Chuck Todd of NBC asked if Rep. Don Young could come on Meet the Press … and gets owned on Twitter


The request was a few months too late. The Meet the Press Show on NBC reached out to Congressman Don Young’s press office to see if the congressman could be on the show on Friday, June 10.

“We would love to have him on the program if his schedule allows,” the request read. It may have been an intern who made the ask for the show that is the longest-running television show in history. If so, oops.

The communication director for Alaska congressional office for Alaska’s at-large seat took to Twitter to give his deadpanned answer:

“Unfortunately, @chucktodd, I don’t think Congressman Young’s schedule will allow him to be on Meet the Press with you tomorrow but I’ll circle back if that changes. Thanks for reaching out.”

Congressman Young’s 89th birthday would have been today, but he died on March 18.

Zack Brown, the communication director, also wrote on Twitter: “The best part to me is if DY saw this he would cackle about it for 5 minutes before asking me to print it and laminate it so he could show all his friends on the House Floor during votes.”


  1. They could hold a seance and allow Don to burst out a few choice expletives about UpChuck Todd’s lack of a college degree. Or, hold the interview and let NB3 show up…….with a big whipped cream pie to present on Upchuck’s face.

  2. A mistake like that can happen to any of us who employ inexperienced new-hires. It goes with the territory. As the adage says, “if you aren’t making mistakes you aren’t getting much done either.”

    On the other hand, the ideology and leftist bias of NBC is an unforgivable disgrace.

  3. But they are fully covering the LAME House prime time cover-up of what the Jan. 6th protest was really about
    ” Voter Fraud “!!!!There I said it! Next out of touch MEET THE PRESS ignorance…. Ha!

  4. Democrats and news media (liberals) are so out of touch with Americans. That’s what happens when you are not reporting the news!

  5. Chuck Todd is a chucklehead who thinks he is an intellectual. He is just another propagandist for the global elites.

  6. “……..We would love to have him on the program if his schedule allows……..”
    I bet his schedule is wide open. He can lay there, listen to Mr. Todd ask his leading questions, and give the appropriate response.

  7. and good ole Don if he DID show up would still easily wipe the floor with “chucky” – God rest his sole.

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