Comment period extended for National Petroleum Reserve Plan


The Bureau of Land Management has extended the public comment period for the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska Integrated Activity Plan/Draft Environmental Impact Statement (NPR-A IAP Draft EIS). The new deadline is 10 p.m. (Alaska Standard Time) Feb. 5, extending the previous timeline from 60 days to 75.

The BLM extended the public comment period in response to an abundance of stakeholder requests. In that spirit, the public is encouraged to examine the Draft EIS, including sections pertaining to their interests and share their feedback. Public input could impact the alternative or combinations of alternatives the BLM selects in a Final EIS and the subsequent Record of Decision.

“Public comments are a critical part of our environmental review process,” said BLM State Director, Chad Padgett. “We want to make sure that everyone with an interest in Alaska’s public lands have an opportunity to review our work and share their feedback.”

NPR-A IAP Draft EIS Comments can be submitted in a variety of ways:

Your comments on our environmental reviews matter. To learn more about BLM Alaska planning efforts and how to make comments that make a difference, visit


  1. This is wonderful for the sake of the EIS review and comments. The integrated plan gives the opportunity to synchronize and connect the development needed for several projects in an ongoing prospect. Many of the projects have the good aspect of building together but in different areas. If the leases are let and the projects have obtained the consent and permits, it would be a huge development boon to the North and the state. The tribes would have an advantage to work, do business and manage as well as the holders and developers of a variety of resources at the same time. The comments on concerns need to be added by all.

Comments are closed.