Canadian judge orders truckers to unblock border bridge, but they don’t; judge orders Christian fundraising site to freeze aid to truckers, but it says it won’t


GiveSendGo said on Twitter that it won’t comply with the Canadian court order to not give over $8.6 million in donated funds to the group that is aiding truckers in their protest against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s vaccine mandates.

“Know this! Canada has absolutely ZERO jurisdiction over how we manage our funds here at GiveSendGo,” the group wrote. “All funds for EVERY campaign on GiveSendGo flow directly to the recipients of those campaigns, not least of which is The Freedom Convoy campaign.”

Since the protesting convoy arrived in Ottawa more than two weeks ago, similar convoys have popped up across the globe as workers rise up against their governments’ Covid-19 restrictions. In Canada, truckers are now blocking three border crossings with the United States as of early Saturday morning.

Also on Friday, BBC reported that the Ontario Superior Court of Justice granted the city of Windsor and the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association an injunction that orders the truckers to end the gridlock on the Windsor Ambassador Bridge connecting Windsor to Detroit. On early Saturday morning the bridge was still blockaded.

Numerous smaller American convoys have cropped up from Alaska to Florida in support of the Canadian truckers.

There appears to be a new American convoy starting soon, truckers in the United States northern states said on Friday they would soon hit the road on the I-90 corridor,  which is the longest Interstate Highway in the United States, spanning 3,020 miles across 13 states from Washington state to the northeastern states. The convoy is apparently starting in Spokane, Wash. and ending in Washington, D.C. Details were scarce on Friday night.


  1. It’s pathetic Canadians have more spine than most Americans.

    But in fairness the US is just playing with socialist fascism. Canada went off the deep end into full blown totalitarianism.

    But what else to expect from Fidel Castro’s son?

  2. God bless the brave Canadian truckers and all their freedom loving supporters

    I have longtime Canadian friends who have left their country over these mandates – it’s high time we in the USA stood up to the tyrannical Facists ( mostly democrats ) and let those in “power” know we will not tolerate illegal mandates and ANY restrictions on our freedoms

    This whole Plandemic has been orchestrated to benefit the already wealthy and to increase government
    control over our lives and futures

    It’s the biggest issue facing our Republic in a long time and it’s up to individuals like these truckers to say
    Hell No!!

  3. Justin Trudeau has really demonstrated real ‘leadership’ during this entire (and entirely justified) truckers’ protest by retreating into his Fuhrerbunker and calling the truckers every unhinged and crazy woke-ist slur in the book. That’ll teach ’em!

  4. Trudeau is now blaming the United States for the whole thing (or at least the majority of it) saying it wouldn’t be possible without our funding! A true team effort. Vive la liberte!

  5. The forest is dry and getting dryer. One careless spark is all it takes. The elites would know this if they took the trouble to listen to the common people.

  6. Our brothers and sisters in Canada through civil disobedience, are making an inspirational stand in a peaceful defense of the liberty that has been stolen from them by the tyrants that have been evolving into totalitarians at an alarming rate. Around the world the circumstances are the same, and all of us people that just wanted to be left alone, have finally begun to stand together. I find it a beautiful moment, in a struggle that will intensify in ways that we can’t even begin to anticipate. Gain strength from the love that you see and knew was there, all around the world. That knowledge will help to give you buoyancy in the rough seas that are certain at some point in our journey forward. Put on the full armor of God. You WILL need it.

  7. Trudeau is directed apparently by the world economic forum not his people who give him housing and a pleasant stipend. More’s the pity.

  8. Little Justin will never face them. He has never had to face adversity or have anyone question him. Like our lefwing leaders in the US, he is totally protected by mainstream media.

  9. Finally people with ba!!$ to tell a judge to stick it where the sun don’t shine. Judges don’t have the authority to do most of what they think they can. Maybe seeing a break from the tyranny by the judiciary????

  10. It sounds like somebody is trying to start a war between the US and Canada. In other places this so called support group would be considered as an invasion. There may not be tanks and missiles involved, but the idea is the same,. What right do Americans have help block major bridges and highways between two allied countries that up to now have always had open borders. This is ridiculous, American mandate haters should keep their opinions in their own country instead of causing hostile border crossings. Dont we have enough trouble with the Russia-Ukaine crisis? Get real prople.

    • “For your freedom and ours”.
      Too bad that you can’t understand the concept of standing together, and acting together, in the face of tyranny.
      There is a very good reason why the Polish trade union that instigated the fall of communism in Poland was named “Solidarity”.

      • Jefferson, you and I are on the same wave length here.
        Our family was in Europe when Lech Walesa a mere Danzig dock worker and his fellow workers united to stand up to the Polish politburo and tell them “No more”. We also witnessed the wall coming down.
        Linda, this is an organic CANADIAN protest and CANADIANS just like AMERICANS have a right and responsibility to tell their government that the politicos work for them and not the other way around. “Mandate hater” as you call them are really Freedom lovers, so I suggest that you take your own advice and get real and more informed.

  11. Trudeau has lost control of Canada. He is just too arrogant & stupid to realize it. It is too late to use the legal system as a cudgel against the protests as they are endemic now. If he had an ounce of sense in his entitled head he would meet with the protesters in Ottawa and lift all mandates. The official Covid narrative is just a stinking, maggot ridden corpse at this point. World leaders had better start thinking about saving their worthless skins! The peasants will be demanding justice soon.

  12. Soy boy Trudeau and France’s Macron are racing to see who gets the 2022 most evil dictator award. Both of them should be locked up for human rights abuse.

  13. When people stop listening! too control! you have freedom! and FREEDOM is the best you can do!
    and take FREEDEOM! which, the controllers want?, You will have control! say NO! and continue, to say NO

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