Congressional race: Peltola gets infusion of liberal cash, Palin campaign appears nearly broke, Nick holds steady


In the most recent Federal Election Commission filings, it appears that Democrat Mary Peltola has no campaign external debt and has over $100,000 in the bank for her campaign for the two-year congressional seat on Nov. 8. She started the reporting period with $124,000 on hand but ended with over $1.1 million

Republican Sarah Palin, however, is bogged with over $85,000 in external debt leaving her with $25,000 in available funds.

The Nick Begich for Congress campaign has over $552,00 cash on hand and no external debt.

The FEC report was filed on Thursday for the special general election for the replacement for Congressman Don Young, though Sept. 5. The results capture most of the fundraising that occurred after the results of the special election were announced on Aug. 31. It shows that Peltola received a huge infusion of cash after her win of the special general.


  1. Nobody wants to respond, but I’m genuinely curious. If Trump believes in his candidates, why not put his political war chest behind them?

    • He has to be extra careful not to violate some pretend FEC regulation. You can be darn sure they have the microscope turned on his finances

  2. Peltola was installed folks! How do you go from 7% support before the primary to over 40% after? It is called election fraud! Palin actually won the real vote but when you have a corrupt election system that uses RCV and mail-in ballots without signature verification, you get installed candidates that will rule over Alaskans like we are just annoying peasants. There is no way Peltola won the election fairly, didn’t happen! Until Alaskans vote to have a Constitutional Convention to address all that is wrong with our election system, you will get people that will follow the globalist agenda to ruin your life. Please melt the Governors phone and tell Dunleavy that all is not well in Alaska politics and Alaskans deserve better and expect more from their government. We can not be a free people with corrupt government! We need an audit now of our elections and a complete canvassing of every registered voter in the State to ensure we have clean voter rolls. This will take time and volunteers. If you want to be free of the communists taking over our State, you will need to get off the couch and refuse to cower to the name calling imbeciles that support people like Murkowski and Peltola. Alaska is under attack by dark money and people willing to stuff their pockets with it that have zero moral character. They want us to be an extension of the left coast with California, Oregon and Washington. Don’t let it happen!

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