Congressman Don Young is in it to win it


Congressman Don Young filed last April to run for his 26th term in Congress. But some have asked if he is really running or if he is a lion in winter.

On Nov. 15, 2021, he let Alaskans know Don Young is in it to win it.

Young announced his campaign team, with Art Hackney, vice president of Axiom Strategies, in charge as lead strategist, and Matt Shuckerow as consultant and advisor. Curtis Thayer is treasurer of the campaign, and Sen. Josh Revak is the campaign chair. It’s a team that has a lot of election wins in its sails.

Young is the Republican Party’s longest-serving member of the House of Representatives and of Congress in history, having represented Alaska for 25 terms. He has never lost an election since 1973.

He is Dean of the House, the longest-serving current member.

Young is being challenged by four other Republicans: Gregg Brelsford, Randy Purham, Shannon Scott Evans, and Nick Begich III.

“A lot has been said about my intentions to seek reelection, but let me be clear: I’m running to continue serving the Alaskan people in Congress and I’m running hard,” Young said. “I’m excited to announce key members of my 2022 campaign team, including my friend and fellow Army tanker Senator Josh Revak as my Campaign Chair. With so much on the line in 2022, including the likelihood we retake the House with a robust Republican majority, I’m running to ensure Alaska has a strong and experienced voice to effectively challenge the Biden administration’s many failed policies, including their constant attacks on our economy and the Alaska energy sector. I look forward to once again working with Alaskans from across the state to build a strong and successful campaign.”

Revak, a Purple Heart recipient, previously served as military and legislative affairs liaison for both Congressman Young and Sen. Dan Sullivan before being elected to the Alaska State Legislature.

“The fire in Don Young’s belly remains as strong as ever and he’s focused on running another hard-fought campaign to represent Alaska in the U.S. House of Representatives,” Revak said. “Congressman Young has time and again proven that he is an effective and tireless voice for Alaska; someone willing to speak loudly and carry a big stick when it comes to advancing our priorities and pushing back against Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden’s radical anti-Alaska agenda.”
Hackney is a longtime political consultant and now vice president for Axiom Strategies (the strategy firm behind Virginia Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin recent campaign victory). Hackney has helped advise the Young campaign in 21 previous election cycles. Hackney most recently served a senior strategist and consultant on the winning Bronson for Mayor campaign in 2021.

“Don Young is a no frills, straight shooting advocate for Alaska. He’s never backed down from a challenge, especially when it comes to battling it out over Nancy Pelosi and AOC’s misguided policies,” Hackney said. “Don is the type of leader that wins the fights Alaska can’t afford to lose. We’re confident we’ll have the resources and grassroots support to build an energized campaign in 2022.”
Longtime political aide Matt Shuckerow has experience as a Young alumnus, having served as press secretary for Young in the early part of his career. He also worked for Gov. Mike Dunleavy, Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson, and recently led U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan’s 2020 reelection bid as campaign manager. Shuckerow has a new political communications firm, Fathom Strategic, based in Anchorage.
“I’m honored to have worked with our congressional delegation over these many years to advance Alaska’s interests,” Shuckerow said. “Having been on the ground firsthand, there’s no question Don Young is the type of leader Alaska needs in Congress. No amount of political ambition can replace Don Young’s experienYounce. He gets it done, he knows the path of least resistance for Alaska priorities, and he works closely with the Governor, the Legislature, and communities and mayors across the state to ensure doors always open for Alaska.”

Young is consistently ranked as one of the most effective lawmakers in Congress by the nonpartisan Center for Effective Lawmaking.

No Democrats have filed to challenge Young. Alyse Galvin ran against him with the backing of the Democratic Party during the last two election cycles, but during her second run, she suffered a greater loss than her first run, when her name recognition was a barrier. Once Alaskans got to know her, fewer of them voted for her in 2020, and Young won 54.5 to 45.3 percent.


  1. How pathetic, that an 84 year-old would still cling to power so tenaciously and desperately. RETIRE ALREADY! And how equally pathetic that so many Alaskans will continue to vote for this corrupt and co-opted old man.

    • Don is 88 and he kicks a– every election. He was hob-nobbin with president Biden yesterday while he signed the infrastructure bill. I doubt he gives a lick what you insurrectists think.

      • We “insurrectists” think that Don can’t give a lick anymore because at 88 his false teeth keep falling out. He hangs out with Brandon because it makes Don’s 62 IQ look genious level compared to Brandon’s 21. 62 plus 21 = 83, 1/2 of Trump’s IQ.
        Go have another beer or two, Sweeney, after you do the math and consult Webster’s.

  2. Don Young is not physically fit to run for and work in this office. He comes to work at 2 in the afternoon most days and has been unable to get around our state to speak with constituents with any degree of agility. He is another dottering old fool who sees himself making more and more money at our expense by voting for things like the 1.3 trillion dollar democratic package just passed by the House. He made Pelosi really happy with that vote! No, Don. Nick Begich is our next Republican Representative!!!

  3. Don Young has a liberty score of 52%, (an F), on the Conservative Review site. He’s been in office about 40 years too long.

  4. “…to effectively challenge the Biden administration’s many failed policies, including their constant attacks on our economy and the Alaska energy sector.” By voting to pass the $1.5 TRILLION so-called “Infrastructure Bill” that effectively guts Alaska’s energy production, directly and adversely impacting Alaska’s economy, and leaving the nation at the mercy of OPEC’s pricing and production schedules?!?! Don’t even get me started on all of the other bad-for-America nonsense in that bill, like Red Flag laws, mandating ignition interlocks in ALL new vehicles by 2026 to crack down on DUIs, or per-mile user fees for all roadway users. There’s a saying, “To understand what a man thinks, listen to what he says. To understand what he really BELIEVES, watch what he does.” You may THINK you’re pro-Alaska, Rep. Young, but your actions say otherwise. I don’t yet know if I’ll be voting for Purham or Begich, but I won’t be voting for Young.

