Campbell: Dunbar is a wolf in sheep’s clothing



Yesterday I was driving down Muldoon Road when I saw a most scary sign.  Right there at the intersection of Muldoon and Boundary Ave was a four by six foot Forrest Dunbar for Mayor sign.  

With the state races behind us, it seems some are gearing up for the April 2021 mayor’s race.  

I have been pretty critical of cabal member Dunbar in the past. With this obvious sign that he wants to be our next mayor, I thought I should share some of my research into this guy.  Here’s what I learned.

Forrest Dunbar was the guy who ran against Congressman Don Young in 2014. Recall “Run Forrest, Run.”   That didn’t go so well.  He lost, but you would have been been a fool to bet against that outcome. 

He is a lifelong Alaskan and registered Democrat. He earned a Master’s degree at Harvard and a law degree at Yale, not necessarily centers of conservativism or defenders of individual liberties. Viewing his web site, one would believe he is a moderate who strives to bring people together and make Anchorage the lollipop city of happiness and love.  

Don’t get me wrong, I‘m all for happiness and love, but our city has some serious problems that must be addressed right now to avoid becoming a backwater footnote in history, problems created by this uber-liberal government, for which Dunbar has been a central player.  

He is in lock-step with our former disgraced mayor, Ethan Berkowitz.  “I think Mayor Berkowitz deserves credit for…crafting balanced budgets that include appropriate revenue measures (like new taxes – my add), and largely avoiding the divisiveness and drama that seems to consume DC and Juneau.” – Anchorage Daily News, March 3, 2019.

Dunbar claims that intolerance of the gay community frustrates him.  Really, that ship sailed years ago and to harp on it now is to instigate division and disrespect the cultural changes achieved in our society.  

Wake up Forrest, President Donald Trump has been one of the strongest supporters of gay issues ever. Period.  Take a breath, calm down, the world is not as bigoted as you want it to be.  

After college, Dunbar served in the Peace Corps in Kazakhstan.  Kazakhstan has a brutally corrupt autocratic government.  I know, I also have worked there.  

Having witnessed Kazakhstan’s governance, I can’t image anyone who has been there pushing for Socialist governance here in the United States.  You would have to be blind to the denial of individual liberties and the crushing hand of the state used to maintain absolute power by the elite in Kazakhstan.  

So, what we have is a stereotype Leftist politician who wants you to believe he is for moderate governance that respects diverse opinions while having a track record that gushes just the opposite; elitist Socialism.

Most everyone has heard the idiom “a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”  It is used to describe those playing a role contrary to their real character with whom contact is dangerous.  Beware of liberal Dunbar presenting himself as your “moderate” choice for mayor.  Remember, Dunbar believes our constitution is racist and is proud that his sister and cousin participated in this summer’s “peaceful” protests in Portland. 

In another 127 days the voters of Anchorage will elect a new mayor.  That’s a long time for caretaker Mayor Quinn-Davidson to really screw up our city.  

So why don’t we have a special election? The legal arguments will rage on, but for now the municipal attorney and assembly are rejecting past practices and messaging that the Charter does not mandate a special election. Therefore our Assembly Cabal has decreed that the election for mayor will be at the regular election on April 6, 2021.  

Dunbar fully embraces that decision. Forrest understands the threat a special election poses to his future goals.  If he can avoid a special election, Caretaker Mayor Quinn-Davidson will have to make the highly unpopular decisions, like her new draconian shut-down order, for the next seven months.  That way he can skate having to be held accountable by the public and can concentrate on his deceptive mayoral campaign.  

Dunbar’s voting record is clear. He is a liberal that will continue, and even expand the liberal socialist governance that has plagued Anchorage these past five years, bringing us to the edge of economic collapse.  

With Eric Croft pulling out of the race, Dunbar knows his biggest threat to becoming mayor is Bill Falsey.  Falsey has experience. He is a Yale Law School graduate who clerked for the Alaska Supreme Court. He understands business and was a key negotiator for the sale of the Municipal Light and Power. He managed the 2018 earthquake response. Falsey knows the internal workings of the municipality, having spent the past three years as municipal manager for Ethan Berkowitz, responsible for developing and implementing many of the ill-conceived and damaging actions of our former disgraced mayor. 

