Chris Constant makes it official: Running for Congress


As rumored for weeks, Anchorage Assemblyman Chris Constant says he is a candidate for United States Congress. He will run as a Democrat in a race that already has big names — 25-term U.S. Congressman Don Young and Republican challenger Nick Begich III.

Constant, who represents downtown Anchorage, revealed his plans on social media and scrubbed his past, somewhat problematic social media accounts of some of their more unpleasant content.

The last Democrat who ran against Young was Alyse Galvin, who ran in 2018 and again in 2020. She is now running for an Anchorage seat in the Alaska House of Representatives.

Although he announced he would do a Facebook live event of his announcement, no one seemed to see it, and it appeared that the livestream either failed or was ditched by his campaign. However, moments after he made his Facebook announcement, he posted on Facebook a story about his announcement from the Anchorage Daily News.


  1. This allows Nick Begich III a clear opportunity to show his bonafides. Just make sure his de-icers are operational.

  2. I wonder if this is Chris “just call me Tom Sconce” Constant’s attempt at statewide name recognition just like perennial candidate Dunbar used in around 2014 when he challenged Don Young. I predict the same results for Chris. But then what’s next in his political playbook … Anchorage mayor in 2024?

  3. Hey bud, we’ll see you out there.
    Please, make sure we all now where we can come talk to you. Where and when will you be in public without Suzanne la France to gavel us out.

  4. What about the Pat Dougherty hate party this weekend..!!! and when does he resign from the Assembly..??

  5. So am I wring here.. but with this new ranked choice voting is it possible that Constant could win if Young and Begich split the right-of-socialism voters? Sounds like exactly what the left wants..s voting system comped enough that you can’t do a manual recount.. It takes a computer.

    • Ernie just vote the same name each four times. Write in the name if the ballet does not give you that choice. They can’t tell you who to vote for each time that would not be leagal.

      • If you do that and the name you put in first wasn’t the first choice you are done voting with that first choice.
        This is all part of the misinformation campaign that rank voters want to spread so that you become a disenfranchised voter. Whether you like this system or not, you need to understand how it works. Voting the same name spoils your vote after the first round, your subsequent votes do not count…those who push rank voting rely upon this because it gives their candidates a better chance in the next round.

        • Write anybodys name after you write your first choice-the rest don’t get any votes for second or third or fourth.

    • I feel the same. I get to vote for a RINO, Generational Leftist who’s gentleman’s promise is he is not, or a socialist. Oh, joy.

  6. He’s got the backing of the ADN, the DNC, the Alphabet gang, and the CCP.

    Since Don held on well past his prime I give him 50-50 odds. At worst. Don should have trained and endorsed a successor a decade ago.

  7. It will be fun to watch the most petty, thin skinned person in Alaska in a rough and tumble election.

    Begich isn’t a fellow left of center traveler. Begich should be willing to hit him in the political nose. If he has the stones to go toe to toe with Constant the seat is his.

  8. Can’t wait for the debate between Don and Chris….pass the popcorn. A better gift for Nick Begich could not have happened. Just like Al Gross, Mr. Constant will annoy anyone other than the most rabid lefties and Don is clearly aggravating most conservatives by this vaccine stance.

  9. You see? if there is anything democrats can teach republicans is teamwork. Republicans are going to have to play as a united team during rank choice voting.

  10. It will get him out of Anchorage, and into a position, where… frankly… he will have zero influence.
    I am almost tempted to vote for him, just to get him off the Assembly.

  11. Nice promotional photo–Constant looks like a used car salesman trying to promote himself as an upscale guy. Anybody who has seen his disrespectful behavior as an Anchorage Assemblyman towards those with whom he does not agree knows he is not the man we want negotiating Alaska’s interests in Congress. As much as I do not share enthusiasm for Don Young, I prefer his demeanor and astute experience to this guy.

    • Now, now … no need to insult used car salesmen! They’re a whole evolutionary step up the emotional and ethical food chain than Chris “you’re a slut” Constant.
      That tends to happen when you have to deal with people at arm’s length, face to face. No hiding behind Suzanne la France’s skirts.

