Cathy Giessel files to run against Sen. Holland


Sen. Roger Holland, who represents District E in Anchorage, has a competitor for 2022, and it’s the person he beat last time — former Senate President Cathy Giessel.

Giessel today filed with the Division of Elections. She has not yet filed with the Alaska Public Offices Commission and her website has not yet been launched at

Holland beat Giessel in 2020 by 30 percent in the primary. But he only beat Democrat Carl Johnson by 4 percent, 10,512 to 9,650, but the libertarian, Carolyn “Care” Clift, took 4 percent of the vote that would likely go to Holland in a ranked choice voting scenario, which will be how the next general election is conducted.

This election will be in a district that has a markedly different shape than last year. Seat E now has South Anchorage, Indian, Bird, Girdwood and Whittier, and also Oceanview. Before, it stretched up to Muldoon.

Giessel, who had AFL-CIO support last time she ran, has endorsed Bill Walker, an independent, for governor. She is known to deeply dislike Republican Gov. Mike Dunleavy.


  1. So has she learned anything in her 2020 loss? Not likely. Reminder of how she
    got where she is today says it all if you need a refresher.


  2. Shoulder pads and a brooch?

    We have enough old thinkers in our government.

    We need new blood that knows the value of We the People.

    • Yes. We the People. All the silent folks who came out to beat the recall (and add votes) for Meg and Felix. Cathy will have a chance.

  3. Dear Cathy
    just stay where you are and you and dunleavy can ride off together into the sunset to nowhere

  4. She was a bit of a manipulative crank in her last public role. I wonder what if anything may have changed?

  5. The queen of POMV wants another shot at stealing the PFD? She thinks we don’t remember? Senator Holland, she is a tough competitor – you’ll have to put in a lot of work to out hustle her door-to-door. And right now, she has time.

  6. There’s nothing that turns off voters more than a condescending, angry old woman. This is Cathy Giessel. Senator Holland handed her a thorough whipping in the 2020 primary. And he’ll do it again.

  7. This lady it nuts. She has to be one of the most hated people in all the state. Who in the hell would really want to see her or Bill Walker, elected to ANYthing, ever again? I don’t care if you hate Dunleavy or not, but this gal? I just don’t see it. These two people have to be the least self aware people in the state.

  8. Oh boy, here we go. Return of the nightmare to help Gov. Walker when he gets elected. Are these people going to help him turn to China to sell the gas pipeline to nowhere? Is China going to gain the Permanent Fund that he uses as collateral? Maybe he uses the Stevens International Airport as collateral instead? What happens if he has to default on the loan and the Chinese get the Fund or the Airport? Will the democrats in the White House let that happen? I say let’s post a picture of Walker with Ji and Giessel with Walker in campaign signs so Alaskans will know what they are buying. What do these people know that we don’t about this new system? Are they really going to be allowed to spoil Alaska like the lower 48? It is the only owner state in the country, and is way too important to let people ruin it.

  9. She’s baaack. Seems this time she will be fortified with even more AFL-CIO support and is endorsing Bill Walker who had run for governor last time as an ‘independent’. It will be interesting to see how hard Cathy Giessel will work to portray herself as a conservative during this campaign. The public apparently was not especially impressed last election and resoundingly tossed her out of office despite her being the Senate president. Her reputation will likely precede her in this election.

  10. Bill Walkers swamp cult will be all in for her. Ballot measure 2 should have been called the Rino protection act.

  11. If she’s supportive of Chairman Xi JiPing’s pal Gov. Walker “The Red”, there is no way she’ll get my support.

  12. OMG. I thought we spanked her so bad last time that we’d never see her again. She keeps coming back like a bad rash. Because of her and her clooney edgeman, the PFD got ravaged like it did. Don’t make another mistake and put this person back in a seat.

    • For as long as there are willing cattle to collect, the feeders will flock.
      There are enough idiots in this city to attract all manner of politicians. Of course they make a comeback. Mask wearing shows they are ready and willing to be led to slaughter.

  13. I give her 50-50%. Walker’s machine will get behind her, as will the unions and teachers.

    Her name is mud to the average Alaskan, but District E are not her constituents. Walker and co are.

  14. In her year out of office, Cathy has managed to sign on to support Bill Walker.

    She embarrassed herself and those of us who supported her in her 2 years as Senate President. Like last year, I will do everything humanly possible to keep her out of elective office once again. Cheers –

  15. She needs to finish the job. Her and Walker got half the PFD in 2015. She’s backing him, and the unions are backing them both, to get the remaining half. All the while, her screeching, wretched, condescending lectures will resume from the Senate Floor.

    I wonder what decorated veteran she will malign and denigrate this time around.

  16. Giessel’s last act before stepping down as Senate President was to appoint Johne Binkley on the Redistricting Board. Binkley became Chairman of that Board and was instrumental in redefining the newly created House and Senate districts in Alaska. Now Giessel wants back into the Senate. Will Binkley’s newspaper, ADN, support Giessel’s candidacy? ADN is clearly supporting Bill Walker for Governor.

  17. She evidently didn’t get the message that she no longer has the clout to keep the PFD out of the hands of the People of Alaska.

  18. ADN should do a little better job investigating, if they want to keep their “award-winning” status as Alaska’s top journal. Records show that Binkley and Giessel’s relationship goes all the way back to high school up in Fairbanks. How cozy!

  19. Sorry Giessel. We don’t allow dictator wannabees in Alaska. Move to the Dominican Republic where your chances might improve. Channel General Trujillo for recommendations and political support.

    • Good grief, is the Wicked Witch of Anchorage running again? Doesn’t she have something better to with her miserable life, like take care of poor old mom?

  20. I supported her since her first race – every single time. Money, yard signs, the whole enchilada. Except her last race, when I supported her opponent.

    I’m no longer in her district, but will support her opponent again. The entire switcharoonie rope-a-dope thing she did in Juneau was too much too far.

    It’s a shame. I like her and her husband personally.

  21. I was her #3 supporter in funding–about $3500 over the years. I will never support Cathy Giessel because she betrayed me as well as most of her strongest supporters. I will do all I can to ensure Roger Holland shows Giessel the door. Besides, her hatred of Mike Dunleavy betrays her Christianity.

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