Candidate profile: Richard Walker of Kodiak for House District 32



It was 1980, the year John Lennon was shot. The year Mount St. Helens blew. And the year that young Richard Walker, barely 20, sold his ’69 Chevy Impala, bought a plane ticket, and headed for Alaska.

Walker started out as a dishwasher and bouncer in Spenard, working at La Mex restaurant. But he kept bugging the laborers union shop until he was headed for the North Slope and at age 21, became a roughneck, working in the oil patch for eight years.

Then a back injury on a rig took him out of the field and into environmental response and cleanup work. His company sent him to Kodiak, and he’s called it home nearly ever since. He loves Kodiak.

Walker is now running for House District 32 against incumbent Rep. Louise Stutes, who lost the endorsement of her fellow Republicans for organizing with the Democrats to control the House and try to force an income tax on Alaskans once she got to Juneau.

Stutes voted in favor of the income tax, HB 115, which other Democrats in the House favored. It failed in the Senate, which is under the control of Republicans.

Under Stutes preferred state income tax, a person making $50,000 a year would have to pay the state $992.50 plus four percent of anything they made in excess of $50,000 up to $100,000, where the next step of progressive taxes would kick in. The plan was prepared to hire up to 60 state tax collectors to enforce the law.

Stutes also voted in favor of SB 91, the controversial criminal justice reform that many Alaskans believe has led to more illegal drug trafficking, property theft, and violent crime in Alaska. SB 91 has been revised through other legislation since its passage, with some of its more criminal-friendly parts trimmed. But crime is still at a near-record high, although less so in Kodiak.

Paul Seaton of Homer, Gabrielle LeDoux of Muldoon, and Louise Stutes of Kodiak listen to Alaska Republican Party officer Rick Whitbeck, as he explains to them rules that ultimately led to their being sanctioned by the party for having organized to take over the House with Democrats.

Stutes, who owned a bar for 25 years, also proposed legislation to cut serving limits at Alaska breweries from 36 ounces to 24 ounces per day and at distilleries from 3 ounces to 2 ounces per day, something that was widely panned by craft breweries and distilleries. These are some of the only industries in the state that have been adding jobs during the current recession.

Walker’s time in Kodiak — from 1991-2002 and 2005-present — has been centered on family and community service. His wife has a big family in Kodiak, and together they have six grown children, 35 grandchildren, and too-many-to-count nieces and nephews.

He’s a member of the Elks Club, and part of the group that started the youth football program. Over the years he has raised thousands of dollars for youth football in Kodiak. He is also active with the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary.

Walker was elected to the Kodiak City Council for six years, and has served on the Parks and Recreation Board. He ran for  House in 2014, and he’s decided it’s time to try again.

“We have to really start tightening up on the budget,” he told the local radio station. “I wasn’t in favor of cutting our Permanent Fund [dividend]. Our resources in the state of Alaska are abundant, and we’re not even hardly touching them.”


Walker’s 30-day fundraising report to the Alaska Public Offices Commission shows local support. He raised $6,555, compared with Louise Stutes, the Republican who organizes with the Democrats, who raised $7,125 in her latest report. But she started with $13,000 and she also has the support of large labor unions, which will fund radio and newspaper spots for her.

Walker has a radio spot of his own running now, paid for by the Alaska Republican Party, characterizing Stutes and her band of PFD pirates as thieves, and promising to right the ship if he’s elected in the Primary, Aug. 21, and the General Election on Nov. 6. The pirate brogue in his campaign spot is “five-star aaaargh”:



  1. So sad to see so many (all) candidates in denial over our State budget and the role of the PFD in our deficits. We collectively have created a monster that affects every election. We get the government we deserve….as the saying goes.

  2. Income tax is only fair way to restore permanent fund and fund state government. Vote for Stutes.

    • Really? So how much are you willing to pay from your life’s savings to fund a free handout to everyone with a pulse who shows up in this state?!

    • I say you are out of your mind and unemployed most of the time. I actually support a very low income tax as long as the Dividend is ended.

      • I might support a small income tax as a last resort only if the PFD is ended and not until. If that means I’m “out of my mind” then so be it. I worked for 45 years and retired. I don’t owe a free handout to anyone.

  3. Retirees who have worked all their lives and invested in tax-deferred savings accounts like IRAs pay their deferred federal taxes on mandatory distributions beginning at age 71 1/2. Those distributions are added to gross income and can put the taxpayer in a higher tax bracket, especially under HB-115, which, as I understood it, would have scavenged a stiff state tax based on gross income. Stiff capital gains taxes would be paid on other types of savings accounts that were not tax-deferred. HB-115 allowed taxpayers the option to forfeit some or all of their PFDs to pay the state tax. HB-115 would have forced many retirees to forfeit their PFDs and pay the remainder of a stiff tax on top of losing their PFDs. Keep in mind that a huge segment of Alaska’s population would not be liable for any tax at all and collect their PFDs under HB-115.

    HB-115 was immoral, in my humble opinion, because it would penalize retirees who worked all their lives to save for retirement and then get dinged for an incredible tax penalty from the State because they did (all while handing out free money for what?!)

    We do not need a stiff income tax like HB-115 proposed, especially to perpetuate the PFD. If the funds are needed to run the government, cut the fluff and eliminate the PFD in its entirety. Then talk about a tax.

    Respectfully submitted,
    Old Alaskan

  4. The pfd is simply the state practicing profit sharing from the state’s resources with its residents. Taxing, however, is the state mandating that productive people support the lazy. Time to reexamine the budget and entitlements and make better use of the state’s work force.

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