Hours after President Donald Trump enacted tariffs on goods from Colombia in response to the president of Colombia refusing to repatriate his own citizens, the government of Colombia agreed to all of Trump’s terms. Those terms include the use of U.S. military aircraft to fly illegal immigrants from the United States back to Colombia.
The statement from the White House reads:
“The Government of Colombia has agreed to all of President Trump’s terms, including the unrestricted acceptance of all illegal aliens from Colombia returned from the United States, including on U.S. military aircraft, without limitation or delay. Based on this agreement, the fully drafted IEEPA tariffs and sanctions will be held in reserve, and not signed, unless Colombia fails to honor this agreement. The visa sanctions issued by the State Department, and enhanced inspections from Customs and Border Protection, will remain in effect until the first planeload of Colombian deportees is successfully returned. Today’s events make clear to the world that America is respected again. President Trump will continue to fiercely protect our nation’s sovereignty, and he expects all other nations of the world to fully cooperate in accepting the deportation of their citizens illegally present in the United States.”
Earlier in the day, after Colombian President Gustavo Petro turned away the U.S. flights that had about 160 illegal Colombian immigrants on them, Trump set forth a punishing series of sanctions, including huge tariffs.
Petro quickly backed down and at first said he would fly his own jet up to get the immigrants. Later, it appears he conceded fully.
China is in the Que…
He bought them off
No. No purchase necessary. He just told him off.
And did while he was on the 7th hole. Love this president!
That was the hole-in-one shot.
Good game, Trump. You are on par.
Charge Columbia and all other socialist countries for air fare, deportation costs, and penalties. In Trump Time, there will be accountability,
times ten.
The difference between a leader and the political hack that was recently booted from the White House by American voters…
I’m not sure if I should laugh or cry. In less than a week President Trump is sending criminal illegal aliens back to their country of origin, when denied entry into their country of origin President Trump essentially says that’s cool but if you won’t take your people back we will be forced to make you pay for it and within hours they roll out the red carpet for their returning criminals who were in this country illegally. To think how easy it would have been to not have to deal with this wave of criminal illegal aliens just exposes the Obama/Biden/Harris Administration for what it is and was. It’s good to have an actual President in charge and showing actual leadership. It really doesn’t take much to do what’s right, just one person who cares to do it.
You left out the part, Steve, about him Pardoning guys who went into the United States Capitol and beat up police officers. Even though, the vice president himself and prominent republican senators say he shouldn’t have done so. He had the power to do it, but just because you can do something.Does it mean you should. The mob boss hat is a good look for trump.
Yet nothing from The Fork about Biden pardoning those who colluded with him on the J6 committee, Covid response, weaponizing the DOJ and more. Oh, and don’t forget that so honorable and ethical pardoning of the Biden Crime Family with just 15 minutes to go in his term. All very up-and-up, wouldn’t you say?
Please stop lying, Greg.
How did I leave a part out that has absolutely nothing to do with what the subject is? Reminder of what the subject here is…criminal illegal aliens, Columbia, denied entry, Columbian Presidential plane, piss-poor leadership replaced by actual leadership.
You talking about his busy first week right?
You can read what me talking about right up there^
Wasted time.
There is only one criminal in Greg’s opinion, and that is President Trump. Not because of any actual crimes, but because Greg is a globalist/leftist, and President Trump is destroying all of his sacred cows.
Make sure there are no Tlingits mixed in. It’s hard to tell the difference.
Actually there is, but you only see 2 colors right?
Pretty clear pattern right out of the box: Trump picking fights with democratic allies and signaling weakness to dictatorial adversaries. But thank God he got egg and gasoline prices down along with making that phone call and ending the Ukraine situation. Also thank God those dogs and cats are now safe in Springfield!
You forgot to mention that DJT has had a full week in office to cure cancer, and has miserably failed to do so. No, wait…, curing cancer was godfather Joey’s big promise awhile back. Sorry.
Some people cannot be pleased no matter what. Right Sebastian?
In less than a week Trump has accomplished far far more than any other modern day president. And probably far more good than Biden did during his full term. Yet some, like Sebastian, will cry famine with a ham
strapped to their back.
Sure, eggs and coffee futures are at a record high but tell me how DEI should be the main topic of the day for the common man.
Sebastian; tell the class how enforcing systemic racism (DEI is a system wide racist policy) helpful at all?
Well eggs wouldn’t be so expensive if the fda would quit raiding chicken farms demanding the owners euthanize their flocks over, alleged bird flu. That could never have anything to do with the higher price. So what if he threatened tariffs and sanctions against a country who refused to take back the criminals they dropped on us. Too bad, the taxpayers do not need to be.held liable for Columbia’s castaways.
Dropped on us? You act like they parachute in here. How’d you get here?
I cannot talk for McKinley, but my ancestors took boats over from Europe and killed the indigenous population. We did not immigrate, we conquered.
Much the same way the influx of illegal aliens is conquering the population of the USA. The weapon may be different, but the results are the same. It does not matter if your people are killed, or bred out of existence. They are still erased.
I was born here. Colombia’s castaways illegally entered. Big difference.
Maybe President Trump was misunderstood and what he meant was that for the criminal illegal aliens who were sent home the huevos would be cheaper in their home countries?
Eggs are ridiculously expensive because of an outbreak of avian flu. Farmers have to cull whole barns full of chickens to stop the spread.
How is that under the control of President Trump?
Except one..Reagan
“Trump picking fights with democratic allies and signaling weakness to dictatorial adversaries.”
Bold statement there Sebastian. Have any proof to back that up? I would be interested to see whom you consider allies and adversaries and how you define weakness.
