Donald Trump came out on the stage to a roaring reception in Milwaukee on Thursday night. He brought a sense of calm and composure, and a message of national unity. More than an hour and a half later, he was still speaking, bandaged ear and all. He started with the teleprompter, but then ad-libbed the rest of his remarks. It was an emotion-filled night at the Republican National Convention, and it felt as though history was being made and America was being restored.
At the outset of his acceptance speech for the Republican nomination, he recounted moment by moment what had happened to him just five days earlier, when an assassin’s bullet grazed his ear while he was speaking to a rally in Butler, Penn.
He said he would recount the assassination attempt to the convention attendees on Thursday, but admitted he wasn’t eager to do so, because it was painful to tell. And he would not likely be willing to recount it again.
After giving his account of what it felt like to have his ear nicked by a whizzing bullet and come so close to death, he recognized the firefighter who had been hit and killed by a bullet during the attempt on Trump’s life, and during his entire speech, firefighter Corey Comperatore’s firefighter uniform was positioned on the stage as a silent sentry. Trump went over to the uniform and kissed the helmet that had once kept Comperatore safe. He called for a moment of silence in the stadium in honor of the man killed by the assassin’s bullet.
Trump later showed the chart that he said he had tilted his head to look at during the Pennsylvania rally, and recalled that the small movement of his head to look at the chart was what saved his life. He also said he felt there was providence at work, that God had a hand in it, and that he felt serene.
“I stand before you in this arena only by the Almighty Grace of God,” he said.
“Last time I put up that chart, I never really got to look at it. But without that chart, I would not be here today,” he said. Here’s the chart, shown at the rally on Saturday, and again on Thursday:

“I’m not supposed to be here.” Trump said. “I’m not supposed to be here.” The crowd shouted back, “Yes You Are!”
“We will not break. We will not bend. We will not back down. And I will never stop fighting for you, your family, and our magnificent country. Never,” Trump vowed. “I am running to be president for all of America, not half of America, because there is no victory in winning for half of America,” Trump said, in his unifying message.
The former president also spoke about returning America to energy dominance and said he will end the green energy “scam” that is being perpetuated by the Biden Administration. He will end the electric vehicle mandate on day one. That was a message welcomed by Rick Whitbeck, Alaska director of Power the Future.
“Tonight, Donald Trump showed why he is the clear choice to lead America for the next four years. His resolve, leadership and vision are in stark contrast to our current President. His focus on American energy, where he seeks to make us not just independent, but dominant again on the world stage, is exactly what Alaskans and Americans should be happy to hear. The first Trump administration brought Alaska opportunities in ANWR, the NPR-A and the Ambler Mining District. All were shut down by Joe Biden and his band of eco-radicals. A second Trump presidency will once again allow Alaska’s energy future to shine brightly. What a four years that will be for our great state,” Whitbeck said.
“At the heart of the Republican platform is our pledge to end this border nightmare, and fully restore the sacred and sovereign borders of the United States of America… We’re going to do that on day 1. Drill, baby, drill, and close our borders,” Trump said, before speaking at length about the invasion of illegal immigrants through the border with Mexico.
““They are sending their murderers to the United States of America … that’s why to keep our families safe, the Republican Party promises to launch the largest deportation operation in the history of our country,” he said.
Trump, who barely mentioned President Joe Biden in his speech, also brought up his idea of creating an “iron dome” for America, similar to one that Israel has, to guard against missile attacks. It is something that he had mentioned to Sen. Dan Sullivan earlier.
Congressional candidate Nick Begich, who is at the convention all week, sent Must Read Alaska his immediate reaction to the speech:
“Tonight President Trump reminded us that we can be strong again; reminded us that we can be prosperous again; reminded us that we can be safe again; reminded us that we can restore American greatness. We remember the America we had under President Trump and what we have lost under Joe Biden. To fix this disaster, we have to fight for our children, for our people, and for our future. This election truly is the most important of our lifetimes. It’s never been more important for us to show up in August and again in November – and when we do, we will make our State and our Nation better than it has ever been. Not just for this generation but for generations to come.”
Alaska’s Trump campaign Chair Kelly Tshibaka sent this reaction:
“Trump spoke to all Americans tonight with courage, compassion, and vision. As he stood at the podium this evening, he spoke not only as our future Commander-In-Chief, but as the nation’s Unifier-In-Chief. Trump established himself as the leader Americans need in this time to bring people together across political divides.”
Alaska delegate Earl Lackey, at 84 the oldest member of the Alaska delegation to Milwaukee, sent Must Read Alaska readers a video he took of the finale of the evening, with the red, white, and blue balloon top:
Over in the Democratic Party, Nancy Pelosi and former President Barack Obama are now on record trying to get President Joe Biden out of the race.
That news, relayed by The Washington Post and other major Democrat newspapers on Thursday, can only mean it’s all but certain that Biden will not run again. Many expect him to make some kind of statement this weekend, as the excitement from the Republican National Convention dissipates and the Democrat strategists look for a new way to battle the surge of enthusiasm across America that has been built for Trump this week.
Lionhearted? Ha! You can’t be serious…
Y’all are being conned, yet you just don’t see it.
You can’t be serious?
Democrats have been the biggest cons these past four years. If you can’t admit that, then you’re insane.
Voting for either is beyond stupid. You partisan lemmings are all are the conned accusing the conned or being conned.
I find it hilarious.
Here’s a good one: The Republicans are now advocates for the working class. Haha! Good joke, eh?
