The Justice Department’s special counsel Jack Smith dropped his criminal case against Donald Trump. The case had revolved around Trump’s role in disorderly activity at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, leading up to the Senate’s certification of the victory of Joe Biden in the 2020 election.
Now that Trump has been reelected, there is a Justice Department policy that prevents prosecution of a sitting president.
Smith filed his motion to dismiss the case in the U.S. District Court of Washington D.C.
“It has long been the position of the Department of Justice that the United States Constitution forbids the federal indictment and subsequent criminal prosecution of a sitting President. But the Department and the country have never faced the circumstance here, where a federal indictment against a private citizen has been returned by a grand jury and a criminal prosecution is already underway when the defendant is elected President. Confronted with this unprecedented situation, the Special Counsel’s Office consulted with the Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), whose interpretation of constitutional questions such as those raised here is binding on Department prosecutors. After careful consideration, the Department has determined that OLC’s prior opinions concerning the Constitution’s prohibition result this prosecution must be dismissed before the defendant is inaugurated. That prohibition is categorical and does not turn on the gravity of the crimes charged, the strength of the Government’s proof, or the merits of the prosecution, which the Government stands fully behind. Based on the Department’s interpretation of the Constitution, the Government moves for dismissal without prejudice of the superseding indictment under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 48(a). The Government has conferred with defense counsel, who does not object to this motion,” the motion says.
Smith should be prosecuted under US 18 sect. 241& 242. Look it up. Easy to do. Smith is guilty, as is Garland and the Judge. Lock them up!
Got any evidence? I would love to see it. Trump stalled it out long enough for people to believe he was somehow being targeted for being the leader of MAGA. The reality was he was being charged as they believed he had committed crimes. The American people were denied their day in court to hear the evidence. History will eventually show that DJT was/is the most corrupt POTUS in the history of the USA. The evidence will come out.
Yep. Strong evidence he gave classified documents to Putin. That’s treason.
Can you describe this strong evidence? Is it in the room with you now?
Of course not. It’s in Moscow. I was about to ask you to retrieve it.
So, nothing then.
Thanks for once again, reconfirming that you do nothing other than read the headlines.
Oh like documents found unsecured next to his corvette, in a rotten card board box ? Or in the university of pennsylvania? All those million dollar bank transfers to 20 of his closest relatives? Oh wait that’s you and the other momos hero F Joe Biden. God forbid I ever see the world through either of your eyes.
If you did, you’d have to take off your pampers and your rose colored glasses.
You are stepping over the line on this blog Greg.
Actually, the only appropriate comment at this stage, “Are you folks that voted for these American sell-out weirdos (trumph and jd) having fun, yet?” Because it’s going to get a lot more fun, if we all can manage to survive the menagerie of the next four years.
Looks like Iike I hit a nerve with you.
CitizenKane’s response is exactly what the newly elected president and the republic do not need.
Get on with the business governance and skip the circus.
Trump needs to sign the ethics agreement. They will hold his feet to the fire on this.
Who is “they:?
I could tell you but…..well, you know.
Greg, forgive my skepticism, but I am pretty certain that you know absolutely nothing.
You imply that you are “in the know on all things behind the scenes” on Trump, national security etc., but your commentary is usually so devoid of ANY actual facts that it lacks any credibility. So while you may think it is funny to feed your delusions of grandeur, your behavior sadly moves your commentary solidly into troll territory!
How come you didn’t need an ethics agreement for Joe Biden? Members of either house did they sign one? Any civilian government worker, did they sign one? Yeah I didn’t think so squish.
This only came into law recently, because of trump and his carelessness and foolish loyalty to Putin. It’s a new law.
Trump is not friends with Putin. You are out of your mind. Clearly you don’t know rule 101 in politics or business. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. You’re a fool Greg. And that’s giving you some credit.
You some receipts of that?
Wrong. This is exactly what is required to rein in the deep state. Unlike the charges against Trump, the charges against Smith will be real. Next up: indictment, swift trial and a long stay in the same prison where J6 defendants are rotting. They’ll welcome Smith with open arms.
Treason is real.
For many who perpetrated a treasonous act. Mike Pence, Nancy, General Milley, Lizard Cheney, the whole J6 committee. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
What illegal acts did Mike Pence, Liz Cheney and Milley commit?
Who said illegal.
You know. Treasonous like participating in a farcical “committee” with the intent of destroying the reputation of a former President. And, making up false statements, again, with the intent of destroying another person’s reputation.
And, ignoring your duty and refusing to accept security help, strictly because of political reasons.
The list goes on and on. Duly elected or appointed officials have a duty to put the law first, not personal political bias.
He was VP fulfilling his job.
I missed it.
Did I mention any VP? Are you talking about Pence ignoring the properly filed objection from a Representative, which was correctly seconded by a Senator?
Last time I checked, when there is an objection filed correctly, the person in charge is supposed to address it, not ignore it. Fulfilling their job requires it.
I recall headline that certifying the corporate election is now largely merely ceremonial. I notice Reuters takes it pretty seriously when it is their own election of officers in their important global corporation. The United States is no less worthy of serious fiduciary process compliance in elections than Reuters globally affective corporation.
Collecting his 30 pieces of silver? You notice that Judas Pence has lots all relevance, let alone credibility?
At some time in your life, probably in world history class or maybe even in US History class, the issue of the execution of the Rosenbergs was discussed. Presumably there was some actual fact shown at the time to justify the decision that was made. Just like there were actual facts involved in the twice-impeached former president, and the classified documents in a hotel bathroom, and hidden hush money for cover-up of an illicit affair, incited riot and refusal to relinquish an elected position as result of a free and fair election. Among MANY other irregularities in a person’s behavior that put the national security at risk and the international and domestic leadership role at peril. Which is a bigger issue? Impeachment of a wrongdoer to allow the consequences of national legal decisions within the country to take place OR downgrading the embodiment of freedom, democracy in a democratic republic through the wicked actions of one man?
They are war mongers bill. If you like dead kids you should really like them. The truth will reveal itself before long. You remember the weapons of mass destruction that somehow didn’t exist, or 9/11 that was even more strange. And what exactly are we doing supporting Ukraine when their own neighbors won’t help them. ?? Bill you are another fool that blogs on this site. Does George soros pay you to do this. ???
General Milley had secret communications with the Chinese. Telling them that he would warn them of an attack, seems a bit on the treasonous side to me.
Lizard and the J6 committee attacked us citizens, while at the same time cherry picking what they used in their show trial. Destroyed evidence so their lies would not be declassified. Sounds treasonous as well.
So lawfare goes only one way?
I don’t think so. Crimes were committed by various federal and state employees- and others. They should face justice.
Maybe next time the democrats (and others) feel they need to commit lawfare on the main opposition political leader and opponents, they will think twice as they recall the consequences for those who did so in the past.
Got evidence? The DOJ does, and how much do you want to bet that it will come out at some point? Trump is going to huff and puff and go golfing at his golf courses and charge the tax payers lots of money for his detail needing to rent rooms, golf carts etc. The grift will be back in full swing.
Cope and seethe harder with your TDS. You sound like a little kid whining at the mall because they didn’t get the toy from mommy.
Tds is a good thing. Mathew said you would be you.
Do you have evidence trump broke the law.?? You seem to take this kangaroo court smith was in serious. I never had any feeling that trump was guilty of anything other than stirring us the Washington sewage lagoon.
Oh my. Haven’t spent a career in a courtroom have you?
I’m no Trumpist, and here are a couple caveats that anyone should keep in mind when dealing with Federal judges and Assistant US Attorneys…
1. Not only can you indict a ham sandwich, but an Assistant US Attorney WILL indict a ham sandwich if it furthers his or her career. Guaranteed.
2. There is a tenet used in state courts that is essentially: Accusation Isn’t Evidence. That tenet is neither applied nor appreciated in Federal Court. Seriously.
So. Grow up and develop a healthy disrespect and disrespect for authority. The further away from you that authority answers to instead of you (as in Federal and DC) The less you should trust or respect it … whether they suffer the same psychosis as you or not.
You can’t indict a ham sandwich. Only a PBJ.
PB&J is easier to indict, but that does not mean you cannot indict a ham sandwich.
They are his golf courses and resorts. I highly doubt he charges for secret service to use carts or lodging. He donates his entire salary to the national park service his first term. You people who claim he’s enriching himself need to do a little research. DJT was the first POTUS to leave office with less money than when he entered.
They are not worthy of a discussion Micah. Bill, Greg, whidbey are all left wing traitors. They are here blogging on a conservative site to attempt to sway your opinion. I would venture to guess none of them are Alaskans. The interesting thing with liberals is they think your opinion isn’t important. They think they are superior for some reason. They have clearly lost the ability to reason. Must be university graduates. It’s a sad situation indeed.
We simply have a different point of view to which we are entitled, and that we choose to proselytize. Simple as that. It’s sort of like Christian evangelism, right?
Sorry if it offends your tender sensibilities, but your anger at being challenged actually makes one wonder how firmly you really believe what you espouse. I think that you have Doubts, but you won’t admit to them for fear of excommunication by your Conservative cohort.
So we’re here to stay – at least until SD kicks us off (again), which to her credit she rarely (but occasionally) does.
Happy Thanksgiving, Whidbey! – sd
And thank you for your continued forbearance, SD.
One are obliged to secure and defend the expressed diction within the US Constitution and underlying declared documents of this nation’s creation. Anyone who accepts a stipend from the public trust funds understands this and suspends his or her personal biases until returning to status of we the people.
Except our government IS the circus and all the clowns are running the show. What the Republic needs is for all the clowns to be thrown out.
You know Joe, in more sane times I would have agreed with you.
Unfortunately it always happens that this sentiment only appears when the progressive side of the isle is on the potential receiving end. So, sorry, but I think it is time to hold people to the standard they created.
There is Hillary, who undeniably violated the espionage act with her private server, circumvented mandatory documentation requirements, destroyed evidence, perpetrated a colossal hoax and is still running around making unfounded accusation about the 2016 election.
Joe Biden and all those classified documents in his garage for decades or abusing US foreign policy to have a Ukrainian official fired and that we really still do not know what Hunter meant by “10% for the big guy”. Dr. Fauci, who was knee-deep in the Wuhan lab……..and Jack Smith, who had no business being “special counsel” anything.
You see it would have been nice if the guys in charge would have taken your advice and skipped the circus.
Insurrection? You bet!
Statute of limitations? Who cares!
Ancient old business deals no one complained about? Heck yeah!
His lawyer paying Stormy Daniels? Illegal!! ( Out of idle curiosity, I wonder how many women Bill Clinton paid off??)
Paula Jones to the tune of $850K for one.
Is it illegal to have an affair.?? Paula jones is a con artist. Do some reading on her.
It depends on if it was consensual. The military and the doj have their own statutes.
Sorry Doug, the last part of my comment was meant to be sarcastic and examples of the circus, Joe Geldhof thinks should be swept under the rug of history.
No problem
To keep the circus from happening President Biden should pardon all those involved in prosecuting the crimes that DJT was being charged with.
Make up your mind AKFF, you can’t have it both ways.
You insist that all these charges were legit and justified, yet you want people pardoned? For what? If it according to you all was above board and the “evidence will come out”, no pardon is needed or applicable.
Sounds to me that you recognize the abuse of the law and to avoid the embarrassment and consequences, you want Biden to pardon all!
No, they will be found not guilty but by pardoning them it will end the Trump huffing and puffing. Remember all the charges he was going to bring against Hillary?
Again, for a presidential pardon a CRIME has to have been committed. So are you saying these individuals criminals?
From the Supreme Court:
“The president can issue a pardon at any point AFTER a crime is committed and before, during or after criminal proceedings have taken place. The president cannot, however, pardon someone for future crimes. A pardon covers both the offender’s conviction for the crime and the sentence for that crime.”
I would not bring Clinton’s into this. There are more dead people associated with Clinton’s. The Russian collusion bs was Hillary. This isn’t over for Hillary. Eventually every crook falls on their own sword. After Benghazi I have no use for Hillary.
I have not been a fan of Hillary since the 1993 Hillarycare task force!
He wants them pardoned so they can’t be subpoenaed. Bury the potential evidence against his Lord and Savior, Biden
If the folks prosecuting the crimes Trump was charged with were doing nothing wrong, and were well within their authority, why is a pardon warranted?
I don’t think it’s in the best interest of the country right now to pursue this any further.That’s probably why the policy exists. It is important to continue to voice your opinion no matter which side of the aisle you reside on, it’s what makes our country strong as long as people keep their level heads about them.
Listen singing song bird cry for peace now. Now that the shoes on the other foot. Wait until thing start to be declassified. Then we will see how things shake out. Cry at the sky much?
I’m not sure what you’re crying about. I rarely do, but if you think prosecuting a sitting, president is what’s best for the country, then there’s something really wrong with you.
Change your mind much greg? First DJT is guilty on all counts and now you want what’s best for the country by not trying a sitting president. You must be Shady Pines champion of twister, because you twist your story everytime it starts falling apart.
Good But he is still going to get fired
Nancy had a bigger hand in this as she failed to supply requested extra security as there were looming threats of violence and disobedience. Also, who funded Antifa and the Oregon Anarchists? They were there.
Her actions were all premeditated and even refused then President Trumps request for additional security for simple crowd control unlike the capital police who welcomed them into the building for a personal tour which video coverage was deliberately deleted.
Pelosi’s actions should have been the topic of the investigation and Trump’s request for additional security should have completely dismissed any culpability before the day even began.
Dont forget Ray Epps who was a paid FBI informant in the middle of the chaos egging on everyone around him who somehow was not even sought out or charged.
The FBI needs investigated on his behalf but that would make Chris Wray look really bad.
Who’s gonna pay the $50 million that they spent on a false charge? The taxpayer is going to get stuck with it as usual. My money says that nobody will go to jail or get seriously charged with any crimes. There will be some hand slapped and some word said and that’s about it. Remember people it’s the government against the people, both sides of the government.
The same taxpayers that paid for the entire Russia hoax in 2016 that Hillary bought and paid for but cost the American public 50 million to investigate but not charge Hillary with anything.
She should be paying that entire cost.
LOL. Matt Gaetz will be the next Jack Smith. Except this time the target will be Joe Biden. Jack Smith will be shown how a real prosecution works.
He’s not a prosecutor.
The Attorney General, the esteemed Merrick Garland, is responsible for this mess. First, he did not follow the statute that sets forth how a prosecutor should be appointed. For this reason, the federal judge in Florida dismissed the case there. Second, he committed the cardinal sin of appointing a highly partisan person as prosecutor. The job of the Attorney General and all prosecutors is to seek JUSTICE, not to “get” a particular person for a crime. Garland has disgraced his office for this and many other reasons. Before my conservative friends get too spun up on this point, Matt Gaetz would have suffered from the same disqualifying defect.
While I may agree with Mr. Geldhof, above, it must be pointed out that the Left started all of this.
Make no mistake about it, “justice” is the purview of flunkies: Money and power work their “magic” whereby one can be absolved of having committed the most abhorrent or heinous act. It certainly ain’t a class-based–after all, we ain’t Marxists–but it do smell like it!
Edit: “It certainly ain’t class-based–after all, we ain’t Marxists–but it do smell like it!
Circumstances have given Smith a graceful way to bow out. Or is it just a matter of, “We couldn’t keep him from being elected, so we might as well give up on this one”?
The second one
He’ll screw up. Don’t worry.
No more shameful event has ever befallen our great country. The arc of the moral universe is long, and it bends toward Justice. Someday, Karma and Justice will come calling for this depraved individual. That day can’t come soon enough.
Whidbey your 2 clowns have us on the thresh hold of nuclear war. Even Michael Moore went off on this administration today. You support the worst deviants in us history.
It’s not about support for the current administration. It’s about revulsion for Trump, his MAGA sycophants, and all that they stand for.
Yeah, yeah we get it!
The LAW only applies to Donald Trump, J6ers and all those “evil” MAGA people, but never to Joe, Nancy, Hunter, Kamala, Adam, Chuck, Hillary and Bill, Antifa, BLM….. Please! (eye roll)
To paraphrase you:
” Someday, …… Justice will come calling for these depraved individuals. That day can’t come soon enough.”
Well you were just put on notice that the majority of your country men and woman are done with the cancel culture, participation trophy and woke crowds. If you are declaring freedom loving people as Maga, you may want to make your way to a country that follows your flawed values.
Just keep I mind that it will come for you, as well. The karma for obnoxious trolls must be a fun one
He’s gonna get his old gig in Holland back. Goin’ after Bibi.
Oh go look deeper into Jack Smith’s activities at the Hague before being tapped to come after DJT. Would probably change everyone’s opinion ?
Look at his history of overturned cases before that. He’s a crap lawyer.
He’s not a good man.
And the saddest of ironies is that Smith, by following regulations, norms, and accepted protocols, dropped legitimate charges against someone with blatant and shameless disregard for them. But someday Justice will prevail, even if that day is on Judgement Day.
Yep. Probably before then.
The sadder irony is that someone like you is mentioning judgement day, against the official atheism of his creed
Poetic license, Sir.
No.he hasn’t. Go look at what he was doing from the Hague, blackmail is not following regulations
Don’t have time
Sanford and son is coming on
“by following regulations, norms, and accepted protocols”- Accepted by who? Uh, read the Appointments Clause of the U.S. Constitution. Coulda saved taxpayers nearly 100 million. Don’t you believe in the rule of law, Mutt?
You have identified an important point: Those that speak of threats to “our democracy” have some very definite ideas about what that means. I suspect that their definition of “our democracy” involves a world in which every perverse leftist idea is adopted and accepted and every conservative thought is rejected and denigrated. Leftists hate the free exchange of ideas; only Leftist ideas are valid. That is what they mean by “our democracy”.
Perhaps an audit will show that the reverse is true that Donald J Trump has a great deal of respect for and knows the actual diction of the foundational creation documents and their declarations and it is the left who has been infiltrated by foreign influence such as Soros and others who have no respect for the great accomplishment of national sovereignty as expressed by the terms of long standing Law of Nations.
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