Bronson adds funds for police, fire in revised budget


Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson announced first quarter budget revision process for the 2022 budget, adding $5.5 million for the Anchorage Police Department and Anchorage Fire Department to fully fund their operations.

The revised budget is $5.8 million under the tax cap and relies on $4.6 million less in property taxes compared to the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget. The mill rate overall goes down 1.34 mills. 

The lower mill rate translates into $134 savings per $100,000 of assessed value, or $563.00 on an average priced home of $420,000.

“My budget reduces the property tax burden on homeowners, respects the Charter by staying under the tax cap, and prioritizes public safety for the citizens of Anchorage,” said Bronson. “We are making government leaner, more efficient, and accountable to the people, while keeping our city safe. With record inflation eating away the earnings of our friends and neighbors, I am committed to keeping government spending and property taxes in-check.”

The revised FY 2022 budget will be sent to the Anchorage Assembly for approval. The Assembly must approve the budget by May 1, for mill rates to be set and determine the total amount of property taxes to be collected in 2022.


  1. I wish some of the recent assembly election results had bee different but they will end up being what they are a very poor reflection of the majority of voters who chose not to vote, but I certainly thank everyone that voted in Mayor Bronson earlier this year and it is good to see him and his team making a positive difference on many levels.

    • Anchorage had a greater turnout than in Madison Wisconsin, the messaging that got Bronson in office is old and confirms voters want responsible government not rhetoric

  2. We will see what the assembly has to say about that. And all of you that could not be bothered to vote, enjoy what is about to take place.

  3. Florida has governor Ron, anchorage has mayor Bronson , when oath integrity is in action it is sight to behold. I believe it makes GOD smile and Jesus have a tear in his eye and the citizens can unite. Thank you mayor integrity sir. Suzanne your on it ma’am we thank you must read.

  4. I wonder if this increased budget will allow the police department to finally come out with a video footage release to the public policy for leasing the body cameras/technoolgy upgrades voters approved in 2021*. Hopefully, it will be faster than the de-facto dash cam video release policy: three years for this video footage- 2/10/22: “Newly released police dash camera footage shows the deadly police shooting of an Anchorage, Alaska, man in 2019 after he reached into his waistband to retrieve what was later determined to be a BB gun. [4/1/19]”

    * Proposition 4- $1,840,000 per year [referred to as a “special tax”] for the Anchorage Police Department to acquire (THROUGH LEASING): computer-aided dispatch, record-management, and digital-evidence management systems, in-car and body-worn cameras, and related technologies and services.

    A $1,840,000 special tax increasse every year will certainly LEASE a lot of body cameras and cloud storage along with the nebulous technology upgrades. Wonder who the lucky vendor that was chosen to deliver said technolgy via this lease?

    • Well, technically the budget should start at zero every single time. Just assuming that what was being spent before is still what should be spent now is part of the problem with government. That said, I’m glad to see that the Mayor has chosen to support public safety.

  5. How ? many of you would like to live ? in a cashless society? Many in Anchorage do already do ?live in a defacto cashless society. Thanx commies.

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