Breaking: Assassination attempt against Trump leaves him bloodied but determined


The crowd ducked for cover and former President Donald Trump touched his neck and then crouched beneath the podium as shots rang out at the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania today. There appeared to be blood on his hands as Secret Service rushed to him.

The shots were heard at 6:13 p.m. Trump was bleeding from around his ear as agents escorted him to a motorcade. He put his fist in the air and gave it a pump as blood could be seen splashed across his face. Screams could be heard from the crowd, which numbered in the thousands.

The shocking incident happened just before the Republican National Convention begins on Monday, when he will be formally nominated for president.

Trump had been talking about the increase in illegal aliens crossing the border when the shots were fired to his left. Smoke rose from a section of the bleachers and officials quickly shouted for the people to take cover.

The apparent shot that hit him came millimeters away from blowing off his head. How a weapon got through the security station, were there are metal detectors and hand-screening of bags, is unclear.

Update: Eye-witnesses said the shots came from a man with a rifle on a nearby roof. He was shot and killed by Secret Service.

Steven Cheung, a Trump spokesman, said is “fine and is being checked out at a local medical facility.” Cheung said the former president was thankful to law enforcement and first responders for their quick action.

After he left the podium, officials in camouflage clothing escorted someone from the bleachers and cordoned the area with crime-scene tape. Blood was seen on the bleachers.

President Joe Biden said he had not been briefed, but the Secret Service put out a statement:

“An incident occurred the evening of July 13 at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania. The Secret Service has implemented protective measures and the former President is safe. This is now an active Secret Service investigation and further information will be released when available.”

An updated statement was issued by the Secret Service: “During former President Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on the evening of July 13th at approximately 6:15 p.m., a suspected shooter fired multiple shots toward the stage from an elevated position outside of the rally venue. US Secret Service personnel neutralized the shooter, who is now deceased. US Secret Service quickly responded with protective measures and the former president is safe and being evaluated. One spectator was killed, two spectators were critically injured. The incident is currently under investigation and the Secret Service has formally notified the Federal Bureau of investigation.”

Later, the White House put out a statement: “I have been briefed on the shooting at Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania. I’m grateful to hear that he’s safe and doing well. I’m praying for him and his family and for all those who were at the rally, as we await further information. Jill and I are grateful to the Secret Service for getting him to safety. There’s no place for this kind of violence in America. We must unite as one nation to condemn it.

USA Today wrote, “Trump removed from stage by Secret Service after loud noises startles former president, crowd.”

CNN wrote, “Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally.”


The shooter was dispatched by Secret Service as he lay on the roof of a nearby manufacturing building.

This story will be updated. Check back.


  1. Yeah, more guns make everyone safer. More guns! Bigger guns! Bump stock guns! More powerful guns! Long live Heller! Long live Cargill!

    And to Hell with common sense.

    • Liberalism is a mental disorder. So, they shouldn’t have guns to begin with.

      How soon you forget about the shooter from the congressional baseball game. A liberal wack job.

    • Yep. We need weapons to protect us from people like you. Democrats commit the vast majority of shootings in this country. What is it that makes Democrats think they get to murder us, and then use their own crimes as justification for gun confiscation. Delusional.

        • “And in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.”

          2 Peter 2:3 (This is called an attribution for those that actually know of what they write.)

          And this is another one for you from Peter (2:12).

          “But these, like unreasoning animals, born as creatures of instinct to be captured and killed, reviling where they have no knowledge, will in the destruction of those creatures also be destroyed.”

    • Biden’s hit squad. Full-on desperation. Democrats are such indecent, immoral creatures.
      But the tide is turning and it will soon be the Democrats ducking the bullets. Oh, ya. Its coming.

      • Really Lou?
        How are you any better than those you decry here? Shame on you!
        We are a free country and no one should have to duck at all!

        As for Greg:
        “You are not being fair”
        Really NOW you complain that it isn’t fair???
        When was the last time KJP/Biden/Jeffries et al indiscriminately called all conservatives MAGA whatever and you stood up and complained that it wasn’t fair? Don’t remember you ever doing that!

    • If you don’t like the Constitution, there is a mechanism in place to legally change it. Simply breaking it by unlawful edicts and illegal laws is not the way.