Yes you forget Trump is not of the establishment he is outside the establishment and that is the reason the uni-party is trying to discredit him in multiple ways. I may not like everything that Trump wants to do but I do agree with about 95% of it. For far too long our country has been reliant on others and it is about time we turn that reliance on our country not the other way around. We need to be the largest energy producer in the world and not be held hostage by countries that would rather we shrivel up and dye. Like it or not we are the only still standing to bring common sense to the globalist.
Well said Steven. However, the truly powerful “globalists” are not lacking for common sense. Rather, they are lacking morality. It is not ignorance that afflicts them but rather immoral choices. We will not change them by merely debating with them.
Coffee Black, You used the term “working class” but have you thought about what the term truly means?
Think about the following three definitions found with a google search; it seems google is confused. 1) The socioeconomic class consisting of people who work for wages, especially low wages, including unskilled and semiskilled laborers and their families. 2) The social class of those who perform physical work for a living, as opposed to the professional or middle class, the upper class, or others. 3) A social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages.
It appears teachers and lawyers are not included in definitions 1 or 2 but they are included in definition 3. To be working class, must wages be hourly? Is a supervisor or scientist working by the hour working class while a janitor on a monthly salary is not? Are police officers, firemen, or soldiers working class? Does that mean they are only semi-skilled? Can you draw accurate lines between so-called “skilled, semi-skilled, or unskilled? Is a single mother on welfare in the working class? Can you not see the term is merely another way politicians seek advantages by dividing Americans against each other? In summary, “working class” is a foolish term. Ask yourself, what kind of people rely on foolish terms in their discourse?
Help us out here Bill. We are all just a bunch of dumb stupid sheep supporting Trump because we are being told to do so. We need to learn from your wisdom and experience.
What is it we are missing?
Why are we being fooled so easily?
Please explain. I want to know.
Lol. You took the words from my mouth.
Well said Steven. However, the truly powerful “globalists” are not lacking for common sense. Rather, they are lacking morality. It is not ignorance that afflicts them but rather immoral choices. We will not change them by merely debating with them.
Bill, its rather obvious that anyone being conned “doesn’t see it.” The definition of being conned is being deceived so, if they saw it, they wouldn’t be getting conned. That said, I would rather be conned by a free-market patriot than a totalitarian socialist any day. Based upon your rhetoric, I would guess you are primarily dependent upon taxpayers rather than willing customers for your living. There is a memo you should read; it’s been circulating around the world for almost 3,000-yrs since Socrates. Its only three words long: socialism doesn’t work.
Great week of speakers, great energy at the daily event, followed by a fantastic grand finale with Trump’s speech. As for Biden, I can only surmise that they have negotiated assurances for immunity – clemency – monetary generational wealth.
If he was up against anyone other than a good natured but dried up and senile old man, he’d lose this election as well. However, that not being the case, I predict a landslide victory for him. The Narcissist in Chief.
Hey, Billnorthman…
are you eating paint chips again???
The best element of Trump’s speech may be that it lasted so long that mass-media anal-ists had no time remaining to offer their two-bits in review. Over at NPR, poor Judy Woodruff was beside herself. ‘A speech filled with lies and hate!’ She and I didn’t hear the same speech; wonder what filters they use over there.
Another panelist said, “Trump 2.0…is just Trump 1.0.” All their panelists are lame, lefty, liberal, losers.
As to content, I found it fairly easy to identify what was scripted, once the Donald ‘got back on script.’ Had he not rambled, the many liberal minions at the alphabet-media would have slammed him until midnight EDT. Give the man credit; I believe this was part of his plan. Start late; run long; win the day.
Cheers to a better day!
Facts, the USA is producing more crude oil today than ever before, crime is trending down, the person who attempted the assassination was an American and Registered Republican. Inflation in the USA is trending down, and has been lower than most other countries. The economy of the USA is doing great. Unemployment is low. Trump was subdued for the first 20 minutes or so then went back to his self serving fear mongering. In all the years Trump was the president how much did Mexico pay for the wall? The majority of fentanyl coming into the USA is coming through our ports, and being trafficked by Americans. Anybody know a family that imports large quantities of goods that they manufacture in China?
The price of food at the grocery stores certainly don’t show a downward trend, nor does the high price of gas. Comparing our economy to other countries does not give an accurate picture either, it just means that other countries are further down the slide.
Trillions of dollars of debt that does not have any possible way of being paid off will eventually lead to collapse of the fiat money system we are currently in.
The illusion will maintain for only a little while longer. You better spend what you got on the things you want now before the value of the dollar completely evaporates.
Or not. You are the main character of your own Hero’s Journey after all.
Perhaps the world we live in is just a mirror of our own thoughts and perspectives. Perhaps, depending on the viewer, both parties are right and the other party is wrong. Maybe they are all benevolent and maybe they are both evil. It is a matter of perspective.
A great awakening, a true awakening would reveal that we no longer need systems of governance, as all this current system seems to serve, is itself. To awaken to true personal power, the only governance needed would be self governance and self agency to grab this life by the horns and ride like the wind!
Or keep voting and blaming the other guy for all your problems like you all been doing for decades. Seems to be working for you so far, why change now?
Perhaps the news you are consuming doesn’t actually align with objective reality.
Crime is trending down? you must live under a rock. So then you are saying the Democratic cities and their pundits are all blind. Property Crime increased in 2022 for the first time in over 2 decades. While violent crime may have reduced ever so slightly the statistic can be attributed to the 29 States that now have a Constitutional carry. If we are producing more oil then why is Biden going to Venezuela and asking them to release more oil even though they have been under an international embargo for years. Every statistic I see blows your whole written word out of the water. If we are the top in energy production explain why Biden has continued to release Oil from the SPR.
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