Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Maine’s Sen. Susan Collins broke with Republicans and voted with Democrats against the confirmation of Kash Patel to head up the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
However, Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky voted in favor of Patel, who passed confirmation on a vote of 51-49 in the Senate.
Murkowski had not indicated how she would vote, and so her decision came somewhat as a surprise. To date, Murkowski has only voted against two of President Trump’s nominees: Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth and Patel.
She wrote on X: “I will oppose Kash Patel’s confirmation to serve as Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI’s mission is “to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States.” Mr. Patel and I agree the bureau has crept past that mission, become an increasingly political agency, and eroded the public’s trust. We have had multiple frank and open discussions about how best to restore that trust. I agree with Mr. Patel that it begins by getting agents out in the field, doing what they signed up to do, rather than sitting behind an administrative desk. My reservations with Mr. Patel stem from his own prior political activities and how they may influence his leadership. The FBI must be trusted as the federal agency that roots out crime and corruption, not focused on settling political scores. I have been disappointed that when he had the opportunity to push back on the administration’s decision to force the FBI to provide a list of agents involved in the January 6 investigations and prosecutions, he failed to do so. If confirmed, I wish a successful tenure at the helm of this agency, and will endeavor to work with him to help address issues in Alaska, improve Tribal law enforcement across the country, and make needed changes within the FBI. I truly hope that he proves me wrong about the reservations I have of him today.”
Lisa cannot “break” with Republicans, because she isn’t one, no matter how she registers herself.
Trump was elected with a mandate, and moved every single state towards the Right, and Lisa continues to be vociferously anti Trump. Lisa fights not only against Trump, but against the voters of this country.
She is NOT a Republican….
That is Exactly correct! Thank you very much fir saying what the Majority are Thinking for MANY years.
The problem isn’t Lisa Murkowski.
The problem is the RINO, NeoCon republicans that have voted for Nepotism Lisa – in every election.
We’ve had alternatives – the Great Joe MIller, Kelly Tshibaka – it ain’t democrats voting her in EVERY election.
The election against Joe MIller – might have been the greatest example of election fraud – ALL of the rules for write-in candidates were ignored.
Really, Bubba?? A 1.5% “win” paid for by immigrant Elon Musk is a mandate? He didn’t even win a majority of votes, only a plurality. Yes, math is hard, especially for the illiterate. #NoLandslide #NoMandate #ImpeachTrump
Forget the FBI, how about peace with Russia, reduction in military spending, and denuclearization? You pro-police state, pro-war, dippy tribal sycophants and posers must be totally losing your minds. Perfect! Heck, even the killing in Gaza has slowed down. From your point of view, this must all seem like the worst thing ever.
The funny part is you call others “Bubba” as if to signal that you are the superior.
Republicans broke with Murkowski
Back in the primary against Joe Miller!
Independent Murkowski’s mail in campaign
Included remote “Bush” communities
With multiple ballots with same written signatures! When confronted, no denial ,
Only explication was some natives couldn’t write English?? I would have pushed for
Proper documentation!
She’s one of the reasons I have little faith in Rank Choice
She’s probably worried about what he will find. Read Kash’s book “Government Gangsters” and you will understand why anyone who is corrupt needs to worry.
Lisa is not only mentally Compromised, personally I think she under the influence of something all the time(!probably prescription meds), normal thinking people don’t carry on like she does, a sad sad case no doubt !
Murkowski always gives reasons for her stupid voting record. She voted for many unqualified mentally unstable O’Biden regime nominations. She does what she does out of pure hate, that would make her a great democrat.
Correct. EVERYTHING murky Lisa does is wrong, backwards, and upside down.
She is truly an embarrassment.
We told Lisa over and over that voting against Kash Patel would only prove that she supports the corrupt Deep State. Nancy and I now fear an FBI early morning raid at our home. Lisa has just completed the ultimate act of betrayal …….on her own parents. Now we have to leave Wrangell.
I can’t find our ferry schedule. Did you put it out in the garage with all of the other classified documents you’ve been hiding?
Just maybe, when she realizes she’s done damage to you and and the family, maybe she’ll wise up and start realizing all her mistakes.
Lisa Murkowski has poisoned Alaska. Frank and Nancy should be highly ashamed and embarrassed by her.
Why does Lisa hate Real Men?