  12. Well we all know how tight him and the Division of election are so he must feel confident he can cheat his way to a win.

    • This is a state-wide election and an in person election. The state is running the show. Babs really has nothing to do with it, however many bunches of flowers he brings her….
      My hope is that he doesn’t even make the primary threshold.

  13. GAG!!! He’s an evil nasty human and I can only imagine what damage he can inflict on our country after the damage he’s done to Anchorage! Let’s not be fools people! Nick Begich has my vote. He’s a great conservative!

    • Probably a bit of both. With both Young and Nick Begich in the race, there is very little chance that the general election will be decided on the first ballot, so people’s second (and maybe even third) choices will be relevant. And yes, it does boost Constant’s image statewide should he lose and ever choose to run again.

      • That is assuming that Mr. Constant makes it out of the primary as one of 4 candidates going to the general. I think there are more than just Nick, Don and Chris running.

  14. For a person who get fiesty and offended at almost all sorts of hand movements, or any comments, he just joined the WRONG CROWD…If he thinks Anchoragites are bad, he’s got some more education coming down HIS ROAD!!

  15. I think it’s just wonderful that he is running for Higher Office! He has done so much for Anchorage already, it isn’t fair for one City to deprive the State and Nation of this brilliant man’s Talent. Folks in Anchorage
    need to help him gain this much deserved promotion. I’m certain he will fit right in back in DC.

  16. It would be fun to watch the smackdown when he calls someone in the US House a “slut”. Pass the popcorn, I can’t wait to watch his career burst into flames.
    Oh, and please publish the times and dates where he’ll be available for a friendly face to face handshake.

  17. The 1980’s called up after the picture of the Assemblyman was published, seems they want their coat back.

  18. I don’t live in Anchorage, but please folks, don’t try to push Constant out of Anchorage and onto the whole state of Alaska as a way to get rid of him. I for sure don’t want him to be the standing up for Alaska as somebody we respect and want representing us. Have you no shame for voting for him just to represent the city of Anchorage? Constant is nothing but a slimy arrogant wretch. Begich gets my vote. Time for ol’ Don to get his recliner warmed up. Or pick out his nursing home. Claims he’s against mandates and fires one of his staff for not getting jabbed. How hypocritical!!

  19. Geh.
    Pond Scum is looking to jump into the Swamp, where he will quickly congeal and grow into a large-bodied predator.

    And the Assembly-appointed Clerk just announced a sure-fire plan to “track” your mail in ballot to make sure enough scum gets scraped up and tossed into the bucket headed to DC…

  20. Just wait for it, there will be a bigger name from the left coming. This rank voting is a numbers game and drawing a certain percentage of voters to vote their chosen candidate as number 1, while simultaneously voting another as number 2 is all part of the game. Is this going to be a Begich, Begich, Young, and Constant congressional rank vote race?

  21. There are already odd people in Wasilla. I just had a couple move in saying they lived in Juneau for a few months, they are waiting for Ak ID’s and have not yet bought furniture. Originally from the South.

  22. Chris is just another divisive Democrat. He is not willing to work with others across the aisle and would rather sit and accuse people of being radicals and “republicans” but is running for a seat in hopes to represent a State that does not follow his ideologies….Good luck!

  23. Any man who refers to a woman using the “C” word should be automatically rejected. But this “man” is part of the protected class of the alphabet gang LGBTQ. He can say whatever he wants and get away with it. I could call him all kinds of horrible terms pulled from the book of “I Hate You!” – Mr. Constant can quote it chapter & verse I am sure! Where as I a person with integrity and not being of the protected class cannot even consider lowering myself to his level and ever expect to get away with it as he does. I hope you fry in your own feces Mr. Constant you are a despicable human being. And sir (I use that term oh so very loosely) if you haven’t noticed what’s been going lately, your Democratic party, you know the one that hates cops and supports defunding the police, severely in love with progressive DA’s and criminals, (thank God there are no subways in Anchorage to be pushed in front of), all of you are going to be doing a log role in the crap that you have spewing since 2020 and (quite gleefully) the Democrats will get the shellacking they so richly deserve November 2022, including you Mr. Constant! Rank choice voting my behind…rank choice cheating.

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