  5. Michael Tavoliero would kick his a$$ because everyone in Alaska knows that Don Young is a crook. In the past 35 years Donbhasn’t really been challenged by a real contender. Come on Mr. Tavoliero…… get in this race and take the old mobster out.

  6. Art Hackney is the best Alaska political consultant money can buy. That’s why Don Young hired him……and he’s using some of the trillions that he voted for, with Nancy Pelosi, to pay Mr. Hackney. That’s how Don Young operates. But Mr. Hackney won’t be able to gather 40,00O people to a Trump Rally. Only Donald Trump can do that. And Trump will, when he comes to Alaska to help retire the corrupt Don Young.

    • Art Hackney is a very nice man. He got into politics decades ago because his old man, retired state senator Glenn Hackney, taught him the ropes. Unfortunately, Art looks at this as strictly business. In otherwords, the highest bidder gets Art’s services. And in this case, Don Young was the highest bidder because he voted for the $trillions along with Nancy Pelosi and her loyal Democrats……giving Don lots of campaign cash to dole out to guys like Art Hackney. Don Young works the “vote with the Leftists now/collect from the taxpayers later” scheme better than any one. That’s why he’s been in office for 50 years. Young’s motivations are purely selfish and egotistically driven. His moral compass points south, no matter which way it’s turned. Time to vote this mobster out of office.

      • Don Young and Joe Biden are similarily situated, both exploring the caverns of their mindlessness. This is what old codgers do after 50 years in politics. Both are
        “Exhibit A” for term limits. I will never vote for Don Young again. I hope this guy Mike Tavoliero runs against him.

  7. Did Young stands up for Alaska? Don Young fights for Alaska? HOGWASH!

    Don Young voted FOR President Biden’s Build Back Better, one of 13 RINOs who did!

    I don’t care if 100 RINO’s voted for it, Alaskas sole Congressman voted for it!

    Can we take a hard look at “effective” when we’re talking about Don Young? What bill has HE introduced to support Alaska in the last five years? 10 years? He’s very good at being a co-sponsor, what about introducing bills.

    What committees does he head? He lost them after the Florida road pork bill.

    And to wave Josh Revack around as if he’s a bastion of conservatism is a joke. The guy runs on a full PFD then yanks it away. He’s a known Cathy Giessel shill and supporter. Which means he’s a Bill Walker supporter. Goodbye Don. I’m contributing to Nick Begich.

  8. Sorry Don- But your ego is the only thing you have in office. You served Alaska for a long time but have lost touch. Its not even about parties anymore, its the ability to do what’s best for Alaskans. Step aside and let us get new blood in there before America falls even further down the tubes. And please take Murky out with you! 🙂

  9. Revak lied to voters, went directly against his campaign promise on the dividend. I just can’t support him or “Uncle Don” anymore. Thanks for everything but it’s time for new blood now. Don and Lisa are done, Sullivan might very well be too. I voted for Joe Miller too though so maybe my judgement sucks.

  10. Don Young has sealed it with me by his support of the democrats in passing the BBB America bill . Same with Sullivan and of course Murkowski. All three now have their RINO showing thru!! Never another vote for ANY OF THIS SIMILAR THREESOME!!

  11. Straight shooter for Alaska my backside. Last I heard Alaska is part of the United States of America. The USA is on its heels, thus is Alaska. This old man has been at the helm while this has happened. I’m not interested in any time served records or any tax payer trinkets. I want DY replaced and good riddance to bad rubbish!

  12. Hope he isn’t counting on voters from previous years. Doubt they’ll all be there, I won’t. Nevermore!

    • Don Young is the earmark king. He thinks his only job is to funnel as much pork to Alaska as he can, and he doesn’t understand why conservatives are mad at him

  13. Don, you have worked hard for Alaska for years, however your time has come and gone, its time to step away and hand the seat to a younger Alaskan. Sorry but you have received your last vote from me, Enjoy your retirement

  14. Generation X, now 50 somethings, try to ensure their motto: lead, follow, or get out of the way! Maybe, after all these years, now that motto will mean something…I say 5050 though on this..

  15. “Despite its moniker as a “bipartisan infrastructure bill,” the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act contains no conservative victories and many leftist carveouts.”

    19 Senate Republicans who voted for the bill including Sullivan & Murkowski.

    13 House Republicans who voted for the bill including Don Young.

    32 very solid RINOs gave Brandon & Pelosi CPR after Virginia’s knockout…..

  16. Pathetic! Just retire old man. You gave proof you were a sellout career politician, by stabbing us in the back, by voting for that pseudo-Infrastructure bill/green new deal Democrat giveaway. I will never vote for you Don

  17. I have voted for Young for years but questioned my vote for years because I felt disloyal, but I have finally come to realize that he is the one who has been disloyal to his constituents.
    No more Don. No more Lisa. Dan needs to pay attention

  18. Don, you are a traitor to our nation and Alaska for supporting the Infrastructure debacle. I am glad that President Trump has finally called you out and will support a challenger against you. DRAIN THE SWAMP!

  19. My wife and I as well as the voting members of our family have voted for and supported Don Young since his first election and we have done so without hesitation each election. Don has always done a good job as a single representative for Alaska and most of those years has had the advantage of having (2) two US Senators at his side and both of those Senators were working for Alaska but that has now changed with Lisa having turned her back on Alaska….so for the first time we are not solid Young votes and will watch carefully as Nick Begich gets into his run for the seat….

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