A government shutdown was avoided late Saturday as a pared-down temporary funding package headed to President Joe Biden’s desk. In the end, the 1,500-page funding package, which had been packed with Democrat-driven spending was whittled down to 118 pages by the U.S. House, keeping the government open until March 14.
The continuing resolution was expected to be signed by Biden Saturday and the Office and Management and Budget put a hold on government shutdown preparations.
“In addition to preserving pay for our brave men and women in uniform, the continuing resolution I voted for tonight includes an important $110 billion disaster-relief package,” said Sen. Dan Sullivan. “My team and I worked hard to include language that will specifically help our communities dealing with serious natural disasters, like the devastating flood in Juneau and landslides in Southeast. That being said, I believe that the process by which these last minute government funding bills are negotiated is fundamentally broken. President Trump was right to call attention to the initial bill—1,500 pages, written behind closed doors, and released with just hours to review. In the new Congress, I will be pressing my colleagues for a return to regular order in crafting a budget, a process that will better serve Alaskans and all Americans.”
Sen. Lisa Murkowski said, “There is never, ever a time when a government shutdown is a good thing for Americans or Alaskans. I’m relieved that cooler heads prevailed and a needless shutdown was avoided. Additionally, I was able to secure several critical provisions that will help Alaskans, including a desperately needed $300 million that will refill our fisheries disaster account, ensuring that our hardworking fishermen will have the support they need to get back on the water.”
House Speaker Mike Johnson had introduced a massive 1,547-page continuing resolution that had been negotiated with Democrats, but was given to Republican members with only hours for them to read it before voting on it. The conservative House members voted with the Democrats to kill it, and President Donald Trump, along with tens of thousands of people using the X social media site, condemned the entire process. For the first time in history, Americans had the ability to shape, in real time, a funding bill.
That public pressure, led by Elon Musk, who is in the Trump inner circle and has the role of rooting out fraud, waste, and abuse in government, resulted in a “skinny CR, that cut almost all Democrat demands. It passed the House late Friday afternoon, and passed the Senate on Friday night.
“This America First legislation delivers much-needed relief for Americans devastated by the hurricanes and our hardworking farmers, and it sets up President Trump to start delivering on DAY ONE,” said House Speaker Mike Johnson.
That’s not the result that President musk wanted, but he’s a cold heartless sucker and doesn’t even spend holidays with his family and kids. How can he care about our country?
Was better than the 1547 page pork filled Cramnibus bill. We’re you ready to give up your rights to see what congress really does? Creating a 2 tiered justice system to protect the J6 committee and what really occurred that day. How many feds were really present? They only told us 26 snitches were in the crowd.
Unlike Hunter Biden, Trump actually acknowledges who his grandchildren are!
That’s not the result that President musk wanted……..”
It’s early. His administration hasn’t even taken the oath of office yet. Who knows; he might even be elected Speaker of the House. Wouldn’t that be fun? It might be a fresh change having the richest man in the world as Speaker over just another slickster lawyer.
You do realize Biden is president, right?
Cold heartless suckers are exactly what we need to prevent total economic catastrophe. Playing Santa Claus is the easiest thing in the world.
Simply another form of manipulation.
Just print more dept problem solved.
People all politicians are spending us into bankruptcy by wasting tax dollars on stupid stuff.
Princess said “ I secured 300 million that will refill our fisheries disaster account, ensuring that our hardworking fishermen will have the support they need to get back on the water.”
I ask- And that huge amount is to selectively subsidize how many fishermen, exactly??
Here is my correction to her statement.
“I increased our national debt by $300,000,000, to add money to some obscure slush fund, that probably won’t actually use the funds as intended. But this move makes me look good. It gives me something to crow about, and is calculated to buy me more votes in the next election.”
Fixed it!
Interesting that Lisa can comment on the Guv’Ment Shutdown but has nothing else important to say about Guv’Ment // Political malfeasance! Once again, proving herself (aka: Daddy’s Little Princess) her worthlessness and detriment to Alaska and Alaskans!!!
I would have voted to let the government shut down. And wait a couple weeks or a month to go by and let Elon and Vivak man the doors back in and only allow the vital ones back in. Gret opportunity for DOGE to cull the herd.
Uniparty Miracle!