Mr. Puk,
Please don’t bring this up at MRAK. I’m doing everything I can to save my own reputation. I couldn’t even run my noodle stand without Lisa butting in.
Glad somebody else has noticed that too. Perhaps she is a misandrist at heart.
Maybe she is one…..
I think you’re onto something here. She seems to stand on the side of all the woke issues. And she definitely cannot stand beside a strong man.
Her new batch of wrinkles makes her look old as hell. This demon woman is failing.
If she’s like most women, she’s never actually encountered a “real man” only frat boys.
Pathetic. But this one thing matters not, for me. I resolved long ago that she will never again have my vote. And I still maintain that she should resign forthwith, so that Alaska will have two effective U.S. senators.
Murkowski lost my support and respect when she wouldn’t accept the results of the primary in 2010.
Nothing more than a condescending pile of biden malarkey…
That’s where she earned the nickname “Lyin’ Lisa”.
She promised to support the winner of the primary…..until it wasn’t her.
Then the courts helped her run a fraudulent write-in campaign.
She lost my respect when daddy gave her the job.
I will return the favor – – I will vote no on Murkowski.
Odd, I can’t figure her vote. She voted with the democrats on many of bidens radical picks. She should at a minimum switch party affiliations to the democrat party, a small step of honesty and integrity. Since apparently she has none, I won’t be holding my breath.
Time to remember how she voted for hegseth and Patel come election time!
Her departure from the political realm cannot come too soon. She needs to join the rest of the “Independent” legislators who all caucus with the DemocRATS. But she won’t; too many voters stick with party line and if they see an R or a D they vote their flavor.
Bought and paid for, or blackmailed…Surely her sudden swing to the left (right after Feinstein corralled her against the wall in the now iconic photo during the Kavanaugh hearing, where Feinstein looked angry and Murky looked fearful), was due to one or the other. I hope that her abandonment of the Republican party (also her dark money funded push to inflict Ranked Choice Voting on us Alaskans) will be investigated, given its broad scope.
While I am a solid “no” on Murkowski, The photo you are talking about was taken 2 years before the Kavanaugh hearings.
This really doesn’t matter anymore what Lisa thinks. The three extra Republican votes mutes her, Collins and Mitch. The Senate election was as big a deal as the Trump election in November. We really needed these three extra votes since there is three DIRP (Democrats in Republican Party).
You are exactly right. This election gave Republicans an added margin (also the Vance tiebreaker) so that nobody has to care what ‘Daddy’s Princess’ thinks or says about anything. Her reasoning as to why she voted against Kash is incoherent babble. With Collins announcing her ‘nay’ vote earlier, Lisa saw an opportunity with her ‘nay’ vote to possibly inflict a huge loss to Trump. But she never counted on Mitch McConnell going rogue and ruining her pathological TDS with a ‘yea’ vote.
We live in interesting times.
Murkowski doesn’t care about the voters or what they want; she votes for herself about herself. Very hopeful she disappears from the ranks of conservative republican candidates at any level. If there’s any dirt on her I hope they find it and prosecute her to the full extent of the law.
Based on her continuing support for many elements of the Deep State, I have to wonder whether Ms. Murkowski fears getting caught up in some revelations and disclosures. The USAID implosion reveals the stunning misuse of appropriations by operatives pushing their own agendas and the worst kind of political corruption. Billions have likely circulated through NGOs to Leftists and Leftist causes. Is Lisa worried about that?
Me thinks that Ms. Murkowski may have a different definition of “success”.
What an embarrassment she is to Alaskans!!!!! Many of my friends and relatives who are not residents of Alaska question me about the RINO!!!! I have never voted for her and will never vote for her. Elmer Fudd will get my vote before she does!!
Despite RINO Murkowski’s hate for the most outstanding President we have ever had, Kash Patel is in. I have never voted for her, starting with her loss to Joe Miller in the 2010 primary. Alaskans have consistently voted for President Trump in his two elections to represent Alaskans. The least we should accept is a Conservative Republican Senator to support our Conservative President. It’s long past time to retire her from the Senate. P.S. Thank God for Nick Begich. I’m sure Don Young would approve of Representative Begich!
I am quite confused by her rhetoric “ to protect the people and uphold the constitution”…. The most important question is who is she protecting?
Very disappointing that congressmen and women cannot represent their constituents and represent their own interests.
Her only value is that she sits on OUR side of the Senate, which is huge. If Schumer was in charge of the Senate things would be very difficult for Trump to achieve. She is weary from being politically Bi Polar. She is a Democrats trapped in a very Moderate Republican Body. We need to be careful that our anger for her doesn’t cause her to FLIP OUR SEAT. Yes, she can do that to us for the next 4 years. If all she gets is Vitriol from us, then it would be easy for her lash out at us and switch over to the Democrats, where she will be loved and adored.
So Lisa must be primaried. Will the Alaska GOP finally do the right thing and help up remove this RINO or will they cave and pretend she cares about Alaska. She only seems interest in assuring that brown folks can abort their offspring. Of course she also has become very Rich some how. She has an estimated net worth of $1,499,011 in 2018. Current estimation is $2.9 Million. So she can retire to Florida with daddy that gave her the seat to start with!
Lisa got rid of the primary, remember? That’s how she was able to get on the general election ballot in 2018.
She looks like a man, that is for sure! A slimy democrat male (XY chromosomes for you left-wing nuts!)
Murkowski was voting her values…her left leaning values. She should move to California or New York where she’d better fit with the majority of voters. Or just stay in the Swamp. I’m sure she feels welcome and comfortable there.
Sen. Mitch McConnell Is a true Statesman; Drill Baby Drill,l and let’s make Alaska and America great again!
Praise the Lord that there are enough Senate republicans to neutralize Murkowski and Collins.
Perhaps the FBI under Kash Patel will investigate Voter Fraud in Alaska? Perhaps they would find evidence of Voter Fraud in Alaska’s Voting System and maybe it would even involve some of Alaska’s politicians?
She helped me but has become a different person. Time to move on and term and age limits
Lisa is a loser. I wonder why she is so afraid of cash Patel??? Hopefully we are about to find out. Let the games begin.
I think Lisa Murkowski and anyone else that voted against Kash Patel should be investigated first.
Amen brother
She’s become way too much of a RINO. I want to know why, and what she’s either being blackmailed for or who she’s being paid by. She doesn’t pass the smell test!
She’s such a horrible person.
Thank you Lisa for voting your conscience and not your Party. That’s why people vote for you.
No, that’s why political sycophants like you vote for her. As long as she’s enabling the killing of babies and voting against everything conservative, you Marxists support her unequivocally. That’s all we need to know about her treachery and duplicity. Enough.
Why the 17th Amendment should be repealed! So rogue senators, who do not follow what their voters want or run against their state’s leanings could be recalled and fired.
Bottom Line for Lisa: Senator Murkowski HATES AMERICA.
No more hiding Princess.
Murkowski is a Trump-hater. She misrepresents her constituents. She is intellectually deficient to an extreme.
Vengeance is the Lord’s, but I hope KP gets some.
One again Micah, your Christian love really shines through. Your biblical screen name is a real bait-and-switch, too!
You continue to prove the old aphorism that “There’s no hate like Christian hate”.
Well, there’s two Uniparty RINO’s that will probably warrant a visit from the FBI. What are they hiding?
Murkowski hates President Trump vindictively, which hurts Alaska. While I understand that disagreeing or disliking a person is acceptable, her hate far exceeds Pelosie’swhich, which is unsuitable for Alaska.
If Murkowski is so opposed to working with President Trump and his administration, she should resign from office.
Some Republicans are actually democrats, but NO democrate are actually Republicans.
Murkowski and Collins are just two little ol’ ladies that like each other and believe they know better than everyone else. They should start a “Contrarians Club” where they can sit and knit together and complain about their husbands. They can invite Rachel Levine to join their Contrarians Club too, since they both voted for that TRANNY for Biden’s admin. But, NOOOO, a normal straight guy like Kash Patel to run the FBI isn’t good enough.
Why do you think I opened up a noodle stand back in the 90’s. Now I’m just a house husband who collects a stipend from Lisa, so long as I keep my mouth shut. I don’t think she reads MRAK, but I know Frank and Nancy are devout followers.
Alaska is no longer a Republic since in a republic you vote and elect someone to represent you in congress. That is not happening in Alaska.
Murkowski obviously has zero respect for her constituents. I believe the feeling is overwhelmingly mutual. I know of no one that supports this loser. Eagerly awaiting the Kash Patel purge!
