Complaint filed over Beltrami candidacy

Judy Eledge files a complaint over the candidacy of AFL-CIO Boss Vince Beltrami, who was certified for the ballot although he did not turn in enough signatures to qualify.

A citizen living in District N has filed a complaint with the Division of Elections over the candidacy of AFL-CIO Union boss Vince Beltrami, who filed as an independent candidate for Senate, challenging incumbent Sen. Cathy Giessel.

As reported in Must Read Alaska last week, Beltrami only submitted 70 signatures of the 188 required to be certified for the ballot. (On Friday, Must Read reported he needed 170; see below for a rationale of the adjusted total needed.) And yet the Division of Elections waved him through as a candidate.

Judy Eledge, a Republican activist, filed the complaint this morning after learning of the wrongful certification of Beltrami in Must Read last week.

Eledge said she realizes that the election is on Tuesday and there is little she can do at this point, and yet she wants the complaint on the record. Here’s a copy of her complaint:


Support documentation by Ray Kreig, which shows how 188 signatures are needed to qualify as an independent candidate in District N:
