Breaking: Murkowski says she’ll vote to confirm Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for Health and Human Services


Sen. Lisa Murkowski, after voting in favor of the confirmation of former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard as Director of National Security, announced on Wednesday that she will vote in favor of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for Secretary of Health and Human Services.

On X, Murkowski wrote what, for her, is a lengthy explanation that laid out her concerns, but also her acknowledgement that many Alaskans had shared their support for RFK Jr., whose confirmation vote is expected to be taken on Thursday in the US Senate.

“I intend to support Robert Kennedy Jr.’s confirmation as Secretary of Health and Human Services. While there is no dispute that the U.S. spends more per capita on healthcare than any other country, our health outcomes do not reflect this investment. Instead of focusing on who covers our exorbitant healthcare costs, we need to reduce these costs by directing our attention to prevention and keeping people healthy. This is the appeal of RFK, and many Alaskans have shared that view with me. Chronic conditions are a significant source of illness and major drivers of public debt; he recognizes this and is committed to addressing it,” Murkowski wrote.

“I continue to have concerns about Mr. Kennedy’s views on vaccines and his selective interpretation of scientific studies, which initially caused my misgivings about his nomination. Vaccines have saved millions of lives, and I sought assurance that, as HHS Secretary, he would do nothing to make it difficult for people to take vaccines or discourage vaccination efforts. He has made numerous commitments to me and my colleagues, promising to work with Congress to ensure public access to information and to base vaccine recommendations on data-driven, evidence-based, and medically sound research. These commitments are important to me and, on balance, provide assurance for my vote,” she wrote.

“I am encouraged by the time he has spent among indigenous peoples, his commitment to tribal sovereignty, and his promised attention to the Indian Health Service. He has spent time in rural Alaska and understands some of the unique public health challenges we face that require complex solutions. There is much shared work ahead to achieve better public health outcomes, and I will push Mr. Kennedy to realize these goals,” Murkowski concluded.

Sen. Dan Sullivan said several weeks ago that he would support RFK Jr.’s nomination by President Donald Trump.

To date, Murkowski has supported most of Trump’s nominees, with the exception of Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth, who has started strongly in the Department of Defense, returning it to a fighting mission, rather than a social club that it was becoming under former Sec. Lloyd Austin.


    • I bet not. Susan Collins announced she will vote for RFK. It would have shocked me if Lisa would not take her cue from Senator Collins and fall in line with her.

  1. This is a promising sign for our “Good Public Policy Maven.” She voted for Gabbard, which she said she would do after hedging her bets for a week or more. Perhaps this is a good sign. We need disruptors like Kennedy and Gabbard in government. The status quo has not worked for decades. The time for change is now.

  2. Who really cares which way Murkowski votes? I don’t and it wont make any difference where her vote is. What she should do is get out of the Republican Party. Who or what she votes for has been taken care of by the Republican Senators. They plan ahead and Murkowski doesn’t make a difference in votes on anything.

  3. I’m quite glad I am vaccinated against polio, smallpox, measles, mumps, and rubella. I have no issues with people who don’t choose vaccines for personal choices, but I remain wary of busybodies who want to dictate which medicines my physician and I decide will be best for me.

    • On the note of vaccinations; I am glad I am vaccinated with actual vaccines that have been proven to work and were needed.

      Covid does not have an actually tested or effective vaccine. Nor was it needed.

    • Jimmy, the people who want to dictate which medicines your physician and you decide are best for you are absolutely not among the MAHA (or MAGA) camps, but are their opponents —- you know, the same authoritarian mini-Stalins who conducted the whole perverted and criminal Covidian fiasco and crime against humanity.

      It is always amusing to me to see those on the radical left side project their own inherent intolerant and self-righteous arrogance and authoritarianism onto others.

  4. OK, Princess. Next up: Kash Patel. FBI Director.
    We don’t need Kash breaking into our Wrangell home at 4:00 am looking for Senate documents and old bank records.
    Please vote to confirm.

  5. Here, let me translate that.
    “We didn’t have the votes to hand Trump a loss, so I’m pretending to be a Republican.”

    Hilarious how she (and McConnell) got caught out voting against her party on Hegseth when Sen. Thune flipped at the last minute.

  6. Interesting with President Trump’s announcement that tomorrow (Thursday) he will be holding a press conference to reveal names of entities and people involved in government fraud and abuse. Followed by “There’s no chance that there’s no kickbacks going on.” See article at the Gateway Pundit.

  7. Just like I’ve thought for a week with the USAID scandal . The senators and congress are running scared . The new Sheriff has them all by the shorthairs . The entire electorate in DC is getting shook out and shook up . Great that the light has been put on this . RFK with all his faults that he admitted to (reformed heroin addict ) has identified with most of Americans . I thought he was brutally honest . Guess what folks , I think next we will see term limits ushered in . Always wondered what the vehicle would be , USAID ? Love it .

    It would be interesting to have Elon and crew look at WallStreet and see how they’ve been screwing us all while enriching the ruling class in DC . Susan Rice is Govt employee her entire life and is worth $150M . Maybe she should write a book to explain her investment strategy. It’d be a best seller .

    The new Sheriff has turned the light on and the shade is disappearing and the DC elites are running like the bunch of cockroaches . Love it !

  8. First time I have seen any comment from Murkowski regarding what her constituents think. When I emailed her asking her to support Pete Hegseth the letter I got back was a rambling of all sorts of items she uses to decide how she will vote. Never did she say anything about constituents concerns. I specifically asked her in a second email why they were not mentioned. I didn’t get an answer.

    • I got a direct and honest response from her when I asked her to block the merger between Kroger and Safeway.

      I knew it was a waste of time to ask Princess for anything that goes against the Democrat Status quo.

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