The House’s Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic’s final report will be released Dec. 4.
The reported was directed by the 118th Congress to conduct a “full and complete investigation” into the policies, decisions, and events surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic.
Select Subcommittee staff and members have sent more than 100 investigative letters, conducted more than 30 transcribed interviews or depositions, held 25 hearings and meetings, and reviewed more than one million pages of documents.
Next week’s final report markup will conclude the Select Subcommittee’s two-year after-action review of the Covid-19 pandemic, which began in the United States in the winter of 2020.
The final report will include investigative materials, findings, and recommendations related to:
- Covid-19 origins — including gain-of-function research
- Taxpayer funded Covid-19 relief programs
- Laws enacted in reaction to Covid-19
- Covid–19 vaccine development and implementation
- Economic impact ofCovid–19 on individuals, communities, businesses, states, and governments
- Societal impacts of Covid–19 — including school closures
- Executive branch Covid–19 related decisions
- Executive branch cooperation with Congress to prevent a future pandemic
Ahead of the report’s markup, the Select Subcommittee will release its final report to the public.
The markup meeting will be open to the public and press and will be livestreamed on Dec. 4 at 10:30 a.m. Eastern at
The American people got scammed. It has devastated our economy and cost the taxpayers trillions of dollars. Not to mention the damage from an untested vaccine that was virtually forced on many unwitting victims. It will be interesting to see what the numbers on death tole from the flu virus versus the vaccine that has killed thousands. I’m doubtful the truth will be revealed.
Maybe(?), this report answers these questions!
Why did officials insist on surface transmission protocols when evidence showed primarily respiratory spread?
Why weren’t hospitals evaluating transmission patterns early to inform policy?
Why did the CDC not conduct studies on actual transmission patterns in schools and workplaces?
Why was outdoor transmission overemphasized despite minimal evidence?
Why weren’t transmission studies prioritized to guide evidence-based policies?
What evidence supported the claim that asymptomatic spread was a major driver?
Why did health officials emphasize asymptomatic spread without solid data?
Why were resources wasted testing asymptomatic people when they could have focused on symptomatic cases?
How did the emphasis on asymptomatic spread affect public trust when evidence didn’t support it?
What data actually existed on true asymptomatic (vs presymptomatic) transmission rates?
Why did the CDC insist on developing its own test rather than using WHO’s?
Why weren’t cycle threshold values standardized or reported?
Why did labs use cycle thresholds up to 40 when this led to false positives?
Why wasn’t PCR testing prioritized for high-risk populations early on?
How did high cycle thresholds affect case counts and policy decisions?
Why were infection fatality rates not properly stratified by age from the beginning?
Why were deaths “with COVID” vs “from COVID” not distinguished?
How did inflated fatality rates affect public perception and policy?
Why weren’t accurate age-stratified fatality rates clearly communicated?
How did misrepresenting fatality rates affect public trust?
Why were lockdowns implemented without cost-benefit analysis?
Why were lockdown harms (mental health, delayed medical care, etc.) ignored?
What evidence supported the effectiveness of lockdowns?
Why weren’t less restrictive focused protection measures tried first?
How many excess deaths were caused by lockdown policies?
Why weren’t regional/seasonal factors considered in lockdown decisions?
Why were arbitrary case numbers used to trigger restrictions?
Why weren’t hospital capacity metrics prioritized over case counts?
How were community trigger thresholds determined?
Why weren’t triggers adjusted based on actual risk levels?
Why weren’t clear exit criteria established for restrictions?
What evidence supported closing small businesses while keeping large retailers open?
Why weren’t occupancy limits tried before full closures?
How many businesses were unnecessarily destroyed?
Why weren’t economic impacts weighed against minimal health benefits?
What data supported effectiveness of business closures?
Why were schools closed despite early evidence of low risk to children?
Why did the US ignore data from European schools that stayed open?
Why weren’t the developmental/educational harms to children considered?
How did school closures affect mental health and suicide rates in youth?
Why weren’t teachers unions’ influence on closure decisions examined?
What evidence supported claims that schools were major transmission vectors?
Why was mass quarantine implemented without precedent or evidence?
Why weren’t focused protection measures tried instead?
What was the cost-benefit analysis of quarantining low-risk groups?
How did mass quarantine affect mental health?
Why weren’t vulnerable populations prioritized instead?
Why weren’t developmental impacts on children considered?
How did isolation affect mental health and suicide rates?
What were the educational losses from remote learning?
Why weren’t sports/activities preserved for youth wellbeing?
How did masks/distancing affect social development?
What were the impacts on college students’ mental health and development?
Why weren’t early treatment protocols developed to prevent hospitalizations?
Why were field hospitals built but never used?
How did “flattening the curve” messaging affect hospital preparations?
Why weren’t at-risk populations protected to prevent hospitalizations?
What was the actual vs projected hospital capacity usage?
What evidence supported effectiveness of barriers?
Why weren’t airflow patterns considered?
How did barriers affect ventilation?
What was the cost-benefit of barrier installation?
Why weren’t barrier recommendations updated when shown ineffective?
What evidence supported 6-foot distancing?
Why wasn’t distancing adjusted based on ventilation/masks/context?
How did arbitrary distance rules affect businesses/schools?
Why wasn’t 3-foot distancing considered adequate earlier?
What research supported outdoor distancing requirements?
Why were outdoor gatherings restricted despite minimal transmission risk?
Why were beaches/parks closed?
Why weren’t outdoor activities encouraged as safer alternatives?
How did outdoor restrictions affect mental/physical health?
What evidence supported masks outdoors?
If Fauci isn’t in jail, and federal criminal charges levied on big pharma company executives, and corrupt FDA officials, then the report is meaningless.
Here, let me help with a quick summarize: “We investigated ourselves, and we found we did nothing wrong.”
We tried to save people. Guilty as charged.
I’m sure it will be just as factual and true as the JFK and MLK assassination reports and the 911 reports.
What an absolute joke!
Am I the only one that has lost faith in ANYTHING the UniParty State has to tell us?
Not believing Covid-19 even existed. Would they ruin the world’s economy, inject people with a phony vaccine, and even kill people based on a lie? Yes they would, and they did. Leftist/globalist “fact checkers” and others did everything they could to scrub the web of information about this. Huge amounts of evidence exist regarding the falsification of Covid death numbers worldwide. Read an article titled “No Increase in Death Rate by Covid-19 in the United States” by Dr. Genevieve Briand. The article was immediately attacked by the Branch Covidians. It can still be found at The Conejo Guardian. Yes, I know or have talked to many in the “I know I had it” crowd. So far I haven’t heard of any symptoms that haven’t been around forever from cold, flu, whatever. Yes, people get sick sometimes. The only difference with “covid” was the ridiculous hype and the sinister plan behind it.
The perennial “flu” somehow ended for a year during the Covid. It just disappeared, after thousands of years, then reappeared when the Covid mania died down.
Everyone was hunkered down. It couldn’t spread. What they tried to do with the china flu.
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