This just the beginning of rebuilding our govt. Time for the employees to start listening to the taxpayers.
You pay taxes? Lmao.
More than you
Yeah. Not in my lifetime. I was buying your diapers when your mom was drawing food stamps. Lol.
That’s kind of you to buy diapers for babies you don’t know. Are you still interested in giving such financial aid? I can find plenty of needy babies for you……..
My tax dollars were. Not me personally.
Suzanne, is this the kind of comment that you want to get past your screening?
If the price of eggs is a red line but research for children’s cancer is not, maybe, just maybe, the problem here… is you.
That was passed in the house 9 months ago, Schumer held onto the bill and did not allow a senate vote. Might do some research
The slimmed-down version was stripped of language that would have allowed children with relapsed cancer to undergo treatments with a combination of cancer drugs and therapies. (Currently the Food and Drug Administration is only authorized to direct pediatric cancer trials of single drugs.) The bill also didn’t include an extension of a program that gave financial lifelines, in the form of vouchers, to small pharmaceutical companies working on rare pediatric diseases. It was also missing earlier provisions that would have allowed for kids on Medicaid or CHIP—that is, poor children—to access medically complex care across state lines. There’s my research McKinley!
Doesn’t explain why the senate sat on it for 9 months
That is explained by Rand Paul being opposed to the bill and one vote would kill it. The Dem’s couldn’t afford to waste that much floor time on it only to have one Republican Senator torpedo it. That’s why it was in original CR. Musk is most responsible for this childhood cancer research getting stripped out of the CR. Tim Kaine was able to convince Rand Paul to change his mind on this and it was signed into law as a stand alone bill.
Sebastian, in your research did you stumble across any malfeasance committed by the FDA? I mean besides the Democrat talking points you spew…
If the price of eggs is a red line but research for children’s cancer is not, maybe, just maybe, the problem here… is you.”
Maybe…….just maybe………childhood cancer is caused by eggs………from avian flu infected birds? Still have your masks?
more Democrats in the House voted to pass this continuing resolution than Republicans. Apparently it was the Democrats that got what they wanted.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
More pork, more debt, more inflation.
This is NOT a Christmas miracle what so ever! It’s evil to it’s core putting the country further into debt to borrowed money is insane! Stop this fake news! God help us. Liberty Ed Martin Jr
You think it is going to ever go away? Lol
The planet won’t quit spinning if the feds shut down. The government is the problem not the solution and ours is out of control. We are paying people that don’t ever have to show up for work. In fact most of them don’t know what work is. The feds have only 1 job to protect us at our boarders and they have fallen down on that mission.
No, they set the federal budget. It’s their job.
What budget, when was the last time our country run on a budget? Has been nothing but Omnibus bills and continuing resolutions for decades. Have you been in shady pines this whole time?
Silly boy.
Yes you’re a silly boy who needs to grow up.
“……..The feds have only 1 job to protect us at our boarders……..”
You mean after we board airplanes? Yeah, they protect us at airports, and in the air, too.
The miracle is that Musk and Ramaswamy, who are working for the American taxpayer for $0 compensation, were able to muster enough congressional support to stop the original Continuing Resolution. They did it with a tidal wave of public outcry through X, and other media once the protests became too loud to ignore. This must continue until congress learns that they work for us, and continuing to spend way beyond our means is an existential threat to our county and to the people of America.
Who taught you to lick boots so good?
Facts aren’t boot-licking. Surprised you were able to come up from licking the bottom of your cat box to post this.
“Who taught you to lick boots so good?
Killary supporters, and what an incredible lesson it was!
Well, president musk is getting his rockets fired hassle free now so there is that compensation.
Oh and now the fact that Musk can and does provide a service that is unavailable in the United States yet in your typical trolling fashion, you pivot to something else to complain about. Sad, very sad. I thought you used to be an educator… is this how you taught your classes when your opinion you were promoting was proven wrong by your students? Pivot and change the topic? Now spend your golden years trolling a truly conservative website? Sad.
Darn! Greg was enjoying paying for the hasslers!
Johnson. Do the right thing and step down. This is the second time you have had a terminal failure. You are either compromised or just a trader or incapable. You were saved last time by the Left. Do the right thing and step down now.