The bottom line is that Bill Falsey is Dunbar’s worse nightmare.  

Dunbar wants to avoid giving Falsey any issues to challenge him next April, which would certainly happen if Dunbar were to be elected Mayor in a special election.  

Matt Claman experienced that dilemma when he served as acting mayor in 2009, only to be defeated in the regular election. Therefore, with the support of his Leftists assembly and municipal attorney, no special election is allowed this time.

Dunbar is the political wolf in sheep’s clothing.  Anchorage can ill afford to continue the downward spiral of autocratic tyranny that has been cast upon us with the reign of Berkowitz and the nine member uber-liberal Cabal.  It has to end.

Forrest Dunbar, you shall never be mayor of Anchorage.  Regardless of the liberals’ overt path to corrupt our election system with all mail in ballots and denying us the opportunity to elect our mayor in a special election to protect you from yourself, we are on to you. 

Despite no polling places open on election day, you will lose. It should put the fear of God into every civic-minded voter that this upcoming election is prime for vote harvesting, voter tampering, people voting who no longer live in Anchorage or even Alaska, and fraudulent votes being submitted by unethical Leftist groups intending to keep control of our city.  

Regardless, the silent majority has been awakened and you will never be our mayor. Period.

Craig E. Campbell served on the Anchorage Assembly between 1986 and 1995 and later as Alaska’s Tenth Lieutenant Governor.  He was the previous Chief Executive Officer and President for Alaska Aerospace Corporation.  He retired from the Alaska National Guard as Lieutenant General (AKNG) and holds the concurrent retired Federal rank of Major General (USAF).


  1. Dunbar is stuck inside the trashcan, he be a smart bear if he ran back into the Forest and got re-educated how to be a real bear.

  2. I know I may have said some snarky things about the author of this column in the past. That said, as I survey the current field, Lt. Gen Campbell would be my choice for mayor, should he enter the race. He has institutional memory, good “smarts” and an executive skill set.

  3. Can’t we just call the Democrats what they really are, which are Socialists. They use to hide what their agenda was, but now that it’s open and obvious, I would rather not mince words.
    Democratic Party = Socialist Party

    • These current anti-American, anti-freedom, pro-slavery, so-called “liberal” radicals are not so much socialists as they are simply authoritarians and rabid statists, who seek total control of society and every individual in the name of “progress” and “the greater good”. They are the dedicated pavers of that road to Hell.

  4. Don’t forget Forrest running his mouth earlier this year about how founded in racism the US Constitution it. That would be the same Constitution that he swore an oath at least 4 times to uphold and defend. Was he lying then or is he lying now? Either way, he is lying. Cheers –

  5. Seems very odd that your “research” failed to turn up Dunbar’s military service. Oh, wait . . . Forrest Dunbar proudly serving his State and Country in uniform doesn’t fit with your trashy column, does it?

    • Being in the military does not redeem him, or anyone else, from promoting and putting into place bad public policies.

      PS: Who held a gun to your head to make you read this article?

    • Anonymous,

      I covered that in my October 18th piece. Totally offensive he serves in the military with his anti-American beliefs. Feel free to go back and read that piece. I think you’ll like it.


    • Nice try, Anonymous. He may have served, but he lied when he swore to uphold and defend the Constitution. That alone is felonious in my opinion so why even mention this service? He has consistently violated the Constitution through his myriad actions on the Assembly. He lacks substance and is simply a virtue signaler waiting for the next photo-op. Do you really believe his service to our country somehow makes a positive difference in his ability to lead our city? I don’t think so and neither did Mr. Campbell. Are you really voting for this socialist clown or did Mr. Campbell hurt your feelings with his words – or perhaps sometime in your past?

    • How does the public know if he served honorably? Did he watch someones’ back or did he stab them like Othello? People have a right to access military records and know the truth. A lot of military men have moved here and have committed horrible crimes against women. Being military does not insulate him from public inquiry. If he was a good soldier then that speaks miles. But, is he an officer who doesn’t care about the people, that don’t make him look good? Or is he the supposed champion of the homeless, who are too drunk for a photo op? Every person who owns property is threatened by the assembly’s ideas’ of equalizing everyone. You mean a homeless career alcoholic is my equal? Alaska is starting to smell like Cuba after Fidel kicked out Bautista.