So Lisa’s objection is that Patel will actually do what she agrees needs to be done? WTH?
Lisa is very pro-government employee and pro-Democrat Party. That’s why she hates DOGE, Elon Musk, Kash Patel, and Trump. She hates billionaires, Republicans, and free market economics. Well, I couldn’t appoint a Democrat to the US Senate in 2002, so I told Lisa to TRY and be good Republican for at least one term. Then a long came Joe Miller in 2010 who beat her in the Primary. Nancy and I saved her with the write-in and made history. Now, it looks like history is going to send Nancy and I further into retirement and maybe into the soil.
I’m pretty sure it’s going to be…..soil, Frankie.
What’s the problem Lisa? Afraid the DC protection racket is coming apart at the seams and you’ll be exposed? Too late! The rats are being exposed. Finally.
Went to the Senate website for Murkowski and wrote my thoughts to whom ever reads or deposits it in the round file: (if you write to our other senator you’ll get a reply that has nothing to do with what was written – happy day!)
I DO NOT support you. ?
I WILL vote a loud and FIRM NO on your reelection. ?
I stand firm with the MANY Alaskans that are against you.
I am ashamed AND EMBARRASSED of you, of what you represent and your DC connections. ?????
You DO NOT and you NEVER HAVE represented me. ?♀️??
There are more of US than there are of your supporters.
That is not a challenge – that is a fact.
Too many bridges burned.
You are on the stage making a name for yourself in DC.
But your time in the limelight is ending.
Easy Prediction: The historical record of your deeds as a representative of Alaska in the Senate will show how much of a disappointment you were.
Your legacy on the books will serve as an example of the worst representative Alaska has ever had – ever had.
Ms. Murkowski
Pack your Alaska bags and move to Maine.
You belong on the East Coast.
Signed –
finally giving you my 2cents.
I’m so proud of Lisa, she is the only congressman from Alaska that has any balls, she is the only True Alaskan, Trump announced he is King! President Musk has no one to report to, DOGE according to the White House say he is not an employee and Trump say he is his advisor, DOGE is spreading misinformation like wildfire to the point of being unbelievable.
How much did Trump and Musk lined their pockets with taxpayers money so far? Why is inflation going up? I thought he was to lower the cost of groceries on day one.
Bye, Bye, Lisa. You are not wanted in Alaska. You will not get the chance to take Mitch McConnell’s place. You are an Independent Failure and will not represent Republicans.
Yet she keeps winning……Alaska is not what people think. Its either filled with liberals or lazy so called conservatives who don’t vote. Either way this 6 decade 2nd gen Alaskan is not real impressed with my fellow Alaskans.
If I was a democrat I’d consider voting for Lisa Murkowski….but alas, I’m not a democrat, but Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, please run as a democrat because I’d love to see you lose that race too! I wonder if this will get past the comments moderator if I called Lisa a ——–
Murkowski is the perfect picture of hate, no matter, good, bad, or ugly, if Trump even gave something a glance in passing, Murkowski will campaign against it even to the point of sinking our country. Now that my friend is pure unaltered hate. So the next time you see a photo op with her,and she is smiling and happy, who is she with? Probably Joe Biden or Marry Petola or Sen Collin’s
If you want to see what this is all about, I think everyone should read Patel’s book “Government Gangsters”. He details the many uses of the FBI and several other federal government agencies against anyone they considered to be ‘conservative’. Their coordinated attacks were particularly aimed at President Trump. I have never heard anyone refute any of the stories in his book. Probably wasn’t a good idea for him to list some of the individuals involved, since that could be labeled an ‘enemies list’. But the rest of the book should give any American shivers. Of course it was more of the leadership of the agency rather than the rank and file FBI agents. I know several of them and they are also horrified of the way the agency was hijacked for political persecution.
Putting together Kashyap (his full first name) Patel’s bio and comments he’s made in the recent past reminded me of another FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, who I suspect is Kashyap’s Hero. As a kid I wanted to be an FBI agent, until I read Hoover’s bio. What a revolting person he was. Is history going to repeat itself? Kashyap’s comments during confirmation may indicate that he’s found “true religion.”
Lisa is nothing but a RINO!! Can not stand that liberal loonie because she sure does not love Alaska and cares nothing about its residence!! The sooner she is booted out the better!!
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