    • Point?
      The gun used did not climb to the top of the connex box/trailer on its own, it did not load itself, it did not aim itself. Nor did it “suddenly go off.”
      But, unlike rational human beings that actually have a working brain cell, you come here and blame the object used in the attempted murder, not the person attempting to murder?

  2. After what sounds like rapid small calibre shots, at the 10 second mark, there is what sounds like another shot.

    • Watch the film. You can see the recoil of the sniper rifle. Seems it took him a while for target acquisition before he squeezed one off. May have been waiting for clearance

      • There were several shots in the unedited tape. Almost sounded more automatic than a civilian AR that needs to have the trigger pulled to fire it again. Also, when was it sighted in so it would shoot as accurately as the shooter did? If Trump had not turned his head he would not have survived. Pretty frightening.

    • The only thing not surprising about this is that after years of your leftist buddies saying MAGA and Donald Trump are a fundamental threat to democracy that someone actually took action and attempted to assassinate Trump. I have no doubt you are rather upset that the bullet was not a few inches to the right.
      And, yes, Greg, I am including you in the numerous people and groups that are to blame for this particular act of political violence. Or do you actually think your years of comments about how abhorrent Trump is are not a contributing factor?

  3. Well, now will the leftist’s that stated that someone should assassinate Donald Trump be arrested??? What does it take to take these threats seriously???

  4. And. like clockwork, the Democrats reveal who they really are.
    Backed into a corner with a braindead candidate, Supreme Court shut down their attempts to jail him – so as I’ve predicted – murder it is.

    Never forget what kind of people we are dealing with here. When they say its about ‘saving democracy’, this is what they intended all along.

    • I’d say you’re getting ahead of yourself. The perp may be a crazy – none of us have any idea yet. And by the way, being liberal does not make one a murderer, or one predisposed to violence. You’re seething with hatred and it isn’t very becoming.

      • I don’t know you, sir, but you sound like a person with a strong mental disorder. Do you have a history with drug usage or abuse by a parent? If you post a few more times, I can zero in on your mental problem.

      • You are correct, being a liberal does not make one predisposed to violence.
        Yet, curiously, the overwhelming number of people who commit acts of violence are liberals, or tend liberal.
        Also, when liberal turns into leftist, political violence is almost inevitable. By liberals.

  5. This is a bad, bad day for our country. Thank God President Trump wasn’t killed, but it sounds like other people were. Please, please, whatever your political persuasion, keep your head. Do not turn this into a civil war incident.

  6. Horrible! But let’s thank the Lord Almighty that Donald Trump has survived this attempted assassination, and humbly pray for his continued well-being. As of now there is no news report on the identity of the assassin and his motive, but whatever that situation might be I expect that by tomorrow morning MSNBC will have decided this shooting to be Trump’s fault. I was hoping to hear that a rally attendee had wrestled the gun from the shooter and beaten him to death with it, but it turns out that a Secret Service agent did the deed.

    Incidentally, Teddy Roosevelt survived an assassin’s bullet wound in 1912. The bullet failed to penetrate Teddy’s chest on account of a thick wad of papers in a chest pocket. Teddy went on to deliver his campaign remarks, and carried the bullet in his chest for the rest of his life. Donald Trump may be an imperfect copy of Teddy, but he still comes across as a genuine American MAN.

  7. Trump taunts, he bullies, he incites, he goads, he insults, he ridicules, he denigrates, he threatens, he enrages. Those behaviors can cause unpredictable results, as they probably have today.

    It’s time to lower the volume, the hatred, the animosity, and the hostility. If we don’t, this whole place could come apart at the seams. Just ask anyone from the formed Yugoslavia. You might think you want it, but believe me, you don’t.

    “And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” (Matthew 22:37–39).


      • Don’t put words in my mouth, Steve-O. I didn’t say he deserved it. I said that his behaviors can easily provoke people to act out, as has happened here. I’m as pacifist as they come.

        • Whidbey,

          “I didn’t say he deserved it.”

          No, what you said was:

          “Those behaviors can cause unpredictable results, as they probably have today.”

          Hence me saying:
          “That’s just like saying the lady wore a short skirt so she deserved to be raped.”