  6. Hi Craig — I have noticed that same 4′ x 6′ political sign at the corner of Muldoon and Boundary. I wondered about it, so I called the man who owns that strip mall property. It came as no surprise to me that Forrest did not ask permission to place his sign at that location on private property. Forrest pulled the same prank at the parking lot of a medical office near my home. When I called to ask about the sign there, I heard that Forrest had already been notified that the offending sign was to be taken down immediately.

    Forrest Dunbar has no boundaries. He does whatever he decides is in his selfish, political best interests and the rest of us “be damned”. When we asked him to intervene with homeless people who took up residence in our neighborhood and the assorted, consequent code violations, he intimated that we were all wimps and we should just get over ourselves. You may recall the strings he pulled that resulted in his very special treatment with the Alaska national guard.

    If he were to turn up as our next mayor, the Municipality would face far more and dire circumstances than we face now. He’s the worst option on the voter card of candidates. And there is no way he’d be able to worm his way into any positive and consequential improvements between now and April 6th. Forrest has been a disaster as the assembly representative in east Anchorage; he only responds to those who actually voted for him. I say, vote for anybody else!

  7. If Forrest Gump Dunbar is actually a wolf in sheep’s clothing, that is only appropriate, as those who elected him are clearly sheep in wolf’s clothing.

  8. Forrest Dunbar is a serial liar and cannot ever be allowed to hold any form of public office again anywhere….he should by his treasonous public remarks be drummed out of the Guard as he clearly betrayed his sworn oath.

  9. With the public statements Dunbar has made denigrating the Constitution he swore to uphold, I find it unreasonable that he should even still hold his seat on the assembly. He is directly responsible for every decision the acting mayor makes because he and the rest of the Stalinists on the assembly put her there and gave the the power to which she is not legally entitled.

  10. You cast doubt on Dunbar for going to Yale, and then praise Falsey for … going to Yale? At least be consistent. And your other criticisms are lame: a vague quote supporting something Berkowitz did, and an even vaguer paraphrase of some statement against homophobia. If those are your best arguments, Dunbar’s going to sail into office.

    • Never praised Falsey for going to Yale. Just stated he did, which actually also defines him as just another East Coast Liberal. Period!

  11. Prof. Bill,

    Is it Craig’s credentials you don’t like? Or the fact that Forrest is capable of earning an income as an attorney but is using politics as a crutch? This is an officer, not a grunt. And he does not want to get his hands dirty and we are his minions.

    The military is a stepping stone for people politically. If you aren’t politically correct, you will not be Forrest’s friend. And if you expect action on a certain neighborhood issue, he will ignore you. He is a hand maiden for the generation that wants to look appropriate but doesn’t care about little people. After all, we’re disposable, if we think for ourselves. Why doesn’t he work as an attorney? Has he be shunned by Law Offices? Is he that bad of an attorney? Or is he completely non-compassionate?

    The majority of us are behind in our mortgages and utilities with state workers playing power trips. The homeless population is just a reminder or what went wrong and how no one wants to go there.

    The state workers kids will have food in the bellies but not Middle America. We are being forced to food lines against our will, while those who have resources play power trips. They don’t want to subsidize your job retraining. Some of their employees want to humiliate and remind you that they are in charge, and you need them.

    Welcome to the new bureaucracy where the locals get screwed.

  12. Craig, you do realize that the constitution of the State of Alaska falls heavily on the socialist side of the spectrum? As an “Owner State”, our resources are owned by and to be used for the benefit of the residents. That pretty much defines socialism.

    Capitalism is fantastic for building wealth, but piss poor at distributing it, particularly when the owners of the capital can essentiall buy politicians nowdays. There are good things to be said for a capitalist economy backed by social democratic government policies. It tends to yield a higher standard of living for all.

    If you really don’t like socialism please send me your PFD as the Alaskan PFD is a pure, entirely pure, example of socialism.

    I’m all for discussing the pros and cons but Craig, please, just stop it with the red-bating cries of “socialism …. socialism”. It makes you sound silly.

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