Breaking: Tom McKay wins huge endorsement from GOP officers for District 24 House


Tom McKay, who has challenged Rep. Chuck Kopp for House District 24, had a big week. He won his District pre-primary endorsement, and now he has won the endorsement of the entire State Central Committee of the Alaska Republican Party.

That means the Republican party can spend resources to get him elected, and won’t help incumbent Kopp, who many see as having helped engineer a political coup against the Republican majority in the House.

McKay had another win this week. The Anchorage Republican Women’s Club voted to endorse him. That means he will have an army of volunteers helping him, and the club will likely make a donation to help McKay win the primary, which is Aug. 18.

McKay is a retired petroleum engineer and the former chair of the Alaska Republican Party.

“I am and will always be a committed Republican, dedicated to the principles that have worked so well for our state and nation. Unlike some legislators, my values are not for sale,” McKay said. “We need to get back to the fundamental principles which made America and Alaska great.”


  1. Great to have a real conservative ready work for what’s best for Alaska and our nation. Thanks, Tom, for stepping up to serve Alaska.

    • This stuff kills me. Kopp joined a coalition and positioned himself in one of the most powerful seats in the House, not good enough for the ultra conservative faction. Solution for the party, primary an electable Republican with a purest that is unelectable in the General.
      The forethought that goes into these decisions leaves me scratching my head.

      • Chuck has promised a lot of stuff over the last 4 years, but sadly delivered only for democrats and the unions. Being in a powerful seat is nice. Doing something with that seat is something else entirely.

        Take a look who he helped put in charge in the House:
        – Garan Tarr in House Resources
        – Ivy Sponholz in House Health & Social Services
        – Harriet Drummond in House Education
        – Matt Claman in House Judiciary

        He has voted to grab a substantial portion of the PFD for 4 solid years yet we are no closer to a balanced budget than we were when Bill Walker did his first grab. 4 years ought to be long enough doing the same thing expecting differing results. OTOH, he has helped to all but zero out the Capital Budget over that time.

        This time around, some 60% of his contributions are from unions, meaning that any sort of vouchers or right to work will never move.

        He had the opportunity to move the Governor’s proposed constitutional amendments and took no action at all. At least a discussion of a spending cap would be useful. Chuck did not support that.

        Finally, he participated in Ivy Spohnholz’ fraudulent attack on Karl Johnstone’s nomination to the BoF, voting against him as a way to support his commercial fishing business.

        There are a lot more reasons to oppose Chuck Kopp, but these are a good start. Cheers –

      • Much prefer the Republican you hope for over the RINO/Dem we have now. Unelectable? Don’t think so.

    • Hmmm, sounds like it’s your way or the highway. People are done with the status quo. It’s important to create positive change in new, constructive, inclusive discourse.

  2. How about a story on District 8’s endorsement of Kevin McCabe over incumbent Mark Neuman?

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