Campaign war chest report



The Year Start Reports are in, and nearly $1 million has been logged into the Alaska Public Offices Commission portal for the legislative seats up for election this year.

The Year Start Report, due Feb. 18, details what candidates had on hand at the beginning of the year through Feb. 1, and it’s all in the interest of transparency in campaign finances.

The larger campaign bank accounts, with the exception of candidate Liz Snyder, belong to incumbents; only six of the 21 heavy-hitters are Democrats. For the top three, Republican Sen. Natasha Von Imhof tops the list with over $82,662, followed by Sen. Josh Revak at $55,000, and Rep. Sara Rasmussen at $45,560. For all three, they are finishing their first terms in office and this will be their first reelection campaign:


  • Sen. Natasha Von Imhof, Republican, District L: $82,662
  • Sen. Josh Revak, Republican, District M: $55,000
  • Sen. Tom Begich, Democrat, District J: $35,223
  • Sen. Cathy Giessel, Republican, District N: $30,786 (updated Feb. 26)
  • Sen. Shelley Hughes, Republican, District F: $22,661
  • Sen. John Coghill, Republican, District B: $19,275
  • Sen. Bill Wielechowski, Democrat, District H: $16,661

House of Representatives

  • Rep. Sara Rasmussen, Republican, District 22: $45,560
  • Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux, Republican, District 15: $44,899
  • Liz Snyder, Democrat challenger for District 27: $86,472; (incumbent Rep. Lance Pruitt has not yet filed for reelection.)
  • Rep. Mell Gillis, Republican, District 25: $47,165
  • Rep. Matt Claman, Democrat, District 21: $41,777
  • Rep. Kelly Merrick, Republican, District 14: $30,137
  • Rep. Laddie Shaw, Republican, District 26: $28,587
  • Rep. Chuck Kopp, Republican, District 24: $27,728
  • Rep. Sarah Vance, Republican, District 31: $24,895
  • Rep. Sharon Jackson, Republican, District 13: $21,255
  • Rep. Jonathan Kreiss:-Tomkins, Democrat, District 35: $21,058
  • Rep. Jennifer Johnston, Republican, District 28: $19,716
  • Rep. Zack Fields, Democrat, District 19: $17,144
  • Rep. Bart LeBon, Republican, District 1: $16,292


  1. Liz Snyder is a snake she hid her money deliberately and should be voted out she isn’t to be trusted starts off with skeletons in the closet wait to see what else she will do NO THANKS!!!! If a politician has to start off hiding things they are not to be trusted!!!

  2. What’s up with Pruitt? Has he said he’s not running again? I guess he’s just gonna hand it over to Snyder?

  3. heard Natasha Von Imhof on the radio this week. She is of the opinion we all want higher taxes to help pay for the largesse. And the we only want the 1,000 PFD. I guess if you tell a lie enough some start to believe. Like fake news. So disingenuous to call yourself a Republican. She should have the courage and honesty to go dem.

  4. Keep in mind Natasha Von Imhof is a Rasmuson, yep that Rasmuson family, of the Rasmuson Foundation, and National Bank of Alaska, which of course is now Wells Fargo. So, it makes sense she has the largest stash of cash; because, well she has the largest stash of cash. ….

    Now, she made her money the old fashioned way, she inherited it, so clearly she understands what us normal working stiffs should do with the dividend. We should give it to her to spend in the government.

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