“……..Johnson. Do the right thing and step down………”
I’m betting you’re going to have to bring Gaetz back from his early retirement for another dramatic performance.
Getting rid of Gaetz was Trump’s gift to Johnson. Not sure how they will handle the other 34 David Eastmans
Congress has not passed a budget for decades, just unconstitutional “continuing resolutions”. Debt spending is for emergencies, not waste as usual. Speaker Johnson betrayed us a second time making budget deals with schumer & swampsters. We haven’t had a president for four years, illegal alien invasion, two tier injustice with pardons for despicables, school programs to indoctrinate not educate, enemy spy balloon cleared to fly across entire continent, just to scratch the surface of their suicide plan. And they vote their own pay raises! It’s almost as shameful as our farcical Juneau retreads. There are a few good folks looking to right the ship, God help them to cut the noose.
I think that I heard that the 1970s was the last time that Congress passed a budget!
Wow, that was just too close for me. I was really worried that I might have to go back to work. My kitchen still needs painting!
Federal employee “working” from home.
Exactly, government employees always get back pay and don’t have to work to get it.
The citizens usually get a break without the usual government harassment.
Lisa like usual will puff on about nothing and take credit when credit is not due.
Oh, oh…………Looks like the wife is going to have to prepare your morning SOS in front of unpainted walls…………
Because when it comes to the govt,
118 > 1500
Sometimes it only takes one fillibuster.
So Democrats pulled the first Trump-led disaster from the fire. Looks for many more to come, where the Dems won’t be able to come to the rescue.
And by the way, why the h*ll is this Musk guy calling the shots as a non-elected person acting on behalf of an Administration that isn’t even yet in power? He needs to stick to his knitting and go play with his rockets o something. Or, maybe he can even spend some quality time with his 12 kids. If he’s smart, he’ll bail out soon before he falls out of the King’s favor, and gets kicked to the curb. You know that’s coming, as there’s only room for one Ego in the White House.
“…….So Democrats pulled the first Trump-led disaster from the fire……..”
And on the cheap, too. I wonder how much of the $100 billion in disaster relief they can steal?
“…….And by the way, why the h*ll is this Musk guy calling the shots as a non-elected person acting on behalf of an Administration that isn’t even yet in power?…….”
Because the guys in power you elected (or so it’s alleged) are perfectly feckless, napping with ice cream stains on their shirts, or desperately looking for law firms to bail to.
So Trump wants an increase in the debt limit but claims that DOGE is tasked with decreasing the debt. Oh the irony.
If Biden was doing the same thing you would say he had dementia.
Government shutdown? Is there some way we can just make that permanent?
Term limits once again cries out for spending sanity and leadership.
This article ends with a “spin” that belies the real tough work ahead (e.g., Trump didn’t get the debt ceiling raised or eliminated, so he can spend) and shows the boosterism of MRAK, which I think is claiming to be an unbiased news organization.
We have never claimed to be an unbiased news source. We own our conservative bias, which makes us different from the legacy media, which does not admit to their liberal bias. Thanks for playing. – sd
Not unbiased. Just balanced, as long as you play by the few rules of conduct.
Do you mean the US Con stit u tion? ? ?
Thank God Murkowski got that $300M so that the failing commercial fishing industry can continue over harvesting Alaska’s fish resources until there is another “disaster” (aka not enough fish left after all the over harvest and mismanagement..). Alaska fisherman are perhaps the biggest government welfare recipients next to the American farmers. Why does everybody need to rely on the swollen government teet of socialism?
ANY CR should be a clean bill that only funds the government unitl the actual approiation process should be conducted. Too often they put a whole lot of pork and no actual funding in these CR that do nothing. The appropriation process should go exactly the way it is designed by the Constitution the process starts in the House (the purse string holder) with 12 individual appropriation bills with no addtional irttems attached. Then these should be reviewed by the members of the House for at a minimum of 5 days to give them time to discern whether these are what their constituencies want funded. After the House votes and approves these then go to the Senate for their review and the reconciliation process between the two houses of congress. If the process is followed correctly there is no need for any CRs.
A real Christmas miracle would have been a full shutdown
Amen. ???
Once again, there is no such thing as a government shutdown down. All essential functions continue. Only the unnecessary functions would have taken a pause. Which begs the question, if we don’t need them, why do we still have them?
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