Trump is a business man first. President…..third or forth. Guy probably kicked in some coffee and coke. Too good a deal to pass up.
You don’t need to continue to sell us on Trump. We already voted him in. It is a good thing that he will run our country like a business. A business that will stand on it’s own without the need to enslave it’s people with eternal debt.
Us tax paying citizens should never have been a piggy bank for the worlds so called elites.
Trump is helping restore power back to the citizens and cleaning out the rifraff and governmental bloat.
Trillions of dollars in debt is not my fault, yet I have to forfeit a quarter of each of my paychecks to pay it off. No more shall We The People be slaves to the inept and the corrupt.
Sit back, shut up and buckle up. If you don’t want to help, then stay the hell out of the way. We are done with your crap.
Ok. Free coke and coffee are not the come on they used to be apparently
Coccaine? That was the last administration’s nemesis. Does Shady Pines know you are off your meds again?
sorry, I must have missed it.
When did Trump signal weakness to dictatorial adversaries?
And, while you are at it, what democratic allies is he picking fights with? And, please do not try and claim telling fellow NATO member states that they are overdue in paying their portion as required by the treaty. That is not picking a fight. That is saying “I will not be taken advantage of.” Same way anyone would act if they had a friend that never seemed to remember their wallet everytime you meet for drinks. Sooner or later your generosity wears out.
The Trump effect in action.
That’s right, you better concede! ? ??
This is how you badass the office of the President.
One day, he’s going to bluff to the wrong country. Checkmate!
What a difference a change in management makes. Previously, if a country refused to take their citizens back, the State department would convene a panel to explore recommendations. That panel would take weeks to write a report to the Sec of State, who would likely send it back because the options are not diplomatic enough. Then after 90 days, they would brief the President on their options, and the President would send an envoy to negotiate.
Then at the conclusion of negotiations, the USA would accept a pinky promise from the foreign nation saying they will send 30% less criminals a year. (A promise everyone knows will be broken on day one.).
Contrast that to Trump, who gets informed Columbia refuses to accept their citizens on the fourth hole. He sinks his put, picks up his phone and tell the Foreign President tariffs are coming, and you have a week before they double.
The foreign President agrees to send his personal aircraft and accept his citizens back into his country before Trump makes it to the tees for the fifth hole.
Calm down. They just wanted to see that vein pop out in his forehead by telling him no.
I doubt that.
They just assumed the US would roll over, just like it has done under the Bush, Clinton, Bush Jr., 0bama, and Biden administrations.
The entire episode played out while Trump was playing golf. By the 7th hole, Columbia president cried uncle. Now he’s wearing a MAGA hat ?
Yep. Trump sent him a box of them in exchange for the coke.
Trump doesn’t do drugs or drink. That would be your hero …Joe Biden. The Alzheimer’s stud, who can’t find his way to the toilet. The brain dead, but woke, gangster who ripped off the USA. Greg’s hero.
That is not correct. Greg’s hero is GW Bush. The drunk frat boy who used daddy’s influence to move up through the political world. And, as President, he not only started unnecessary wars that could have easily led to WWIII, he also implemented as much of the globalist agenda as he could get away with.
Made an offer he couldn’t refuse. President Trump, the Godfather, The Great Negotiater. This what MAGA looks like.
Sometimes a hat is just a hat Mr. Forkner. Now go look up that picture of your master Joe Biden leering at his prepubescent daughter Ashley. It won’t be hard to find. And then there’s that damning diary of her’s. Or the secret service agents book telling about Vice President Joe strutting around naked in front of “ doctor jillys” female secrete service detail. Do you really want to take issue with President Trump wearing a HAT, really? It makes you look weak Greg, weak and pitiful. Must be a democrat thing.
It’s an American thing. You wouldn’t understand
No it is now an America First thing. Nov 5th the mandate was given. Plain and simple. It’s kinda entertaining watch you and the others kick and scream as daddy fixes the country like no one else can. DJT an American Bad Ass.
No, it is a leftist thing. The right side of the political aisle understands that an amusing pic is just that. Children and leftists (sorry to repeat myself) do not.
Well Greg, I just happen to be a Native American, 6 years with the USMC, 50 years in construction trades, always paid my taxes, never been to jail. Please feel free to run your mouth, that’s what I fought and worked for, jerks like you to flap your lips. So go on, tell us all about it.
What tribe? I’m Choctaw.
rel·e·vant ˈre-lə-vənt
Synonyms of relevant
a : having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand
b : affording evidence tending to prove or disprove the matter at issue or under discussion
relevant testimony
c : having social relevance
Let’s see your BIA card
I bet my BIA card is bigger than Gregs.
Petro reneged because he saw deportees arriving in chains and handcuffs in Brazil and did not want that image in Columbia. Hard to turn down using his civilian planes as it saves the USA $$$. Trump is already demanding more than ICE can deliver, Homeland Security is $200 million over budget. Now, about those grocery prices.
Trump caused Homeland Security to go $200,000,000.00 over budget and he failed to bring down grocery prices in a week, methinks he has far less power than whatyouthinks he has.
Oh my GAWD!!!
$200M!!!! The HORRORS!!!
How much did NYC alone spend on the illegal aliens last year alone? Don’t know? Look it up. The NYC government reported over $1.45B in 2023. Because you are a leftist and math is probably not your strong point (just like logic), $1.45B is equivalent to $1,450 Million. Your paltry $200M is less than 0.14% of that cost from one city alone.
Now Frank is concerned with how much money the government spends???
What tribe? The American tribe, Greg. 100%, since birth, none of the others mean a damn thing to me.
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