Breaking: Sen. Dan Sullivan formally announces his campaign for reelection


In Fairbanks on Friday, Alaska US Sen. Dan Sullivan told a crowd at the Lincoln Day Dinner that he will run for reelection in 2026. It was an unexpected announcement, although most Alaskans assume he will run for a third term.

In the lead up to the announcement, Sullivan talked about what happens when Republicans are in control of the White House: the Alaska Purchase, Alaska becoming a territory, Statehood, the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Act, and, of course, all the great things President Trump did for Alaska in his first term—including opening ANWR, and all the things he’s already done and is planning to do. 

“That’s our heritage as Republicans, and when it comes to Alaska, our heritage and our record for our state is really and truly remarkable. What about the Democrats? When Democrats are in charge, what happens to Alaska?….It boils down to two different visions for our state and country: the optimists–those who dare greatly and built our state, versus the pessimists, naysayers, and cynics who have aligned with the far left radical environmentalists,” he said.

“Here in Alaska, on one side, you have Republican leaders who see such great possibilities in our state and our people. Who see the key of the future for us is to unlock the wealth and private sector economy of our bountiful state–sustainable economic growth and job growth that we keep here…

“Here in Alaska, or more problematically back in DC, there are those who hold the oppositive vision, who hold the vision of Alaska as a big national park, who hold a vision of Alaska as a snow globe— people like Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer (By the way, Chuck Schumer has been having a real bad week, you may have noticed. We’re loving that. All of these liberals, far lefties are calling for him to step down. It’s just a glorious thing to watch.)

“So, what I’ve done in this position is to fight these guys tooth and nail during my time as your Senator. As your senator, I’m going to continue with your support to fight them. So it’s very appropriate, in Fairbanks, at a Fairbanks Republican Women’s Club Lincoln Day Dinner, that I’m honored to announce that I’m going to run again for the U.S. Senate in 2026!” he said.

Sullivan was first elected to the US Senate in 2014, after having served as Attorney General for Alaska and as the state’s commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources. He beat Sen. Mark Begich that year. In 2020, Dr. Al Gross ran as the Democrat candidate against him, but Sullivan won with over 50% of the vote, beating gross by a nearly 13% margin.

Sullivan has never been in the ranked-choice voting scenario that was implemented in 2022, so this will be his first election in which he faces the squirrelly voting system that dark-money installed in Alaska. But having been the first Senate candidate to win with more than 50% of the vote since 2002, he stands a solid chance, especially in a political environment that favors Republican positions.

Sullivan’s announcement, made in his wife Julie’s hometown, received a huge round of applause, including a standing ovation from the Fairbanks Republicans attending the annual dinner, which was an event that the Interior Republicans host every year to honor President Abe Lincoln, the first Republican.


  1. Of course he is. His Zionist overlords have a war with Iran planned, have to get that Greater Israel plan finished. War transfers a nations wealth to a select few faster than anything, it’s just theft.

      • There is some warranted worth as applied history would reflect, however, when adjective words such as “Zionist” added for color,are included, the power of the statement is diminished to a point that one chooses to ignore the author. I have after reading early on.

    • The point is… Funding an obvious land theft genocide operation is a crime against humanity… Some people should know better than this… Others just do what their overlords tell them… Which is what WDC has become save for a few… ***

  2. List your accomplishments to date please I have asked over & over this is we the people of doge sir????????????

    • I am a service-disabled veteran and he has done nothing for me (or other veterans who likewise cannot access the appropriate medical care we have earned). We deserve better than Dan Sullivan in the US Senate. Our requests of him persistently fall on deaf ears.

      • EB, when did your problems begin with your inability to access the medical care needed? I am elderly and on social security and have never missed my small payment, though I have never had any luck with talking to anyone, long waiting leads me to quitting and hanging up. How about Medicare, this used to work better before Obamacare, but still kind of works. Again, no one to talk to when I need help. The IRS is the worst of all. They tax my SSI payments but never are available to answer any questions. My point is that I have been very worried because the news had me scared that Trump was going to take my benefits. This has not happened, just more of the same that has happened for years. Sullivan seems to be trying to do right but is only one man. At least with the team he is on they have a chance to make good changes. Enough of my rambling.

  3. As long as Sullivan stays loyal to Trump, he’s got my vote and campaign support. Lisa Murkowski
    ………..forget it. I would vote for a Democrat first. Lisa is an enemy of the Republican Party.

  4. Nope. Establishment GOP Swamp guy. I will skip the vote if that’s all we get. Let a Dem have it, I’m not playing anymore. He’s not MAGA. Dan, Lisa, goodbye. Nick… listening? America needs to be 100% done with these people.

    • Alaska needs to be 100% done with this carpetbagger. Bad ol’ Dan is better suited to the constituency of his native Ohio. An Alaskan he is NOT.


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