          I didn’t put words in your mouth, and it’s not hard to follow the conversation.

          • When someone threatens, bullies, and taunts you in a bar, you’ll for sure be much more likely to throw a punch. And don’t tell me that you wouldn’t be. It’s human nature, and many crazies out there can be quite easily triggered.

            • Yep, and short skirts invite rape. You understand that the term for what you are doing is victim blaming, right? You are trying to justify the action because you can’t contain yourself. For a pacifist you sure do an awful job explaining away violence as if the perpetrator has no responsibility in their actions.

    • I am with you.
      Like that time he gave a speech in front of Freedom Hall in Philly, and he declared 40+% of the country were threat to the United States. Oh… wait. Not Trump. Sorry.
      Well, how about when he called for everyone to get up into the faces of his political rivals… Oh… wait. Sorry, not Trump.
      Or, there was that time that he said when they bring a knife, we should bring a gun… Dammit. Once again, not Trump.
      Can you help me out here, Dog? I am having a tough time remembering when Trump incited anything.

  8. There is NO WAY the secret service failed this hard with obvious security points of interests on the roof tops. Something is FISHY!

      • They ignored the man on the barn roof until after the shots were fired. It was only then that any action was taken. And, if you think the SS were not patrolling outside of the venue, you are delusional. The odds of there being zero assets nearby are miniscule.

        • There were dozens of SS and local police outside the secured event perimeter, along with crowds of people around the buildings, one of which roof the assasin used for a premium shooting location. Witnesses 50′ away were pointing at the gunman and yelling at police he had a rifle. The police did nothing to challenge the gunman. The SS sniper team on roof behind Trump had the assasin in their sites before he started shooting. When he starts firing they flinch, duck, and finally one shoots the assasin about 10 seconds after the action commences. They didn’t need to find the gunman, they had been watching him through scopes.

  9. Is anyone surprised? Biden could not jail Trump. Obama cannot get Biden to quit. So get rid of the Democrats election problem,Trump. Ironic,
    Truly God is watching over our future President.

  10. MSNBC must be elated. They’ve been pushing the Armageddon crap for so long it was inevitable this would happen.

  11. Im setting the odds at 5:3 that the Homeland Security was in on it.

    Same odds that he gets a 4 point bump in the polls and more cash than ever as a result.

    Presidential. This guy is a true American.

    • Odds are 99:1 that Homeland Security planned this. The Secret Service sniper on the roof behind Trump has his rifle on a tripod trained on the shooter on the next roof. He gives the shooter time to deliver several shots, Trump falls or dives under podium, and the Secret Service agent kills the assassin with one round to the head.

      • I wish I could say that this is an irrational conspiracy theory but based on recent behavior by the FBI and other federal agencies, I cannot. My first question is: Was the shooter an FBI informant? (Surprise, surprise! The shooter is conveniently dead.)

  12. Excuse me “0Wigybye the wanta be dog”
    After all the hate the Democrat’s have pushed Evil, Hitler, Threat to American Democracy, all pushed by Biden yesterday.
    Plus the fact that this shooter was well within typical range of an average Sheep hunt in Alaska.
    Truly Give all us all a break and crawl back into the hole in the river bank and disappear.

  13. Too many questions still unanswered, SS nor FBI should investigate this. Thank God PDJT is going to be alright. However, I don’t think this is the last attempt that will be made to assassinate President Trump.

  14. Add the so-called Secret Service to the list of incompetent and corrupt government agencies, along with FBI and DOJ.

    • It is what children do.
      When they do not get what they want, they throw a tantrum. The only difference between a toddler and a leftist throwing a tantrum is the tools used.

  15. There is a pathetic irony here many of the usual suspects who crap about the dangers of Trump and his supporters are suddenly calling for calm and claiming a level of innocence in this.

    This was the result you worked for. And now, you get it and …oops? Let’s not be hasty?

    • Would hate for you to loose your mind and be jailed. I like chewing the fat with ya. Some here have always been about calm, while others resort to insults, name calling and threats. You know the players.

  16. Ten bucks says the shooting wasn’t political at all. More likely the shooter was a bullied and powerless dork looking for attention. The shooters at Sandy Hook and Uvalde fit that description.


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