Bronson fundraiser packs them in


Mayor Dave Bronson’s reelection campaign fundraiser was packed at a hangar near Lake Hood on Tuesday.

Bronson, first elected in 2021, comes up for reelection in April. The commercial pilot-turned-mayor is challenged by two left-leaning candidates, Suzanne LaFrance and Chris Tuck, who are currently duking it out for primacy with Democrat voters, while Bronson maintains strength with conservatives, moderates and the business community.

Over 200 people who crowded into Keith Manternach’s hangar were in an upbeat mood. Legislators were spotted, including Sen. James Kauffman, Rep. Tom McKay, former Sen. Lora Reinbold, former Rep. Ralph Samuels, former Rep. Mel Gillis, and former Rep. Ken McCarty. Also attending were many people who were part of Bronson’s first campaign for office and who have returned to support him for a second term.


  1. Keith Manternach’s was an excellent host and Mayor Bronson’s speech was perfect for the occasion. A very good time was had by all!

    Anchorage will do very well with another Bronson term in office. Let’s work together to make it happen.

    • Extend your vote to non-neocomm running for the council too, if there are any; the effective way to give sanity a chance in this city

  2. Mayor Bronson is the only ray of hope for the municipality. If He goes I and my entire family are gone.
    My Children / Grandchildren cant even attend public school here already.
    No use in supporting a woke school and have to pay for private schooling to boot.
    The Bryant/Bellamy bunch need to go!
    Defund ASD by boycott!

  3. Get out there and help Bronson.
    LaFrance is pushing hard, and I will bet she gets Tuck to drop out. And, the Muni is over is she makes it to Mayor with the Assembly the way it is.
    Talk to your neighbors, talk to folks you pass in the supermarkets, whatever. The reason why we keep getting the same over and over again is mail in voting combined with little to no knowledge of local politics. The average voter will simply vote for the person already there, or the one with the most signs unless they are informed. Inform them that if they vote LaFrance, they will be getting more homeless spread out across the city, more crime, and more “diverse” (read that as inefficient/useless) muni employees.

  4. I wish him luck. He’s gonna need it to get past Tuck and the socialist machine waiting for him.

  5. We are fortunate to have a man that is willing to cut through all the muck and mire that has taken over Anchorage and the surrounding areas. The people of this once vibrant city have let the liberal idiots take over. We now join all the other liberal cities! God Speed Dave????

    • Math isn’t one of your strong points is it? Try counting them again and see how many you come up with. A far cry more than 50.

    • Sherry, Since you were not there you are obviously ignorant about the matter of attendance. FYI there is an upstairs where at least 25-30 guests were standing. At one point the downstairs area and the upstairs area were crammed full. Very close to a couple hundred at one time. Cars were parked on the street for a couple blocks after so many filled a large parking area. And many who attended wrote checks and put them in campaign produced envelopes.
      By any measure it was a very successful
      event in spite of your uninformed remark about attendance. Try counting again.

      • Look at how TRIGGERED you all are over #’s!! Insecurity is the only thing Republicans can bring to the table.

        • NO!!!!!! It’s the truth that we wish to portray.!!! 200 not 50. Ray Charles could even see that the crowd was more than 50. You democrats always like to skewer the facts.

        • Well you came here to trigger and increase division and hatred and you accomplished that. If you tell everyone your goals are to fail, it is much easier to feel success and to mock your detractors, right? I am familiar with that. I witnessed a lot of that in high school.

    • I have an AWD car. Unlike a leftist, I am not dependent on the actions of a politician to get through the day. I do it all on my own.

      That means if it snows, I have what it takes to get through it.

    • If the assembly stops their political BS, and actually funds the things the taxpayers needs, before they fund the wants of the homeless, the roads would be clear.

  6. Is he better than Tuck and Lockem Down LaFrance sure, but thats a very low bar what’s he done slow the gears of government overreach if you get down to brass tax i dont see much difference between him and the assembly

    • When the leftists on the assembly have a solid veto overriding majority, you realize you cannot accomplish anything in a direct confrontation. Strategy is important here, and Bronson is doing OK given the openly hostile assembly.

  7. The nice thing about these gatherings for either Republican or Democrat kick-off and co host parties is you seeing the faces of who more likely make-up your town’s community leadership- the movers and shakers. Not only are elect candidates responsible for a community’s health and safety but it also falls on those community lesser-known leaders at kick-off and cohost parties that determine a place’s readiness for a pending, current, and future catastrophe or its economic stability.

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