sits on less than 100-acres – not even a blip on the millions of acres that are up there.

  2. Does this mean that this coming weekend ,we should be able to go up there with a front end loader and start scooping up buckets of dead caribou …..
    This is clearly something Brandon hasn’t touched yet.

  3. Biden will shut it down. Give him time. He can only ravage the American economy in so many ways in one sitting. Plus he has to have his nap.
    Complete destruction of our way of life takes time.

  4. “Create hundreds of well paying jobs and stabilize our economy.” Yup, Obiden and his handlers will have this in their cross hairs. Prosperity and happiness with less gov’t dependence? Can’t have that.

  5. I’m proud to have played a contributing part of the success of this excellent project. COPA’s investment will pay dividends, directly and indirectly, for many years to come.
    Let’s build many others, starting with Willow!!!

  6. Only Oil Companies, have the resources to develop the state, like no other human endeavor. Alaska has the resources America needs. Timber, fish, oil, natural gas, gold, you name it. I was a fortunate young man, to be able to participate, in the development. Building the Trans Alaska Pipeline, Cat Training all over Pet-4 exploring for oil with Husky Oil and Alaska General. It was exciting times to watch the Sea Lift’s come in.
    To marvel at the ingenuity of building in the Arctic. Yes, oil field development and production has come a long way. Maybe someday there will be an Arctic Coastal Road to Lonely and on to Pt Barrow. And continuing to Wainright. Also from Toolik to Umiat. Meantime we have the Alaska Permanent Fund to show for it. A Reminder to future generations that we did not squander our wealth. Congratulations Conoco Phillips !

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