Canada’s Covid test requirement lifts April 1, but random mandatory test will replace it, and vaccines still required


The current requirement to provide a negative Covid-19 test when crossing into Canada at a Canadian border ends April 1, the Canada Minister of Health announced on Friday. Travelers still must provide a proof of Covid vaccination, but will not need a booster shot to be considered fully vaccinated.

Travel to and from Alaska has been logistically difficult for the past two years of increasingly strict rules on both sides of the border, after the Covid-19 virus became an international policy sensation. Vaccinated travelers can cross into the U.S. by land border without being tested, but Canada has insisted on a recent Covid test, which is difficult for some Alaskans to get, since home tests are not accepted by Canadian Customs. Travelers through the Canadian border also have had to make border appointments through an app.

The travel for those working in Juneau or traveling from border communities such as Skagway to Whitehorse or Tok to Beaver Creek has been especially difficult for the past two years. Getting a Covid test for the border at Skagway that meets the time requirement means a trip to Juneau, for example.

Rules are not lifting entirely. Travelers arriving to Canada from any country, even if fully vaccinated, may be chosen for random testing, which will be mandatory. If selected for mandatory random testing, travelers will not be required to quarantine while await

Unless otherwise exempt, all travelers 5 years of age or older who do not qualify as fully vaccinated must continue to provide proof of an accepted type of pre-entry Covid-19 test result:

  • a valid, negative antigen test, administered or observed by an accredited lab or testing provider, taken outside of Canada no more than one day before their initially scheduled flight departure time or their arrival at the land border or marine port of entry; or
  • a valid negative molecular test taken no more than 72 hours before their initially scheduled flight departure time or their arrival at the land border or marine port of entry; or
  • a previous positive molecular test taken at least 10 calendar days and no more than 180 calendar days before their initially scheduled flight departure time or their arrival at the land border or marine port of entry. It is important to note that positive antigen test results will not be accepted.

All travelers continue to be required to submit their mandatory information in ArriveCAN (free mobile app or website) before their arrival in Canada. Travelers who arrive without completing their ArriveCAN submission may have to test on arrival and quarantine for 14 days, regardless of their vaccination status. Travelers arriving by cruise ship or plane must submit their information in ArriveCAN within 72 hours before boarding.


  1. Show me your papers, Canada is a terrible place, even more so now. And Alaska is not far behind. Alaska border officer treats its citizens like illegal immigrants. It must be nice to have a federal job.

    • The border guards in Alaska are from the US federal government, not the State of Alaska. I agree, though, that I am always treated with more suspicion by my own country than any other I have visited.

    • Alaska border just received 35 million for “new and improved” border crossing station!!
      Let me guess infrastructure funds&
      Border protection !
      Yet they spend the $$ on themselves!

    • Illegal immigrants at the southern border are treated better than the taxpaying citizens of the US anymore.

  2. I remember a lovely, friendly place called Canada. A bit left of center, but still a nice place to visit.

    At one point I was even considering buying property in Whitehorse. Then they elected the people who put Justin (Castro) Trudeau into power. Glad I passed the opportunity.

    Canada is now a nicer, cleaner version of East Germany.

  3. And the insanity and tyranny of the hyper-statist Dominion of Covidia marches on.
    I don’t see myself, never having submitted nor willing to submit to the unsafe and ineffective clot shots, ever crossing the Covidian, I mean Canadian, border ever again.

  4. Trudeau commands medical care for freemen of another country, America, with a legal right to travel through Canada based upon unrevoked Jamestown documents unimpeded. Trudeau has no medical license. He is a WEF rogue with no regard for history or legal rights of others.

  5. If the purported President Biden had his wits about him and any integrity this would not be happening. Because of the lack of integrity Americans they believe they elected Biden therefore this disparagement of American rights.

  6. Lingering questions remain. Every tourist, who is considering a drive to Alaska, needs clarification on. Will driving the ALCAN be restricted? Will limitations on travel time and route options be in place?

  7. Every potential investor in Alaska is quantifiably deterred. This is malicious meddling by a nondescript neighbor who has an in place treaty to allow unimpeded passage to an earlier jurisdiction the United States of America. Instead these treaty rights are gifted to jurisdictions off continental shores to economic disparagement to Canada’s neighbor and ally the US or us. Unbelievable. Nobody at home in the White House I guess. US. Come back President Trump! We miss you!

  8. We have been waiting to move our lower 48 belonging north. Had COVID in Aug 2020, so no I’m not getting the vaccine. This restriction is uncalled for. Even the Ferry is limited, booked all thru Aug to Whittier, so that out.

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